Composite Uranus. The sun is the center of the solar system and the source of life on Earth. They are very curious about the world, and spend a lot of time questioning the things around them and discussing ideas in depth. Delineating Composite Charts - Cosmic Technologies (CosmiTec) Note that this is different than the way you come off by yourself this is not the energy that people get from you alone just from being in the relationship, but rather the perception of the relationship. However, they may focus solely on just getting it right as a couple and defining their lives for themselves. Celebrities with the Moon as a Rising Planet: Susan Sarandon, Miranda Kerr. It is important to remember with Composite Ascendant Virgo, the seventh house of the relationship is in pisces. A transit or progression can sit there, inactive, for months, and things blow when the transiting Sun hits the relevant points. She just needs improvement however small while she is inspired by the vision or ideal she holds in her mind. Also note the house position of the composite Sun. The Composite Ascendant in Scorpio relationship forces both people to transform in a multitude of ways, and to adapt better to their surroundings and their reactions to the world. The site is run by astrologer Annie Heese. The conjunction is the most powerful, but all aspects are significant. Synastry: Sun Conjunct Descendant | Cafe Astrology .com A Virgo will always count her change before she gets on the bus. With the Composite Ascendant Aries couple, people may see them as being a very passionate but very rocky couple. TEA & ROSEMARY LLC, Crow Symbolism: Spiritual Meaning Of The Crow, 6 Effective Studying Spells For Exams, Class, & Enhanced Focus, Winter Solstice & Yule: Rituals, Traditions, And Ways To Celebrate, Sun-Uranus Aspects in the Composite Chart. It could also mean the relationship itself may seem more important than the other person, at times. Synastry:MoonVenusAspectsBetweenTwoCharts They are seekers. Theyre attracted to each others brains. They may feel as though they are in another world together and are the only ones who exist. Aspects to the Sun will illustrate the major developmental challenges two people will experience within this lifetime. There also is a tendency for Twelfth House Sun couples to wallow in their discomfort, or choose escapist behavior, rather than make the effort to change. This couple makes great listeners, and enhances each others helping skills. Synastry:Venus-SaturnAspectsBetweenTwoCharts Recognizing your twin flame | ASTROPLAYGROUND Couples with a composite Twelfth House share a specific karma that needs realignment; something is out of kilter and needs to be put right again. Moonlit walk, candles, even a meditation or yoga class would feed this need of sacred solitude. Because Composite Ascendant Taurus couples have Scorpio in their 7th house, intense transformation and change is the shadow side of their relationship. With Virgo in the 7th house of the relationship, their shadow side is their secret judgments and fears of themselves and the other person. Synastry:Mercury-PlutoAspects You may need to see a relationship counselor. This relationship can go one of two ways. Sun/Moon/Ascendant Synastry Aspects. You know how a couple of really shy, introverted people can fall in love and suddenly theyre skydiving and RVing the Canadian Rockies and motorcycling cross country? They enjoy a balanced and harmonious relationship, which means that layers below the surface may be many unaddressed issues. When they hurt each other. Tending to its needs gives the relationship strong bones and resilience to the natural ups and downs of life and love. Troubles come when perfectionism makes walking the talk impossible. They may fall into a routine, and even though both of them crave experiences beyond mundane life, they may over-value the consistency in their relationship and never actually make those changes. Sun conjunct pluto in composite : r/astrology - reddit It takes courage to admit when we are wrong. It is important so keep humor, respect, and boundaries very active in this relationship in order to make a safe place for such revelations. Its that radiance of a vital bond that makes a couple a pleasure to spend time with. With the Sun in the second house, we value what we have together. Synastry:SunSaturnAspectsBetweenTwoCharts Composite Ascendant Aries couples are very confident in their relationship, and very bold about what they are and what they are not. Tending to its needs gives the relationship strong bones and resilience to the natural ups and downs of life and love. And that something in the Twelfth House is our alignment with our true fate or destiny: that thing that we were born to do. These two people are very sensitive to each other, and it feels as though they bring out the most insecure parts in each other. They stick together when times are tough, although they may be a bit secretive about their relationship or within it again, trying not to upset their partner or get judgment from the outside world. There is an insecurity that comes with this restlessness, as neither person may ever feel completely secure in the other persons desire to truly be with them. The Sun and Moon have vastly different influences in the chart. For example, it's said that Sun conjunct Vertex in synastry (studying two charts, as in a relationship) means an instant, love-at-first-sight attraction. The composite Sun in the eleventh house can be a very friendly placement. Theyd