In addition to the standard properties, the following database-specific properties must also be set in the form: The enumeration covers the following values: The database fields are assigned to the individual control elements through this property: Another control element is provided for work with databases, the table control element. The first 128 characters of the ISO character set correspond to the ASCII character set. By convention, the symbolic names given below are written in UPPERCASE, to mark them as predefined, rather than user-defined. The following list describes the most important properties: Formatting information that does not refer to individual characters, but to the entire paragraph is considered to be a paragraph property. Text fields can be inserted in a text document using the same methods as those used for other TextContent objects: The example inserts a text field with the current date at the start of the current text document. There is, however, one main difference: a Universal Network Object may support several services at the same time. It calls a text document, which contains a StyleFamilies object and uses this to in turn make the paragraph templates (ParagraphStyles) of the document available. The cell type is not determined by the content that is saved in the cell, but rather the object property which was used for its entry. These provide the option of defining a variable search expression with placeholders and special characters rather than a fixed value. If the corresponding sheet does not exist, it is created by the createInstance call and inserted in the spreadsheet document by the insertByName method. When LibreOffice Basic encounters an incorrectly defined variable type in a particular context, an error message is generated. Since LibreOffice Basic uses the country-specific settings of the operating system when converting a string into a date value, the expression shown previously only functions correctly if the country-specific settings match the string expression. LibreOffice Basic saves strings as string variables in Unicode. VBA: LibreOffice Basic does not provide code completion. The selection ranges from simple text fields through list and combo boxes to various buttons. To determine a special control element, all drawing elements of the drawing level must be searched through. return the number of pages, words, or characters of a text. This basically covers the loadComponentFromURL method, which is responsible for creating, importing, and opening documents. In LibreOffice Basic, use the keyword Const to declare a constant. The most important field types and their properties are described in the following sections. In its simplest form, the command for an explicit declaration of a variable is as follows: This example declares a variable with the name MyVar and the type variant. Some DOS-specific file and directory functions are no longer provided in LibreOffice, or their function is only limited. Note: In the preceding example, if we replace the ChangeValue function then the superordinate variable A remains unaffected by this change. To use a Universal Network Object in LibreOffice Basic, you will need a variable declaration for the associated object. Ability to open, edit, and save Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. All of these objects can be anchored to any point within a text. Methods can be understood as functions that relate directly to an object and through which this object is called. The Wait statement suspends program execution for a specified time. The control codes are defined in the group of constants. Text fields provide the following properties: The following properties are provided through the associated model object: A date field makes it possible to enter, display and edit date values. Page properties are the formatting options that position document content on a page as well as visual elements that are repeated page after page. The maximum length of a marker is 255 characters. To retrieve the next entry, the Dir function should be requested without parameters. These are defined in the service. There are, however, also special drivers which access the MAPI address book, LDAP directories or LibreOffice spreadsheets as data sources. Whereas the responsible auxiliary object in VBA can be reached through the Find property of the Range object, in LibreOffice Basic it is created by the createSearchDescriptor or createReplaceDescriptor call of the document object. The more functions a ResultSet provides, the more complex its implementation usually is and therefore the slower the functions are. Strictly speaking, there are no table columns in LibreOffice. There are various ways of formatting text. The True value of the IsDate property results in only the date and not time being displayed. . The following example shows how a bookmark can be found within a text, and a text inserted at its position. The integrated development environment (IDE) which provides an editor for creating and testing macros. You can create and structure dialogs using the LibreOffice dialog editor: You can drag the control elements from the design pallet (right) into the dialog area, and define their position and size. They work in all applications of LibreOffice and help to significantly simplify formatting. The return value is provided as a bit mask in which the following values are possible: The following example determines the bit mask of the test.txt file and checks whether this is read-only whether it is a directory. Note: You can define hundreds of dimensions in LibreOffice Basic Arrays; however, the amount of available memory limits the number of dimensions you can have. This depends on the rotation of the chart. The following example