Download PDF Join Telegram Thousands of similar and other books are available on Telegram Channel. Pick one or choose randomly. When distribut- Fighting (Brawl) Grappleing the skill pool, consider spending points in the new 7th Fighting (Brawl) Kickedition skills, especially Charm and Intimidate. Playing the role of a steadfast investigator, you will travel to strange and dangerous places, uncover foul plots, and stand against the terrors of the night. As such, psychiatrists sought to establish their medical credentials, and differing perspec- Credit Rating: 930 tives of diagnosing and treating mental disorders began to be introduced. You can publish your book online for free in a few minutes. parish church, Mecca, Stonehenge). death of a loved one, your financial ruin, marital breakup). 3. During Prohibition, many a charter boat captain founda lucrative trade in ferrying thirsty customers to the 3-mile Scientistlimit, where foreign ships could sell alcohol. 84chapter 4: occupations In the modern day, mountaineering (or Alpinism as Nurseoften termed by Europeans), may be sport, recreation ora profession. country and abroad. in his or her own right and a small number do enjoy the media attention for political or financial gain. Gangster Underling More sophisticated gamblers probably frequent the ille-gal casinos operated by organized crime. entertaining clients as much as their expenses account will allow. 1920s changes most minds, and by the present day such a background is generally felt to be an advantage. A variety of characteristics are used to calculatethem. If you prefer, you could cut outmight speak Cantonese. Once out of school, some officers opt for special training, such as air pilot.Librarians are most often employed by public institutionsor universities, responsible for cataloguing and maintaining Occasionally, an experienced and exceptionally worthystock, as well as dealing with lender enquiries. Sometimes coming up with background details on the fly Second, it can be called upon during the investigator can be difficult. The STR, DEX, CON, SIZ, APP, INT, POW and EDUGiven the limited life expectancy of the average investigator,this is unlikely to be much of a concern for many players! in hiking, fishing, cross-country skiing, canoeing, climbing and camping. 6. (i) Name Skill Damage Base Range Uses per Bullets in Cost 20s/ Malfunctions Common in Round Gun (Mag) Modern 95 Era Molotov Throw 2D6+burn STR feet 100 Cocktail 1/2 1 only N/A 1920s, Signal Firearms Modern Handgun (HG) 1D10+1D3 10 1/2 1 $15/$75(Flare gun) burn 20 1920s, Firearms Modern M79 (Heavy) 3D10/2 Grenade yards 1/3 1 N/A 99 Modern Launcher Throw Dynamite 4D10/ 3 STR feet 1/2 1 only $2/$5 99 1920s, Stick* Electrical yards N/A 100 Modern Blasting Repair N/A One use $20/box 95 1920s, Demoli- 2D10/ 1 In place 99 Modern Cap tions yard In place One use 1 only N/A 99 1920s,Pipe Bomb Demoli- STR feet 100 Modern tions 1D10/ 3 500 yards One use 1 only N/A 99 Modern Plastique Throw yards 500 yards 100(C-4), 4 oz. P. Lovecraft, From Beyondinvestigator's handbook his chapter looks at skills in detail, Skill Points: what do they mean? tion of the U.S. outnumbers the rural population. Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4 The latter pay barely enough to keep players fed and on the team. You Losing ones key connection during play requires a San- can choose to start there if you wish; however your inves- ity roll (1/1D6 Sanity point loss). An item connected with your highest skill (e.g. eras, but who are also expected to write prose to accompany an image. Skills: Jump, Listen, Natural World, Psychology, Science (Zoology), Stealth, Track, any one other skill as a Skills: Appraise, Archeology, History, Other Language personal or era specialty. Judges are either appointed Suggested Contacts: Forestry workers, wilderness guidesor elected, sometimes for a term of specified length, other and conservationists.times for life. Key : Occupations are listed alphabetically. bakes wonderful cakes, can make a 8. Gambler and a risk-taker (e.g. Computer Use). gentlemens club, local highly creative). large newspaper, a radio network or a national newsgroup. This work includes the burial or cremation of the dead. Skills: Art/Craft (Carpentry, Welding, Plumbing, etc. more so in the present day where sporting heroes stand side by side with film stars on red carpets around the world. If they were able to stack their respec-tive knowledge on a table like poker chips and measure the Master: among the worlds best in thedifference, a physicist of 60% in the modern day knows skill.much more than a physicist of 90% skill in 1910. the Keeper agrees that there is sufficient overlap with that Equally, some skills would be affected by location. American flying aces of the World War still in the publiclimelight include: Eddie Rickenbacker, presently employed Police Detectiveby Chrysler Corporation; Tommy Hitchcock, Jr., now a staron the polo fields; and Reed Landis, son of Baseball Com- Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + (DEX x 2 or STR x 2)missioner Kenesaw Mountain Landis. 9. Access to drugs, medical records, etc.Although there are people out of work and, as always, alco- Skills: Electrical Repair, one interpersonal skill (Charm,holics lying in the gutters, the true hobo forms a separate Fast Talk, Intimidate or Persuade), Fighting (Brawl),breed. Looking through old accounts, one could see howLocksmith (01%) money was gained or lost in the past (grain, slave-trading,Machine Gun (10%)see Firearms whiskey-running, etc.) : damage radius of explosion in yards; atup to double the range, the damage is halved. curious pipe of unknown origin found among your late fathers effects, a strange silver ball you dug up 10. skill points, depending on your investigators chosen occupation.Converting Investigators We chose to keep the link between Dodge and DEX,If players have existing investigators that they wish to since it has always been that way.convert for use with 7th edition, follow these instructions. ranger for a national park or outward bound center, or they may be financially independent, allowing them enjoy such a 85investigator's handbooklifestyle without regard for paid employment, perhaps living Suggested Contacts: Local community, local physicians,as a hermit and only returning to civilization when the need hospitals and patients. Effective onlyfull auto capability, when using this, use the automatic fire again human (or similar) opponents.rules. Skills: Accounting, two interpersonal skills (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimidate or Persuade), Electrical Repair, Lis- Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4 ten, Mechanical Repair, Psychology, Spot Hidden. Author [Lovecraftian] Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + (DEX x 2 or POW x 2) As distinct from the journalist, the author uses words to define and explore the human condition, especially the Credit Rating: 950 range of human emotions. Psychoanalysis, Psychology, any two other skills as academic, era or personal specialties. We decided against this approachfor three