probably love that you brought an extra guest! There is a need to join personal resources with the resources of othersto share. Composite Ascendant in Pisces couples are that couple that seemsmeant to be. Because their problems and anger tend to lie on theoutside of the relationship, people often see this when they first meet them. Juno - my true love and spouse - Part I. - Amazing Astrology This couple may be susceptible to their environment, and even judgmental of others. If we have the Sun attached to an outer planet, that Sun is trying to help us learn about life through Uranian or Neptunian or Plutonian eyes, and to understand that those forces exist within us and are meant to be used consciously. They seem like a natural pair and a good fit for one another. The Sun in a composite chart represents the essence, the creative drive, that is the outcome of two forces joining. Although, there is a strong understanding of the purpose of the relationship, and why youre in it. How will you be remembered? Composite Ascendant Gemini couples come off as being very restless, and to those around them, it may seem as though they are not fully satisfied in their life together. There may be a secretive quality to your relationship. You may also idealize each others worst qualities, which could be detrimental. Synastry:SaturnNorthNodeAspects This transit forces you to work with others, sometimes resulting in ego conflicts and encounters with open enemies. They are very touchy feely, and it is almost as if their passion in the bedroom is visible to other people. Jupiter Conjunct Ascendant - Synastry, Transit, Composite When two planets connect, there is a powerful exchange of energies. However, you probably have a strong competitive streak which could make you seem provocative or selfish. The couple could admit that together they crave freedom, and they could spend time traveling and exploring the world together, or even partake in an open relationship to grant them more personal freedom. Understanding Relationship Karma: Saturn in the Composite - Keen If they were in a band or theater group? But, this could also end up with things being all for show and no substance to the relationship. Because Aquarius is a fixed sign, Composite Ascendant Aquarius couples have a hard time embracing change in their relationship, and they typically are as theyve always been. Now, I got myself with my husband. This is a very dynamic, expressive couple, and you wont see them hiding their light under a bushel. Couples with the composite Sun in the Eighth House will experience profound inner transformation together, either through intimacy or through experiences which will challenge the very existence of the partnership. Synastry:Venus-NeptuneAspects Vertex contacts usually bring forth the kinds of experiences that may be intense and life-changing, but often short-lived. The Composite Sun in the Houses of the Composite Chart The Composite Sun reveals the heart of the relationship the primary reasons for your coming together. In the composite chart, the chart of the relationship as its own being, the Sun represents the vital essence of the relationship. Synastry:SunMarsAspects It denotes great emotional depth and sensitivity, and in many cases intensity of feeling and artistic appreciation. You can feel that you're capable of more together and in the relationship than you are on your own. The individuals grow and change and experience their own ups and downs, dark nights of the soul as they come, you know LIFE. Its vertex is the midpoint between the individuals' vertices. Sun opposite Ascendant transit or Sun conjunct Descendant transit makes partnerships the major focus of your attention. They will have to decide on where to eat, what to dress, what to portray to the public, and how to handle each others families. We may be the couple who talks constantly, who make a point of keeping in touch all day with one another, and who are constantly darting in and out of the neighbors and cousins houses. Both people in the Composite Ascendant Sagittarius relationship can be very restless, as the relationship inspires you to learn more about yourselves and search for the truth in the world. Or this may be a relationship that works primarily on the intellectual plane, where the exchange of ideas is the utmost priority. The composite Sun tells us what the relationship needs in order to stay alive and thrive. The Composite Sun In our individual natal charts, the Sun represents our vital essence, the filter our soul uses to express itself in this life. The Sun person mirrors many of the traits that the Descendant person lacks and unconsciously seeks in order to fill a balancing act within themselves. When the Sun conjuncts the Descendant in synastry, the attraction is fascinating. The sun rules the zodiac sign Leo and the fifth house of the horoscope. Usually, this placement goes one of two ways. The le-de-France (/ i l d f r s /, French: [il d fs] (); literally "Isle of France") is the most populous of the eighteen regions of France.Centred on the capital Paris, it is located in the north-central part of the country and often called the Paris Region (French: Rgion parisienne, pronounced [ej paizjn]). Large changes or life altering decisions make this couple feel very insecure they like consistency, and they like things to stay the same. The Twelfth House couple may be more inclined to turn to spirituality than either partner would have done so alone. They may enjoy night swimming together. Both