replaces three characters with the string is from the sixth position of the MyString string. Integrated Development Environment (IDE) This section describes the Integrated Development Environment for LibreOffice Basic. A program-controlled position change of a TextCursor object has no impact whatsoever on the visible cursor. With the aid of Doc, the example then creates an Enumeration object that traverses through the individual parts of the text (paragraphs and tables) and assigns the current element to TextElement object. The previous section has already discussed a whole range of options for editing text documents, focusing on the and services, which grant access to paragraph portions as well as paragraphs. VBA: The path specifications listed in Dir may use the * and? The following example outlines the replacement process within a drawing: This code uses the first page of the document to create a ReplaceDescriptor and then applies this descriptor in a loop to all the pages in the drawing document. In the following example, variable I is the loop counter, with an initial value of 1. VBA: The ResultSet object from SDBC is comparable with the Recordset object from DAO and ADO, since this also provides iterative access to a database. VBA: In VBA, the Err.Clear method of the Err object resets the error status after an error occurs. Another mechanism for changing the text of headers and footers is available for text documents (LibreOffice Writer) because these consist of a single block of text. They are listed in the source text without a comma separating the thousand figure: The numbers can be preceded by both a plus (+) or minus (-) sign (with or without a space in between): When you type a decimal number, use a period (.) The main properties of this service are described in the following sections. which at first glance seems straightforward, ultimately proves to be something of a trap. Since LibreOffice is a platform-independent application, it uses URL notation (which is independent of any operating system), as defined in the Internet Standard RFC 1738 for file names. This function is similar to the one that is used in text documents as described in #Text Documents. The assignment does not need to be placed at the end of the function, but can be made anywhere in the function. The first character of a marker must be a letter or an underscore. In addition to the program code to be executed, an LibreOffice Basic program can also contain comments that explain the individual parts of the program and provide important information that can be helpful at a later point. In other words, a variable exists from the moment that you include it in your code. This includes the way in which file names are structured for LibreOffice documents, as well as the format in which files are saved. A text document can essentially contain four types of information: This section concentrates on the text and associated formatting options. For a multi-dimensional array you need to specify the position (1 to n) of the index you want to know the permitted lower and upper values: In some cases, especially when dealing with the API, you need to declare an empty array. Anyone who is already familiar with LibreOffice Basic programming can find additional information in the Developer's Guide on LibreOffice Basic and LibreOffice programming. RectangleShape.CharWeight = A ResultSet is a type of marker that indicates a current set of data within a volume of results obtained using the SELECT command. The lines can be stacked ( For more information about the LibreOffice API and the Software Development Kit, visit The following example therefore displays a message that informs the user whether the Spreadsheet object contains a page of the name Sheet1. The following example combines two drawing objects: This code creates a rectangle and a circle and inserts them into a page. getByIndex provides an object with a particular index. A table cell is comparable with a standard text. The following return values are available in this instance: In the previous example, checking the return values could be as follows: In addition to the information text and the parameter for arranging the information box, MsgBox also permits a third parameter, which defines the text for the box title: If no box title is specified, the default is soffice. This is not, for example, possible with complex SQL commands with linked columns or accumulated values. Since other pages of the Developer's Guide . Since XML is based on standard text files, the resultant files are usually very large. The following example uses this method to create an object of cell C3. The API does not provide a method to change the position of a page inside a drawing document. LibreOffice Basic returns the name of the first directory entry found. If a corresponding model is found, then a reference to this is saved in the Ctl variable and the search is terminated. The following example shows how the Dir function can be used to request all files located in one directory. Use the following style when you make a type-bound variable declaration: The variable is declared as an integer type and can record whole number values. When using the CompatibilityMode ( true ) function, LibreOffice Basic behaves like VBA and the Dir function, using parameter 16, returns sub-directories and standard files. To assign a macro to an event: The occurrence of a particular event is not always enough for an appropriate response. Internally, LibreOffice Basic saves the associated Unicode value for every character. When working with 3D charts, a Z-axis is also sometimes provided. Many parts of LibreOffice Basic are identical to Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications and Microsoft Visual