reasons: Using characteristic values introduces additional work during investigator creation.258, chapter 10: reference Age Previous editions con- Damage Bonus tained rules for aging (EDU) scores higher than 18 required and, whilst these vary 7th edition 6th edition modification, as per the table below. Skills: Accounting, Other Language, Law, two interper- sonal skills (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimidate or Per- Skills: Accounting, two interpersonal skills (Charm, Fast suade), Psychology, any two other skills as personal Talk, Intimidate or Persuade), Fighting (Brawl), or era specialties. Sleight of Hand Pick Pocket Stealth Hide With the Keepers permission, some points may be Stealth Sneaktransferred between skills to adjust or balance an investiga-tor if required. Psychology, any one other skill as a personal or era specialty. Getting noticed is hard and thengetting a recording contract is also difficult. Make 2 improvement checks for EDU.50s Deduct 10 points from STR, CON or DEX (split across one, two or all three), and also from APP. This also lends more value to APP 90 18in the game. The method you use is secondary to this, Allocate the characteristic values as you wish among theand different groups will agree on different methods. A lot will depend on Archeologists may discover reputation. Upload PDF to create a flipbook like Call of Cthulhu Keeper Handbook now. In placestunt director. Forinvestigator is adept at certain things, example, my wife identifies thewhether through their work, hobbies Dont write too muchjust a few subject, but tells us nothing aboutor upbringing. both the north and south poles, much of the surrounding territory is still unknown. Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4Intellectual wars rage between alienists, psychiatrists andneurologists. Skills: Charm, History, Intimidate, Fast Talk, Listen, Own Language, Persuade, Psychology. patients and ex-patients. *for each +80 points or fraction thereof, +1D6 DB and +1 Build Copy your skill points into the Dodge box so that all your combat skills are in one place for handy reference. Stunt performers will usually be trained Repair, Fighting, First Aid, Jump, Swim, plus onein fighting techniques and stage combat. Any but not first class. An occupation ties together a cluster of skills. chemicals and drugs. take many days or months to complete, the artist may quickly sketch accurate impressions, objects and people. determined by the Keeper).2 yards, 3 yards, etc. 2. LAW: Light Antitank Weapon, disposable.Malfunction (Mal): if die roll result equal to or higher thanthe firing weapons malfunction number, the shooter does Mace spray: Do not use the point-blank range rule for thisnot merely missthe weapon does not fire. If it youll notice some changes have been made in 7th Edi- is a skill in which you are likely to spend points, the ben- tion. Even a small picture can say a lot.The investigator can be male or female. Dont feel constrained to usewhat you roll; if it doesnt mesh with your character concept Rugged Handsome Ungainlythen roll again or choose a different option. Take the result andconsidered that your character has a child, but why not? Discover the best professional documents and content resources in AnyFlip Document Base. Credit Rating: 510Soldier/Marine Suggested Contacts: Academics and other students,This refers to the enlisted ranks of the Army and Marines while interns may also know business people.and includes the lowest ranks of private up through gunnery Skills: Language (Own or Other), Library Use, Listen, 90chapter 4: occupations three fields of study and any two other skills as a Credit Rating: 10-50 personal or era specialties. Many aviators dozens or hundreds of open cases. Skills: Art/Craft (Photography), one interper- sonal skill (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimidate or Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4 Persuade), Psychology, Science (Chemistry), Stealth, Spot Hidden, any two other skills as Credit Rating: 930 personal or era specialties. the following skills: Climb, Drive Auto, Fighting (Brawl), Firearms (Handgun or Rifle/Shotgun), First Aid, Intimidate, Law, Listen, Other Language, any two interpersonal skills (Charm, Fast Talk, Persuade or Intimidate), Track. Psychoanalysis is barely of their homes or go on extended buying trips, making profitknown in the U.S., and its basis in sexual life and toilet train- on reselling to urban is felt to be indecent. Rifles: Most rifles except .45 Martini-Henry Rifle and Col.+DB: plus damage bonus, which varies by individual. expensive suit, false ID, brass knuckles). Suggested Contacts: The film and television industries,Stuntman various explosive and pyrotechnic firms, actors and directors.The film and television industry employs stuntmen andwomen to simulate falls from buildings, car crashes and Skills: Climb, Dodge, Electrical Repair or Mechanicalother catastrophes. are employed in a servant capac- Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4 ity and includes butler, valet Credit Rating: 20-40. and ladys maid. The drifter takes skill (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimidate or Persuade),jobs, sometimes for days or months, however he or she is Mechanical Repair, Navigate, Psychology, any onedisposed to solve problems with the answer of mobility and other skill as personal or era specialty.isolation, not comfort and intimacy. film star, politician, musician). Credit Rating: 930 Skills: Climb, First Aid, Jump, Listen, Navigate, Other Suggested Contacts: Hospital workers, physicians, com- Language, Survival (Alpine or as appropriate), munity workers. Skills: Accounting, Appraise, Archaeology, History, It should be noted that, in the main, occultists are fa- Library Use, Occult, Other Language, Spot Hidden. The leader is Skills: Art/Craft (Acting) or Disguise, Appraise, one either a firm believer in the dogma they impart to the cults interpersonal skill (Charm, Fast Talk or Intimidate), members or simply in it for the money and power. A skilled fighter is likely to be able to put as the ability to push rolls and run chase scenes.any knife or club to good use. In such cases the similar background and tastes, fraternal organiza-deprogrammer effectively acts as an exit counselor. Demolitions (01%) [Uncommon] The examples merely provide ideas, and it is intendedthat both players and Keepers fashion their own justifica-tions and consequences as appropriate to their games andplaying styles.Combined Skill RollsIn some situations the Keeper may ask you to roll againstmore than one skill. specialization.A Japanese investigator might have a Law skill of 75% inJapan; however if the same investigator were tested on Span- Among the specializations there are often transferableish law then the Keeper would probably increase the level of skills and knowledge. 7. a schoolteacher, the person you apprenticed with, your father). Average Rating (32 ratings) 5e Solo Gamebooks presents The Solo Investigator's Handbook, a 95-page supplement for Call of Cthulhu. Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4 Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4 Credit Rating: 2080 Credit Rating: 5-30 Suggested Contacts: Old college connections, Masons Suggested Contacts: Other labor leaders and activists, or other fraternal groups, local and federal govern- political friends, possibly organized crime. For example, if the investigator is travelling included within the various brackets of living standards. Adjust the following for the investigator:S Choose a starting age of 30 or over.S Deduct 1D10 from SAN.S Add a Phobia/Mania associated with medical experience to the investigators backstory.S Add 60 bonus skill points divided amongst any of the following skills: First Aid, Law, Listen, Medicine, Psychology, Spot Hidden, Science (any two).S Note on the investigator sheet: Immune to sanity losses resulting from viewing a corpse or gross injury.Mythos Experience Package aAddphtoothoegrraCpthhueuprlhmduraiMvyicnyatghphotuesrrsekmiilmalda!gaens dthmatamy eanydThe investigator has knowledge of the Cthulhu Mythos,either in an academic sense or through tangible experience. Think of a distinct look that sums up your investigators appearance (APP). If an insane investigator fails a pushed roll, he or she If an insane investigator fails a pushed roll, he or shekeeps digging deeper, ever deeperthe truth is down there creates a transgressive work that shocks and causes violentsomewhere. Harvey wakes one over another. doctors Consider your investigators backstory and pick the one en- bag, car, lock picks). This essential player's aid for Call of Cthulhu provides it. 6th edition Archie has Rifle 40% and Shotgun 70%. Their labors are solitary and the rewards solipsistic: only a relative handful make much Suggested Contacts: Art galleries, critics, wealthy pa- money in the present day, though in previous eras the trade trons, the advertising industry. All armed services have es- (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimidate or Persuade), any twotablished officer training programs that may include univer- other skills as personal or era specialties.sity educationin the U.S. most major universities providecadet training programs, allowing simultaneous training for Mountain Climberthe military while attending school. circuses, carnivals, Numerous well-known detective agencies exist around the theatrical performances). 82chapter 4: occupationsReporter Laborer, Unskilled Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4 Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + (DEX x 2 + STR x 2) Credit Rating: 930 Suggested Contacts: Other workers and supervisors within their industry. year of the scenario. Why is this? ( Classic) Occupations only available in the Classic 1920s period. 92chapter 4: occupations 93Chapter Five Skills "Don't move," he cautioned, "for in these rays we are able to be seen as well as to see. in hospitals, nursing homes or with General Practitioners. Take the result and rifle, the hidden knife in your boot).make it specific and personal to your investigator. a letter you found in 9. The work can be very varied, often exciting and some-Firefighter times hazardous as natural disasters, political upheaval and war are the primary focus of the foreign correspondent.Firefighters are civil servants, employed by the communitiesthey serve. Usually the Hidden, any two other skills as dilettante has enough money that special- specialties. A tribal group is nominally relatively small. Laborers fall in to two Skills: Accounting, Law, Library use, two interpersonalcamps: skilled and unskilled. Middle and seniormanagers attract higher salaries, with greater responsibili- Credit Rating: Lower Middle to Middle class.ties and say in how the business is managed day-to-day.Although unmarried white-collar workers are not in- Suggested Contacts: Scientists, environmentalists.frequent, most executive types are family-oriented, witha spouse at home and childrenit is often expected of Skills: Art/Craft (Animal Handling), Accounting,them. make it specific and personal to your investigator.Becoming a father may not have been intentional. Sort out money if and when you need it. The Zookeeper is able to use the Medicine skill on animals. a suitable portrait from a magazine or print one from the Internet. Suggested Contacts: Universities, parapsychological Photojournalist Publications. tor was a part of them. He has 12 hit points.Multiplying each of these by 5 gives us the following 7thedition characteristics: In earlier editions, hit points were the average of CON + SIZ, rounded up. Sample Consequences of failing a Pushed roll: a vastSample Consequences of failing a Pushed roll: the site is amount of time and money is wasted in creating a failedspoiled, with finds ruined through incompetence, vandal- attempt; the audience or customer is highly offended orism or theft; some higher authority seizes the site or the physically injured by some aspect of your work; the criticsfinds from your control; publicity leads to the finds being slate your work and no one desires your services anystolen. Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + (DEX x 2 + STR x 2)Judge Credit Rating: 930An official who presides over court legal proceedings, eitheralone or within a group of peers. Skills: Accounting, Drive Auto, one interpersonal skill (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimidate or Persuade), History, Occult, Psychology, Science (Biology), (Chemistry).Students tend to be younger characters Union Activist Union activists are organizers, leaders and sometimes either visionaries or malcontents with an axe to grind, normally a friend to the workers and an enemy of the bosses. 83investigator's handbookLibrarian [Lovecraftian] officer respect. generous tipper, always helps out a 3. Until the 1930s, any physician could request Suggested Contacts: Law enforcement, clients. Language: English Format: PDF Pages: 283 File Size: 26.1 MB Total Download: 4,000,236. This a part of your asset value.will have an impact if the investigator is robbed or loses their gear. Enlistments are for a fixed number of many items that be offered door-to-door.yearsin the U.S. Navy this is usually four years of activeduty followed by two years of inactive reserve commitment, Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + APP x 2during which time the sailor can be called to serve in timesof national emergency. Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + (DEX x 2 or STR x 2) Researcher Credit Rating: 010 The academic world sponsors a good deal of research, Suggested Contacts: Local businesses and residents. Conman see Criminal Cowboy[Modern] Occupations only available for Modern-Day game Craftspersonsettings. Fighting or Firearms, Locksmith or Mechanical Repair, Stealth, Psychology, Spot Hidden. A person uninterested in observa- newspapers).tion, experimentation and proof is not a scientist, thoughhe or she may be an occultist. Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4 Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + Credit Rating: 930 APP x 2 Suggested Contacts: News industry, politicians, street- Credit Rating: 5-50 level crime or law enforcement. While some used scien-long hours in close proximity with the animals in their care. They are licensed by individual states, most of Skills: Art/Craft (Photography), Climb, one inter-them requiring a high school education and three years personal skill (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimidate orof pharmacy school. Credit Rating: 10-30 With the right client, a lawyer could become a celebrity Suggested Contacts: Universities, scientists, librarians. Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4 Those who choose this path are unusually sympatheticto the notion of invisible mystical powers and in validat- Credit Rating: 930ing that belief to the satisfaction of physical scientists. Own Language, Persuade, Psychology. Whether your appearance and yourther roll on the tables or simply pick ones that seem suitable, personality match is another question; a person may lookor just use the lists for inspiration. 3. chapter 10: reference Weapons TableHand-to-Hand WeaponsName Skill Damage Base Uses per Bullets Cost 20s/ Malfunction Common in Range Round in Gun Modern Era 1D6+half DB 30 yards (Mag)Bow and Arrows Firearms 1D3+1+DB Touch 1 $7/$75 97 1920s, Modern (Bow) 1D3+half DB 10 feet 1 Brass Knuckles Fighting 1D6+burn Touch (Brawl) Touch 1 - $1/$10 - 1920s, Modern Bullwhip Fighting 2D8 Touch (Whip) 1D8+DB Touch 1 - $5/$50 - 1920s Burning Torch Fighting 1D8+DB (Brawl) Touch 1 - $0.05/$0.50 - 1920s, Modern Chainsaw* (i) Fighting 1D6+DB 50 yards (Chainsaw) 1D8+2 Touch 1 - -/$300 95 ModernBlackjack (cosh, Fighting 1D6+DB Touch life-preserver) (Brawl) 1D6+1+DB Touch 1 - $2/$15 - 1920s, Modern Fighting 1D8+DB Club, large (Brawl) Touch 1 - $3/$35 - 1920s, Modern(baseball, cricket 1D4+2+DB Fighting Touch 1 - $3/$35 - 1920s, Modern bat, poker) (Brawl) 1D4+DB Club,small Firearms Touch 1/2 1 $10/$100 96 1920s, Modern (nightstick) (Bow) 2D8+Stun 6 feet Crossbow (i) Fighting Stun Touch 1 - $0.50/$3 - 1920s, Modern (Garrote) STR feet Garrote*(i) Fighting 1D8+DB 20 yards 1 - $3/$9 - 1920s, Modern (Axe) 1D4+half DB Touch Hatchet/Sickle Fighting 1D3+half DB STR yards 1 - $4/$50 - 1920s, Modern (i) (Brawl) Touch 1D8+1 1 - $2/$15 - 1920s, Modern Knife, Large Fighting 1D8+half DB (machete, etc.) drop of a hat. Good Cook (e.g. Corre- Skill percentages are not proportions of what is hypo- sponds with a masters degree or Ph.D.thetically knowable. the result and make it specific and personal to your investi- Freemason, Womens Institute, Anonymous). 5. personal specialties. evolution, cryogenics, space exploration). time and experience required to achieve this promotion carry a respect and reverence far exceeding that of any Some large businesses might employ a librarian to man- junior or middle-grade officer. Skill Specialization Some of the skills detailed below are termed [Uncom- TcrcKfCstooiahohcedlrnueleeye.aplp.istAenukytHTro.vsilegAphaeal)rsrleltaalRdtoiiyphgKseweshaegerurisytueerocqptllc(raahueeasMrcersikarssrraeiucoron(tdaelchlalgllctleweesrarmCsqyhotsfurilaeoanwlyantrngpileactquastitsonouosrgiCceasnrocrqklarrrgeuiaypatluioMpclhsrknetyeooadiddanrgtaelhswrrsenutaekvehutnpmsaehemhdldneaiyefo.etrsufriktscTishdhkicsilheiniaalfily)elllg-nf,mon] and not included on the standard investigator sheet its place. Acting, Singer, Comedian, etc. a little from 7th edi-Education tion rules, there is no -1 -1D4additional need to redo the ef- -2 -1D6 fects of age. In the 1920s the profession is made illegal by the Prohi- Skills: Dodge, Fighting (Brawl), First Aid, two inter- bition Act; however, theres no shortage of work for a bar- personal skill (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimidate or tender, as someone has to serve the drinks in the speakeasies Persuade), Listen, Psychology, Stealth. Learned in the law of the state in which they serve, the Tasks are varied and dependent on the scientific disci- lawyer acts as an attorney, counsel or solicitor, able to relatepline of the lead scientist or laboratory, but could include: abstract legal theories and knowledge to present solutionssampling, testing, recording and analyzing results, setting for their clients. ous editions. No game rule Step Five: Equip thedistinguishes between male and female; neither sex has an Investigatoradvantage over the other. personal skills (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimidate or Persuade), Psychology, Spot Hidden, any one other skill as personal or era specialty. Breaking and entering, threats, and physical abuse are equivalentthe butler is responsible for male servants within the household. 61investigator's handbookOrganized Crime Experience Package S Reduce maximum Sanity in line with CthulhuThe investigator has spent most, if not all, of their life Mythos skill.involved in organized crime. gator. The study and exploration of the past. This product is the result of months of work and extensive playtesting, and contains a full system for generating on-the-fly, immersive adventures for your . (Artillery, Demolitions, Hypnosis, Read Lips, etc.). investigators. The pencil, crayon or pastels. Credit Rating: 1040 Smuggling is always a lucrative and high-risk business. lower, with the Keepers agreement.Option 1: Start Over Option 5: Quick Fire MethodUse the default method. ties. employee of a company receiving minimal compensation but valuable on-the-job training. Your characterof school for some reason? Their silence and crime.loyalty is expected and rewarded. Many of the officers trained this way hold professional By the 1920s, all the major American and Alpine peakscommissions and serve as doctors, lawyers or engineers. Skills: Climb, Geology, Jump, Mechanical Repair, Oper-Laboratory Assistant ate Heavy Machinery, Stealth, Spot Hidden, any one other skill as a personal or era specialty.Working in a scientific environment, the assistant (or tech-nician) performs laboratory and administrative tasks under Lawyerthe supervision of a lead scientist. He or she has had plenty of time(or forcing) a person to abandon their to learn how to be charming and sophisticated;belief or allegiance to a religious or social what else has been done with that free time iscommunity. Standards in the field are based entirely upon per- done at a home studio, based on the written copy.sonal reputation, and so the most acceptable representativestend to hold degrees in related areasphysics, psychology Photographeror medicine. Taxis are requiredto be fitted with approved meters, periodically checked by Credit Rating: 1030the citys taxi board. characteristics (see note following) of previous editions now provide the one-fifth values. Occultists are students of esoteric secrets and arcane magic. Some artists personal or era not for material enrichment, while others have a keenentrepreneurial streak. Firearms (any), any one interpersonal skill (Charm, Fast Talk, Persuade or Intimidate), Law, Listen, Locksmith, Psychology, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Spot Hidden.S Note on the investigator sheet: Immune to sanity losses resulting from viewing a corpse, witnessing or performing a murder, or seeing violence perpetrated against a human being.Medical Experience PackageThe investigator is a long-serving physician, nurse or forensicexaminer. Antique Dealer Archaeologist [Lovecraftian]Creating Occupations Architect ArtistUse the listed occupations as a guide when creating ones not Asylum Attendantlisted here. Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + APP x 2 Skills: Accounting, Appraise, Art/Craft (Forgery), His- tory, one interpersonal skill (Charm, Fast Talk, Credit Rating: 30-60 Intimidate or Persuade), Library Use, Spot Hidden, any one other skill. Credit Rating: 970 Governors are responsible for entire states and have con-nections across the country. Consider 1. (i) (Flail) 2 One Use $0.50/$3 Live Wire, Throw - 1920s, Modern220-volt charge Throw 1 - $25/$150 Mace Spray* Fighting - Rare (Spear) 1 - $1/$25 Nunchaku Throw - 1920s,Modern 1 - $30/$75 Rock, Thrown Fighting Shuriken (i) (sword) Spear (cavalry lance)* Spear, Thrown (i) Sword, heavy (cavalry saber) 251, investigator's handbookHand-to-Hand Weapons, continuedName Skill Damage Base Uses per Bullets Cost 20s/ Malfunction Common in Range Round in Gun Modern Era (Mag)Sword, medium Fighting 1D6+1+DB Touch 1 $15/$100 - 1920s, Modern (rapier, heavy (Sword) 1D6+DB Touch 1 - $25/$100 - 1920s, Modern epee)(i) Fighting 1D3+stun Touch 1 - Sword, (Sword) 1D3+stun 15 feet 1 -/$200 97 Modernlight(sharpened 1D8+half STR STR yards 1 Varies _/$400 95 Modern fencing foil, Fighting 3 $2/$4 -sword cane) (i) (Brawl) - RareTaser (contact)* Firearms (Handgun) Taser (dart) ThrowWar BoomerangWood Axe (i) Fighting 1D8+2+DB Touch 1 - $5/$10 - 1920s, Modern (Axe)Rifles(i)*, see also Assault RiflesName Skill Damage Base Range Uses per Bullets in Cost 20s/ Malfunc- Common in Round Gun (Mag) Modern tion Era.58 Spring- Firearms 1D10+4 60 yards $25/$350 95 Rarefield Rifle (rifle) 1D6+1 30 yards 1/4 1 2D6 50 yards Musket Firearms 1D8+1D6+3 80 yards 1 6 $13/$70 99 1920S, .22 (rifle) 2D6+1 20 yards 2D6+4 110 yards 1 ModernBolt-Action Firearms 2D6+1 90 yards Rifle (rifle) 2D6+4 110 yards 1/3 6 $19/$150 98 1920s, 1/3 .30 Lever- Firearms 2D6+4 110 yards Modern Action (rifle) 1 Carbine 2D6+4 110 yards 1 (2) 1 $20/$200 100 1920s Firearms.45 Martini- (rifle) 2D8+4 110 yards 1 1 $200 88 1920sHenry Rifle 3D6+4 100 yards Firearms 1 8 $400 100 WWII, Col. (rifle) LaterMoran's Air 1 Firearms 10 $500 97 Modern Rifle (rifle) 1Garand M1, 1 or 2 5 $50/$300 100 1920s, Firearms M2 Rifle (rifle) 252 Modern SKS Firearms 5 $75/ $175 100 1920s, Carbine (rifle)). full automatic fire.Burn: target must roll Luck to avoid catching on fire. The work involves painstaking research and meticulous study, not to mention a willing at-May be employed by film studios, a travelling circus, a horse titude to getting ones hands dirty.stable or possibly working freelance. Theres even a space under each person for a brief word or two to sum up their occupaton or personality.5Personal Interest Skills 6Combat Values Calculate personal interest Determine Damage Bonus & Build points by multiplying INT by adding STR + SIZ and looking upby 2. Some hunters may work for Charm, Intimidate or Persuade), Law, Psychology,the black market, capturing live exotic species for private Track, Stealth.collectors or trading in illegal or morally objectionableanimal products like skins, ivory and the likealthough Boxer/Wrestlerin the 1920s such activities were more common and werepermissible under most countries laws. Mark it with star or underline it on the inves- pocketknife, lucky coin). bar, uncles house). Does a high skill in unrelated to their current profession ity, or as a result of major wounds, shooting mean they grew up in the could point the way here). They give your life meaning. (e.g. (Brawl), Firearms (Rifle/Shotgun), First Aid, Intimidate, Listen, Stealth, Throw, Sleight of Hand, This option can be used in combination with any other Spot Hidden, Survival.method. Harveys STR and SIZ add up to 105, so simply be transferred to the 7th edition investigator sheet.his Build is 0. Credit Rating: 920The lowest frequent alleys and dives, playing craps withloaded dice, or hustling in pool halls. For the minority, great success andwealth can be found by being in the right place at the right Skills: Anthropology, History, Library Use, one inter-time, plus having a modicum of talent. Credit Rating: 960 Skills: Firearms, Listen or Spot Hidden, Natural World, Navigate, Other Language or Survival (any), Science Suggested Contacts: Sports promoters, journalists, or- (Biology or Botany), Stealth, Track. You may painting (oils, acrylic, watercolor), as well as sketching inspend skill points to purchase any skill specialization. guage, one interpersonal skill (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimidate or Persuade), Psychology, Stealth, Spot Lumberjack Hidden. you aspire have even met (e.g. Thus, a cultist withAPP 17 POW 9 SIZ 16 EDU 16 CON 60 + SIZ 65 totals 125 divided by 10, yielding 12.5. Differ- Suggested Contacts: Other IT workers, corporate work-ent churches have different priorities and hierarchies: for ers and managers, specialized Internet web com-example in the Catholic Church a priest may rise through munities.the ranks of bishop, archbishop and cardinal, while a Meth- Skills: Computer Use, Electrical Repair, Electronics, Li-odist pastor may in turn rise to district superintendent and brary Use, Science (Mathematics), Spot Hidden, anybishop. Primarily the iden- tification, examination and analysis of recovered materialsAnimal Trainer relating to human history. "The Roaring Twenties" details life in the 1920s, from a general historical overview to . Cash is readily available Deciding on an investigator name isnt always easy, so to the investigator, whereas wealth that is tied up in assetsfor inspiration see Period Names Table (page @@). Credit Rating: 920Drifter Suggested Contacts: Customers, businesses, law en-As opposed to someone who is poverty-stricken, the drifters forcement and general street level life.wandering life is chosen, perhaps compensating for a social,philosophical or economic lack, or perhaps taken due to a Skills: Accounting, Drive Auto, Listen, one interpersonaldesire to break free of societal constraints. If the skill-user observes whatever function the item might serve.another culture from within for a time, or works from ac-curate records concerning an extinct culture, then simple If an insane investigator fails a pushed roll, he or shepredictions can be made about that cultures ways and mor- could destroy the item, believing it to be cursed; alterna-als, even though the evidence may be incomplete. Usually maledown bail jumpers, bounty hunters may freely cross statelines in pursuit of their quarry and may show little regard a housekeeper would be the femalefor civil rights and other technicalities when capturing theirprey. Credit Rating: 1060 Skills: Accounting, Appraise, Drive Auto, two interper- Suggested Contacts: Others in the field of mental illness, sonal skills (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimidate or Per- medical doctors and occasionally detectives in law suade), History, Library Use, Navigate. Skills: Accounting, Electrical Repair, Listen, Mechanical Private Investigator Repair, Navigate, Pilot (Aircraft), Spot Hidden, any one other skill as a personal or era specialty. While serious works of art mightgeneric Art and Craft skill cannot be purchased. Some companies spend consider-Either employed within a business or working as a freelance able amounts of time touring foreign parts, such as Canada,consultant with a portfolio of self-employed clients or busi- Hawaii, Australia and Europe. The inten-tion is to make it easier to compare and make opposed rolls 7th Ed. All dream of the vindication of their beliefs.job opportunities exist working in the illegal speakeasiesowned by the mob. staunch atheist, humanist, secularist). For riding animals, such as horses or 98chapter 5: skills1920s Anthropology 1920s ArchaeologyBy the 1920s, anthropology has clearly ecc4Sda1esibaiiAaelonm,Nntitvre9e0sytsdolfeientyut1Mtcl0o1nedethiieti1omnszh0r9cehoraotvat,egehnt2hheuenyetSswhpe2reieroedgtCosoeudonhyn,alhcirncduhibgnirjotesroilIoesehiselenutmcafni-aEshtseoacDatiyttiaragnhiesvahrge,ln.aayirPoceinoentnyrtdpnhrnahd,phos.ygaatdlagciaeaeesntoha-eHitnrosebetcshfocnEattyfddiaotesiliretsdageonsrvThaibofnynlogrtebemuoHyeyfpfirtdekorctea1tpEetiatIwMnandhrnht9BnrnExlohanegaed2eispkwxpfaehncu0oujlhepwtpanhioogcsssfnrlaaruhoriuiotAtrdeaecmachroarrslnxthrlitaneremditPoveiec-eaiaotraifnci:YaistlecdnaolisitavtsozdcSsmerhnhpana.tlhexihFeoouestettgSiuSiaugoicns,rodoHtoionmortnhioncetnmeneicvegowdna-esdb.di-le-l.-,divided itself into two disciplines:cultural anthropology and physical an-thropology, each subdivided differentlyin the U.S and in Europe. Credit Rating: 3060 Farmer Suggested Contacts: Business or military workers, local An agricultural worker who might own the land on which government, architects. Suggested Contacts: Church hierarchy, foreign officials.Military Officer Skills: Art/Craft (any), First Aid, Mechanical Repair,Officers are command rank and most commissions demand Medicine, Natural World, one interpersonal skillsome sort of higher education. This school was rootedin the concept of culture as a mentalphenomenon. Archeologist [Lovecraftian] Skills: Law, Listen, Medicine, Other Language, Psycho- analysis, Psychology, Science (Biology), (Chemistry). stuffy but actually be personable and open. At the end of this chapter you will finddifficulty of the roll. Typically an interpersonal skill (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimidate or author might spend months or years researching in prepa- Persuade), Other Language, Psychology, Spot Hid- ration for a book, then withdrawing for periods of intense den, any two other skills as personal or era special- creation. Add these there.average, did the investigator drop out things to your notes. Commonly skilled in hunting and fishing, and able to be self-sufficient Suggested Contacts: Club owners, musicians union, in all but the harshest of environments. Politics (e.g. Aside from a few doctors andnurses, they employ a large number of attendants, often Skills: Art (Literature), History, Library Use, Naturalchosen more for their strength and size rather than medical World or Occult, Other Language, Own Language,learning. These skills should be an essential con- Aviator [Classic] see Pilot Bank Robber see CriminalKey: Bartender Big Game HunterOccupations are listed alphabetically. When an Extreme success is achieved with an attack roll G (HG): Handgun the damage is increased. First, who? View flipping ebook version of Call of Cthulhu 7e - Investigator Handbook (Pre-Release) (2014) (Ingles) published by startobb on 2020-12-05. . Additionally, you'll find extensive information on weapons of the 1920s, and tables with . The Investigator Handbook is an essential player's aid for the Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition roleplaying game.Written for those who will be playing the roles of investigators, the Investigator Handbook contains expanded rules for creating players characters, a wealth of over 100 occupations and skill descriptions, as well as guidance on getting the most from the game. I told you the servants left, but I didn't tell you how. (Chemistry), any two other skills as personal or era specialties. you lived throughyou. The Keeper should wish (within the 15 to 90 range). 99investigator's handbookPushing examples: taking more time to study the site or the object, piece or composition from scratch; conductingitem; conducting further research; consulting another further research; checking with another In Accommodation: such a person would be perhaps with some domestic help (butler,play, Credit Rating de- living on the street. requiring slightly more skill than that of a janitor. (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimidate or Persuade), any two other skills.Skills: Accounting, History, Library Use, Listen, OtherLanguage, one interpersonal skill (Charm, Fast CowboyTalk, Intimidate or Persuade), Psy-chology, any one other skill. There is a recommended minimumprefer a random approach; others prefer varying degrees of value of 40 for INT and SIZ, although this may be lower,freedom to exchange or modify the values, perhaps with a with the Keepers agreement.view to fitting the characteristics to a preconceived charactertemplate, or to fit their perception of game balance. Forensic Surgeon Skills: Climb, Dodge, Drive Auto, First A highly specialized occupation, most forensic surgeons are Aid, Jump, Mechanical Repair, employed by a city, county or state to conduct autopsies, Operate Heavy Machinery, Throw. Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + (APP x 2 or POW x 2) Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + (APP x 2 or DEX x 2) Credit Rating: 030 Credit Rating: 920 Suggested Contacts: Religious or fraternal groups, news media. What? Upon gradua- directly for companies and others on consignment, buttion they are assigned rates and stations. Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + (APP x 2 or POW x 2) Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4 Credit Rating: 1040 Credit Rating: 1040 Suggested Contacts: Zoos, circus folk, patrons, actors. knowledge. (Biology or Botany), Throw. You never knowif your be Specific, Emotional an enthusiastic amateur inventor in investigator dies or is injured during and Emphatictheir spare time. Option 4: Point Buy Characteristics For these reasons, a selection of alternative methods of Share 460 points among the eight characteristics as youcreating investigators are listed below. allusion to the matter. of like, use despise instead of dislike. Researchers other skill as a personal or era specialty. or 1920s era specialties. Often the zookeeper is specialized in aup to a large national or multinational corporation. The best will haveenterprises; this latter group could include bank robbers, cat earned a formidable reputation on the street.burglars, forgers and confidence tricksters.The criminal either works for someone, Skills: Disguise, Electrical Repair,usually an organized mob or crime family, or Bootleggers have to Fighting, Firearms, Locksmith, Me-works solo, perhaps occasionally teaming protect their chanical Repair, Stealth, Psychology.up with others when the reward is worth livelihoodsthe effort and risk. (a parent, a anything once, lives on the edge). Hindu teachers can be encountered worldwide in all eras. Roll 1D10 or pick one of the following. sanctioned assassinations.Shopkeeper Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + (APP x 2 or DEX x 2)The owner of a small shop, market stall or perhaps res- Credit Rating: 2060taurant. Rigorous and demanding, the life of the farmer is suited Skills: Art/Craft (Technical Drawing), Electrical Repair, to those who enjoy manual labor and outdoor activities. Some workthrough an initial period of basic training. be aware of local plan- ning laws, health and safety regulation and general public safety. Skills: Accounting, Art/Craft (Technical Drawing), Law, Own Language, Computer Use or Library Use, Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + (DEX x 2 or STR x 2) Persuade, Psychology, Science (Mathematics). 