people in a Composite Ascendant Aquarius relationship are individuals, and they pride themselves on being so. This is an issue that is faced on a daily basis as the couple tries to interact with the outside world. . Working in partnership gives you the confidence to express your own identity fully. Any creative thing that they can do together will feed their relationship. It is romantic to idealize each other, but ultimately everyone wants and needs to be loved and cherished for who and what they really are. Sun opposite Ascendant natal is also called Sun conjunct Descendant and Sun Setting. Trines are lucky charms in a synastry or a chart as they bring positive energy and light. There is a dreamy aura about you. It appears to the public that they are always up and down, there is nothing constant or solid about them. Pallas Aspects to the Sun. (2020). The composite chart has a vertex as well. They really shouldnt take themselves too seriously and may be able to suddenly see beyond whatever theyre fighting about and just snap out of it. Research shows conjunctions in composite and sun conjunct venus are Posted on: 6 November, 2019 with 2934 Notes. My experience is that even Uranus w. There is peace here. They may have a tendency to inflate the importance of their relationship, and may make others feel insecure about their own in the process, although they may not intend to do this. However, on the reverse side, this puts Cancer in the 7th house, so there may be a bit of codependency in the relationship as well. The Sun can be a great mentor, tooif the Sun is attached to any planet, its life-weaving creative power may cause us to draw people who represent those planets into our lives, to show us the way. I think of the world essence when I deal with the Sun in all forms of astrology. We say, I am a Virgo or an Aries, but aside from defining a birth month, what does that mean? Unlike synastry, which looks at both peoples charts together and tells you the different aspects between people, composite charts look at therelationship chart. JavaScript is disabled. It represents the vitality of the relationship. 2. Jupiter Conjunct Ascendant - Synastry, Transit, Composite Otherwise, you may experience much conflict leading to affairs or separation. ago It is said to be a point where we have 'fated encounters' that alter our life . Pluto conjunct Sun synastry indicates a powerful and transformative relationship. Challenges come when one or the other partner wants to break through and experience the greater world out there, when the need for information and contact stretches into a search for meaning. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. They should spend some time together once a year envisioning what they want their year to look like as a couple. Some couples may find that there is too much emphasis on work and status, and not enough on the emotional glue and intimate experience that holds the relationship together. The composite chart is a thing of beauty, when read correctly. Layla had been experimenting with an online astrology program to get insights into her romantic relationship. On the whole, the Sun here is practical, and wants to accomplish something concrete with the relationship. More posts you may like r/astrology Join 13 days ago Saturn and the Devil 143 66 r/astrology Join 1 mo. Vertex in Synastry - Your *TRUE* Compatibility is Here - Access New Age The pool staff very friendly. All that means is that two people have very different ways of processing experience, and may come to different conclusions about shared experience. With a hard aspect, the awareness might be hard to come by, but the possibility would be there, unlike the flat-out darkness and destruction that might exist if the Sun were absent. In fact, it isn't common to see Vertex contacts in sustained relationships. Since both people are natural flirts, there may be some degree of jealousy in the relationship. We have a good idea about Saturns issues, and weve learned not to mess with the outer planets. If relationship problems arise it would be best to communicate your concerns as openly and honestly as possible. * Juno same sign/house as sun * Juno Conjunct/trine Saturn * Sun conjunct/opposite venus . Juno - Moon: This aspect shows many leves of emotions between partners. The Sun is also consolidating energy, as anyone who has seen it work in transits and progressions can testify. Please subscribe to our Youtube channel: The position of the Sun within our natal, speaks of what our life energy will be like and in which area we will have the opportunity to express ourselves in the best light. This is because the relationship is ruled almost entirely by both peoples mental bodies, and the mental body is the fastest changing of any of our four bodies. They tend to give each other the benefit of the doubt instead of nit-picking and judging every little thing. When it ceases to be the right thing to do, Composite Ascendant in Capricorn couples often break up. This is a couple that may have a lot of PDA in public. 