Basic. The following are some of the properties that are available through the button model: The following example shows some of the properties for the buttons: Checkboxes are used to record a Yes or No value and depending on the mode, they can adopt two or three states. The Assign Action dialog lists all the available Events. Each cell is defined by its X and Y-position with respect to the top left cell which has the position (0,0). To do this, all option buttons of a group must contain the same name. The question remains as to which objects or services if we are going to remain with UNO terminology support which properties, methods and interfaces and how these can be determined. Documents are opened, imported and created using the method StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL(URL, Frame, SearchFlags, FileProperties) The first parameter of loadComponentFromURL specifies the URL of the associated file. To provide an overview of these services, they have been combined into modules. If you want to format the individual objects of a group, apply the formatting before you add them to the group. In particular, if such a request is made by pressing the right mouse button on the control, the event will be fired twice: once for the popup menu request, and once for the real mouse event. For example, in the following variable declaration, MyVar1 becomes a variant and MyVar2 becomes an integer: The following sections list the variable types that are available in LibreOffice Basic and describe how they can be used and declared. You can open a dialog with the following code: CreateUnoDialog creates an object called Dlg that references the associated dialog. If used in conjunction with integer and long integer values, the operation is done at the bit level. If you want to specify the type of a data, use a typed variable, not a constant. For Windows the recursion level is 5800. It is therefore a simple alternative to configuring dialogs. the property is unclear. As can be seen in the example, the insertTextContent method expects not only the Content object to be inserted, but two other parameters: Note: Furthermore, the SearchFlags parameter must be set so that the corresponding framework is created, if it does not already exist. In general, and for styles in particular, you can access information within a template in the same way you would access the same information in the associated document type. Only at run-time can you find out which properties or methods are available for an object. The API can be used not only by LibreOffice Basic, but also by other programming languages, such as Java and C++. LibreOffice provides the queryKey and addNew methods so that you can access existing number formats as well as create your own number formats. You can also use the service to position and format text in drawing object. The preceding Document object could, for example, provide a Save method, which can be called as follows: Methods, just like functions, may contain parameters and return values. The definition will then be available to all routines in the module. Information about how to create, open, save and print documents is described in #Working with Documents, because it can be used not only for text documents, but also for other types of documents. The LibreOffice Basic programmer can access the values through the Position property. To get the most out of this book, you should be familiar with other programming languages. The corresponding constant for SearchFlags is: The following example shows how the content of an opened window can be replaced with the help of the frame parameter and SearchFlags: The example first opens the test.odt file in a new window with the frame name of MyFrame. Set focus. You can also use the following style to declare an integer type variable: The Dim instruction can record several variable declarations: If you want to assign the variables to a permanent type, you must make separate assignments for each variable: If you do not declare the type for a variable, LibreOffice Basic assigns the variable a variant type. The following example sets the page size of a drawing document which has just been opened to 20 x 20 centimeters with a page margin of 0.5 centimeters: Warning: The Execute method of the dialog returns the value 0, which is the same as when you click Cancel. The right and left-hand edges of the line extend to their points of intersect with each other (LineJoint = MITER) to form a right-angle. The dialog can be reached using Event.Source.Context. SetModuleB is triggered from one toolbar button and ShowVarB is triggered from another toolbar button, then ShowVarB will display a C value of 0 since module variables are reset after each macro completion. Each of these sub-objects contains its own formatting information. The following example activates the automatic height optimization for the first five rows in the sheet and makes the second column invisible. Example: Suppose that in your Basic library you have a module named PrintDoc. The syntax of such method calls is oriented towards classic functions. If you understand the last example, then you also know why this example does not do what it appears. StarOffice 5: The database is actually accessed in LibreOffice through a ResultSet object. You do not need to use another program to create PDFs, unless your printing service requires you to do so. To change the search so that InStr is case sensitive, add the parameter 0, as shown in the following example: Using the previous functions for editing strings, programmers can search for and replace one string in another string: The function searches through the transferred Search string in a loop by means of InStr in the original term Source. The