4. Chaosium site has the quick start guide, with a scenario written and some pdf sheets on the site. The 6th edition base Each unarmed attack had its own individual skill in previ- values were Rifle 25% and Shotgun 30%. Cross-reference the investigators Credit Rating with the period to determine the investigators available cash, assets, and spending level. You wronged them and seek reconciliation. This was done where a skill in one area would clearly Firearms (Rifle/Shotgun) Shotgunconfer a higher level of skill in a related area, such as with Idea roll (rare) Idea rollrifle and shotgun. 5. Pixie haircuts, Suggested Contacts: Laboratories, law enforcement,cloche hats, long strings of medical profession.beads and gowns slit high upthe side are de rigueur. Taser (Contact or Dart): Affects only targets up to Build 2, stunned targets are incapacitated for 1D6 rounds (or asN/A: not available (in auto-fire configuration or at all). To get more targeted content, please make full-text search by clicking. (STR x 2 or DEX x 2) Whether bootleggers, corner-boys or thugs, these are the soldiers Credit Rating: 575of organized crime. Some espouse forms of Christianity while othersFence incorporate Eastern mysticism and occult practices. 2 to 64 2 2 205 to 284* +2D6 3 65 to 84 1 1 285 to 364 +3D6 4The number for unarmed combat 85 to 124 0 0is your investigators Fighting +1D4 1 365 to 444 +4D6 5(Brawl) skill. For instance, in the sample occupations, Antiquarian If both DEX and STR are each less than SIZ: MOV 7 encompasses: Appraise, Art/Craft, History, Library Use, Spy Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + (DEX x 2 or APP x 2) Spies work for the intelligence community of a political state or organization. ),elected to a two-year term. Adjust the following for the investigator: 8. Note that the entriesfor the other categories are filled in during play. In spite of this, many marry, raise children and in all Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + DEX x 2 other ways behave like model citizens. A sporting item (e.g. Few people in any era are expert with weapons, though often they have passing acquaintance with them. Its strictly binding glassblowing, toy maker, stained glass and Often sociopaths, who seem to lack the ability to empathizeso on. The spending His cash is $82 (41 x 2) and he has $2,050 (41levels exist purely to ease the flow of the game; no one wants to x 50) worth of assets. Traditionally the butler Persuade), is charge of the dining room, wineBounty Hunter cellar and pantry, and ranks as theBounty hunters track down and return fugitives to justice.Most often freelancers employed by Bail Bondsmen to track highest male servant. The book includes information on key events during the period, modes of transport across the country, and investigator information like forensics and photography. Some entries group related occupations; for example Bank Robber, Bootlegger, Burglar, Conman, Forger/Counterfeiter, and Assassin are all listed under the Criminal occupation. life and soul of the party, entertaining 6. weapon. Adjust the follow- ing for the investigator:Investigators can begin uncovering dark secrets at any age,and with age comes experience. A similar situation exists in England, withtouring repertory companies travelling the counties, withLondon the heart of theatrical shows. Figure Hit Points (CON+SIZ divided by 10) and Luck (3D6 x 5). 45 9 50 10 The decision was made to divorce Luck from POW since 55 11the latter is of great significance elsewhere in the game. Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4 Some who work in the church are trained in profes-sional skills, acting as doctors, lawyers and scholarsas ap- Credit Rating: 1070propriate, use the occupation template which best describesthe nature of the investigators work. Alternatively the chain can break and connect with the users body (2D8 damage). Only one dice roll is made; the resultis then compared with each of the skills named. In some cases, the secretary pretty much Stealth, Survival and two of the following: First Aid,ran their managers lives, organizing their vacations, buying Mechanical Repair or Other Language.presents for their children and wives, and generally coveringtheir bosses back. Credit Rating: 2070 Skills: Art/Craft (Acting) or Disguise, Firearms, Law, Listen, one interpersonal skill (Charm, Fast Talk, Suggested Contacts: Old military contacts, commercial Intimidate or Persuade), Psychology, Spot Hidden, cabin crew, mechanics, airfield staff, carnival enter- any one other skill. Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + APP x 2 Credit Rating: 8-25 72chapter 4: occupations Suggested Contacts: Regular customers, possibly orga- all part of the successful bounty hunters bag of tricks. Suggested Contacts: Local people and native folk, trad- ers. being listed in the Directory of the American Medical As- sociation as a specialist in psychiatry. These people love to be seen, love tomunicipalitys borders. Upon graduation thecadet is promoted to the rank of Army or Marine Second Mountain climbing as a sport became popular in the 19thLieutenant or Naval Ensign, and assigned to a station. Burglar see Criminal Butler/Valet[Lovecraftian] Occupations important in Lovecrafts stories. What? The 1920s Investigator's Companionis split into four sections. theories were still relatively new and aimed at attempting to explain phenomena that until recently have been considered Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + (DEX x 2 or STR x 2) to be biological in nature. Some weapons have burst or to escape or suffer 1D6 damage per round. A pet (e.g. phasize its personal nature. Decide an occupation and select eight appropriate occupation skills. Itsnot essential to have an entry for each category, but the more makes it personal and are able to define, the more your investigator comes tolife. applied to a member of the upper class who is independently wealthy Aside from illegal liquor and narcotics, organized crime (either by inheritance or regulardeals in prostitution, protection, gambling, and many other allowance).forms of corruption. The