5 Key Things to Know About Sun Conjunct Moon in Synastry - popularastrology Composite Saturn in Astrology - The Dark Pixie Astrology The outside world often cannot understand what actually keeps them together. Fated Relationships: The Vertex In The Composite | ElsaElsa An Aries may knock you down as you both call for a cab, then give it to you once hes realized his mistake. This is not uncommon in Composite Ascendant Virgo couples it may seem as though a project, work, or school has brought the two people together, and they are only together for that reason, not anything else. See the Astrology of NOW: Current chart, planetary positions, and aspects with interpretations. Romantic gestures go far as does making an attempt to create beauty. In the composite chart, the chart of the relationship as its own being, the Sun represents the vital essence of the relationship. With Composite Ascendant in Sagittarius, the couple may find themselves at odds with daily existence. But, if the couple can find a way to explore the world together and find their truth together, they will thrive. Couples with Composite Ascendant in Virgo are very practical and unassuming, especially when you first met them. With the composite Sun in Libra, the natural sign of one-on one-relating, the vitality of this connection is heartily fed by building a relationship on the principles and logic of fairness, harmony, beauty, and mutual respect. They may feel like scapegoats, put upon and oppressed by others, or they may have trouble establishing meaning in the life theyve created for themselves. When they are upset with each other, it shows immediately. Synastry:SunNorthNodeAspects Outside pool open with good system, 2 hours per day by pool, never had an issue in the whole week getting sun-beds by the pool. With composite Sun in Aries, this relationship needs both individuals to be warriors. The focus of the Eleventh House is on how things should be rather than what is, and they may run into problems when the reality of their lifestyle does not match their dreams and/or ambitions. Your life will be more pleasant if you get along well with others. This is a couple whose issues will present on the outside, but who will appear to be very warm and passionate regardless. Sun Opposite Ascendant Aspects Natal and Transit - When the Sun conjuncts the Descendant in synastry, the attraction is fascinating. Develop good working relationships with everyone from your doctor to your trash collector. The danger is to acquiesce too much or for them to make nice while not advocating for what they need as an individual. They both feel very responsible for the others emotions one may take on the role of parent while the other takes on the role of child. The parental figure in this relationship will feel overly responsible for the other persons emotions, and this is quite the burden to bear in a relationship. Our lives will be about making connections, whether spiritual, mental or physical. We know about Mars and Venus, Mercury and Jupiter. Thanks for this one, Jamie. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use. In synastry, I never worry about hard aspects between the individual Suns. This is similar to the Composite Ascendant Virgo, in that people see you together for a purpose instead of because you have emotional depth and enjoy one anothers company. This aspect represents a powerful connection that can be difficult to break. In our individual natal charts, the Sun represents our vital essence, the filter our soul uses to express itself in this life. Astrology and Marriage Indicators: Composite Chart They love that theyre closest neighbors are a mile away (truly theyre really nice people and have an amazing chocolate cookie recipe). Synastry:SunMoonAspectsBetweenTwoCharts They will certainly have disagreements and should be sure to not let things be off for too long. You actually need a companion to make you feel complete. (My note: Yes the sun is the most important part of a composite) *According to some research, the most important aspects in a . As these two signs make a sextile aspect Read more, I, as an astrologer, mainly use the sidereal zodiac, the lesser used zodiac of western astrologers. Her upcoming book, The Inner Wheel, takes a new look at interpreting secondary progressions. They usually share a strong feeling that they are meant to be together. Composite Ascendant Taurus couples are very solid. Weve all known couples like this or have experienced this ourselves. This is a composite chart. The trick is to avoid pointing the arrows at each other at least too often. For example, if your Sun is located at 10 degrees Virgo and your partner's Sun is located at 28 degrees Aquarius, your composite Sun would be 4 degrees Sagittarius. Synastry:MoonAscendantAspectsBetweenTwoCharts With Composite Ascendant Cancer, the couple is largely emotional rather than physical or intellectual. A fireplace warming the body and soul, whaaaaat??? We are both eternal and evolving through the experience of our material reality. Maybe the have sacrifices of one kind or another asked of them throughout their lives. Two celestial bodies are in conjunction when they are very close to each other, often in the same sign but never more than 8 degrees apart. Sun-Descendant: This aspect describes a strong bond since the Sun person represents all those qualities that the Ascendant person needs to integrate into their identity. One minute they will seem incredibly happy together, and the next it is as if the relationship is the worst thing that has ever been thrust upon them. Remember that the scales of justice are always at play, and that things do tend to even themselves out over time, even if there is a power imbalance in the moment. Yes, please. I would be interested to know how different the effects would be if it was a Lunar Eclipse with the Sun on the descendant, as opposed to a Solar Eclipse. It is very powerful. This is not a good relationship for busy people, but between the right people, it can foster so much love and affection, and warmth as it continues to grow. View celebrities with the Sun conjunct the Descendant. Aquarius energy loves to experiment! In all cases, its the Sun bringing awareness of the planet, not the planet acting on the Sun. When a Composite Ascendant Taurus couple enters the room, goes out to dinner with a friend, or even has people over, there is the assumption that they will be picking up the bill. The Sun-Venus conjunction in a Composite chart brings adoring love and is considered one of the best aspects to have. They tend to be more well-off with their friends, and their generosity as a couple is no question. In Composite Chart Astrology, the Composite Ascendant is how the couple comes off to the world. Some examples in TV and media of Composite Ascendant Aries relationships are. They are practical and reliable, but promote a large degree of freedom in the relationship similar to the Composite Ascendant Gemini couple. Often they will seem like they complete each other or there is a natural balance and symmetry between them. However, rather than Composite Ascendant Taurus couples, who find their security in stability, Composite Ascendant Cancer couples find their security in their emotional connectivity. Together, you can be incredibly helpful to those around you. The Ascendant/Descendant is the relationship axis, it is a work in progress, it describes our journey through life and how we adjust ourselves when we are confronted by people and new experiences. This aspect represents a powerful connection that can be difficult to break. This couple does not demonstrate their issues to the world, and others may see the relationship as largely practical rather than emotional. True love comes from true knowledge of one another so no self-delusions are allowed in a vital, bonded composite Pisces Sun relationship. This connection can become a living example of solid, dignified, gentle relating that others around them long to achieve in their own relationships. The natural charm and charisma that comes from both people may be enticing to those not in the relationship, which could lead to conflict in the future. So here is the perfect place to mention that you can see how its possible there could be a conflict between the relationships needs and the needs of one or both of the individuals. But it takes a [], Getting There: The Function of the Sun in Composite Charts, The Essence of Relating: The Composite Sun. Sometimes there are situations beyond human control. When they enter a room, they do so with ease. The wife's Sun and Mars often oppose the husband's Juno; the husband's Venus, Mars and Mercury often trine the wife's Juno. Thats what its all about. Twelfth House couples often have a specific thing that needs to be accomplished. If they spend too much or too little time together, they may feel out of balance, and this may be different for both individuals. Composite Ascendant Aries couples are very take-charge, and they appear to always bedoingsomething on some kind of adventure or simply going out together. So the trick is if you have an Aquarius Sun in your relationship composite and you dont know what the unconventional thing isexperiment! However, although its a binding tie, its not always an easy one. In any case, the Vertex/Anti-Vertex line form a new Descendant/Ascendant axis with special meanings in relationships. Captivated by each minor aspect to each minor point in the chart, we often dont spend as much time as we should interpreting the lights and their function in the chart. By personal parts of the chart, I mean the angles (Ascendant, IC, Descendant and MC), the Moon, Sun, Mercury, Mars and Venus. I always have a partner all the time. If the Ceres of one person aspects personal part of the chart of the other, the Ceres person will bring unconditional love to the other person. Challenges can come through conflicts regarding creative pursuits or organizations, groups, and peers. It could be Sun/Chiron, Moon/Chiron, Mercury/Chiron/ Mars/Chiron, Saturn/Chiron,Venus/Chiron, Ascendent/Chiron. As the essence, it cannot be manipulated or maneuvered. Moon conjunct Ascendant is a combination that is much respected. The composite chart, on the other hand, relates to the destiny of the couple. This couple should be careful not to get too prideful of the appearance of their relationship the value of the relationship is in the work that you put into it, not how pretty you look together or how it looks from the outside. Planetary Positions Calculations/Report. This aspect suggests you like being around others and being sociable and well-liked. Composite Ascendant Libra couples are likable, harmonious, stylish, classy, and polite. There is a hint of drama in every Composite Ascendant Aries relationship. Hot chocolate?! In synastry, when one partner's sun conjuncts the other partner's descendant, the descendant partner will feel invigorated by the sun partner's energy and conscious personality. They may seem more like close friends than a romantic relationship to others. Im sure not one of us defines ourselves the same way we did five years ago. Composite Ascendant Leo couples come off as proud, confident and incredibly warm and no party is complete without them. The composite Sun in the Tenth House is another one of those easy placements for composite Sun, because the Sun is very happy up there and prominent in its noon position.
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