detectives cruciallearned to fly during their service and as a result still hold function is to marshal enough evidence to allow an arrest, incommissions as officers in the armed forces. Credit Rating: 930Designer Suggested Contacts: Coast guard, ship captains, mili- tary, law enforcement, smugglers.Designers work in many fields, from fashion to furniture andmost points in-between. Credit Rating: 930 During the 1920s, secretarial work was mainly con- Suggested Contacts: Military, veterans associations.cerned with correspondence, such as typing dictated letters,organizing document filing systems and arranging meetings Skills: Climb or Swim, Dodge, Fighting, Firearms,for their bosses. Published by startobb . The arm-waving histrionics of silent ac- the careful analysis of personal and business tors give way to more subtle characterizations. Sometimes nick- art, journalism and wildlife conservation. Younger pilots have either received towns, by County sheriffs departments, and state or regionalmilitary training during peacetime or learned on their own. During the twenties, Hol- classes, take a degree and undergo special training and civillywood makes fair use of stunt pilots. Stay inmoney a character has Travel: walking, hitchhiking or stowing away expensive hotels.available. Designer Dilettante [Lovecraftian]CpaorreiandntigstetR,haaanttidnmgaun:syDt nebtueemrsmpbieennretwsoittnhheiCnnretuhdmiistbrRearantogifnegom.ccEauyapcbhaetieocnhntorsyskeiinlsl Diverand that amount of occupation skill points spent.Saknnudog/wgoerisntsetohdceieiCrtyodnatyth-atacott-sda:aymSupegumgrsbeusetirtioso.nfTshtohefissethmoecacytuysppeaertviooefnapsmeidoigephalestfor the investigators backstory.Stsikkoiinllllsps:koiTilnlhtpesoemiingathystaaslrkseoilslsbpetehnuatsteoddnefttiohneefusterhthisskeoirllcstc;oupPpe-aurtspioo nntha. Thus STRis recorded as: 20 (10 /4). Embed Call of Cthulhu Keeper Handbook to websites for free. They work on salary, enjoy expense accounts and travel Suggested Contacts: Federal agencies, law enforcement, the globe. Credit Rating: 940 Commercial sailors may work aboard a fishing vessel, Suggested Contacts: Businesses within the same sector,charter boat or haulage tankers, carrying oil or commodi- favored customers.ties. The following random tables provide a waydevelopment phase for the recovery of Sanity points. Underlings in reality this could easily be the other way around, with theusually have specific areas of responsibility, such as oversee- moll working her boyfriend for all she can before skedad-ing illicit shipments, collecting protection money and so on. The grave of a significant person. You idolize them (e.g. Suggested Contacts: Street-level crime, police, busi- nesses and residents of the same ethnic community. once provided a regular living wage. to quickly determine some background detailsyou can ei- 52chapter 3: creating investigators Crafting a Backstory CNAbenTmOvwaimeofnohaefiolnwlmnbfaooporecseatnvephioilesbgAlde.ausydeiedenhtvIirrlinrewsnyocc.wdfe,roaeow,NihtiubfrififMeoMctemefljedeorow,lrcyy,aunueoaaAtwrnblputibsdnonetholnellneadnioyohlvaeyor,aseammhvmbtavdcweawaeoeenoeadvirl,tinfldktteii.eaoihvsewnMneiboAsNcdgicraeufynhoesoemelptrnin,w,nlow:aydhatiAeiMnbedMflblxnterieoteoyfte.,-ylte.-.-; gether. This may be a major league team with a Architecture may also encompass specialist areas like regular salary and national attention orparticularly in thenaval architecture and landscape architecture. Have they al- knowledge of the Mythos, as all that at your investigators characteristics ways done this? 77investigator's handbook In the U.S., physicians are licensed by individual states, Chauffeurmost requiring a minimum of two years attendance at anaccredited medical school. the nature of the relationship.on some paper. Equivalent toa game set in Victorian London, and should be reworded a bachelors degree in a specific subject.appropriatelyin this case as Drive Carriage. psychologist and a psychiatrist, who is a physician specialist. Chauffeur see Driver Clergy, Member of the[Classic] Occupations only available in the Classic 1920s Computer Programmer/Technician/Hacker [Modern]period. Possibly family- Suggested Contacts: Generally only the person the spyrun, with relations also working on the premises, however reports to, possibly other connections developednormally few, if any, employees. S Add one of the following to the investigators Where an experience package requires an increase in acharacters age you should assign any additional skill points backstory: Injury/Scar or a Phobia/Mania associatedarising from an increase in EDU prior to allocating the bo- with their experiences as a police officer.nus skill points granted by the package. Where science is applied to creating useful items, one might employ an engineer, but if one wishes to expandSailor, Naval the bounds of what is possible, one will require scientists. takes a cut of the profit or, more usually, buys the stolen goods at a very low price.Craftsperson Forgers are the artists of the criminal world, specializ-May be equally termed an artisan or master craftsperson. with abundant domestic help (butler, servants,Credit Rating skill be- Any transport possessed will be cheap and cleaner, gardener, etc.). Your family home (e.g. [Modern] Good money can also be made by those willing to risk life and limb on the rodeo circuit, travelling between events for fameUsually designing, writing, testing, de- and glory.bugging and/or maintaining the sourcecode of computer programs, the During the 1920s, a few found em-computer programmer is an expertin many different subjects, including ployment in Hollywood as stuntmenformal logic and application platforms.May work freelance or within the con- and extras in westernsfor example,fines of a software development house. contracts, combined with newspaper, magazine, book and film rights often generate enough money to support the Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + APP x 2 adventurer and this exciting lifestyle. Suggested Contacts: News industry, film in-Pharmacist dustry (1920s), foreign governments and authorities.Pharmacists have long been more closely regulated thanphysicians. Upon graduation from basic training, most are as- signed to the infantry, although the army also needs soldiersA position that ranges from high-paid private executive as- for artillery and the tank corps. Aside of the problems of being dents of the day, writing as many words in a day as an authorpoor and having no home, the hobo faces hostility from the may in a week. a country estate, a rented meal from almost nothing, refined palate). What a cupboard written in an unknown language, a was their flaw? with most photographers working freelance, for an adver- tising firm, or in a portrait studio, taking pictures of fami-Parapsychologist lies. A fellow investigator in your game. Science has all the answers. Make 3 improvement checks for EDU.60s Deduct 20 points from STR, CON or DEX (split across one, two or all three), and reduce APP by 15. Bag, car, lock picks ) in investigator dies or is during! 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