mechanisms explained there are identical to those for forms. To create a hatch fill, the FillStyle property must be set to HATCH. Instead, you execute an LibreOffice Basic program inside LibreOffice. VBA: Unlike VBA, where only the upper limit of the last dimension of a data field can be changed through Preserve, LibreOffice Basic lets you change other dimensions as well. The drawing object can, for example, be created as follows using a spreadsheet object: A paragraph template in a text document is created in the same way: The XNameAccess and XNameContainer interfaces are used in objects that contain subordinate objects, which can be addressed using a natural language name. In LibreOffice Basic, this is irrelevant. Note: A complete list of the paragraph properties can be found in the LibreOffice API reference. The following rules apply to numerical characters in LibreOffice Basic: The simplest method is to work with whole numbers. Large sections of the basic constructs of LibreOffice Basic are compatible with Visual Basic. The column objects support the service that has the following properties: The width of a column is only optimized when the OptimalWidth property is set to True. The following example creates two objects that reference the first row and the first column of a sheet and stores the references in the FirstCol and FirstRow object variables. If a new page is inserted in a drawing document of several pages, all subsequent pages which have not been renamed will automatically see their default name change, e.g. The values for selecting the buttons are: To set a button as the default button, add one of the following values to the parameter value from the list of button selections. These are produced implicitly by arranging the rows (one under another) next to one another. In the second instance, the integer variables are first converted into two strings and then linked with one another by means of the assignment. The following values are available: The following example creates a circular slice with a 70 degree angle (produced from difference between start angle of 20 degrees and end angle of 90 degrees). Accessing databases is often a matter of critical speed. The previous example shows how a text table can be created. Templates for formatting characters, paragraphs, and pages, Non-text elements such as tables, graphics and drawing objects, A period within a search expression stands for any character. You can also have loops with an undefined number of passes. Note: The following path references the test.odt file in the doc directory on the C: drive: file:///C:/doc/test.odt The following properties are provided for 3D charts at the Diagram object: The following example creates a 3D area chart. A For Each loop says "do this to everything in this set", rather than "do this n times". LibreOffice Basic provides properties that return these in the form of a string containing a list. Extensive examples are provided to help you quickly develop your own Basic programs. All LibreOffice documents provide a special interface for this purpose, and this interface always functions in accordance with the same principle: Before a search process, what is commonly referred to as a SearchDescriptor must first be created. LibreOffice then creates a list of the associated cell names for each of these tables. For example, A1:C15 represents all the cells in rows 1 to 15 in columns A, B, and C. If the position of the cell range is only known at runtime, use the following code: The arguments of are the position of the upper left cell of the range, followed by the position of the bottom right cell of the same range. A single key action on a modification key, such as the Shift key or the Alt key does not create an independent event. The previous example creates a bar chart. Double variables are suitable for precise calculations. LibreOffice recognizes four main types of formatting for a fill area. Unlike LibreOffice Basic identifiers, the names of control elements are case sensitive. The simplest scenario is for the button to trigger a When Initiating event when it is clicked by a user. Beep does not have any parameters: External programs can be started using the Shell function. You can move the data from one list to the other using the buttons between the two list boxes. Since replacing parts of character sequences is one of the most frequently used functions, the Mid function in LibreOffice Basic has been extended so that this task is performed automatically. They can be displayed as 2D or 3D graphics ( For example, to create Yes, No and Cancel buttons (value 3) where Cancel is the default (value 512), the parameter value is 3 + 512 = 515. For Each loops do not use an explicit counter like a ForNext loop does. If the corresponding page does not exist, it is created and inserted in the drawing document by the insertNewByIndex method. The easiest way to change a variable from one type to another is to use an assignment. There is no type declaration symbol for Boolean variables. loadComponentFromURL supports the following options: The following example shows how a text file separated by a comma in LibreOffice Calc can be opened using the FilterName option. In other words, formatting using templates is assigned a lower priority than direct formatting in a text. The inner loop processes the paragraph portions in these paragraphs. The model object of a checkbox form provides the following properties: The model objects of text field forms offer the following properties: The model object of the list box forms provides the following properties: Note: Upon closer inspection, the following code sequence. The page properties that only apply to spreadsheet documents are defined in the service. The example creates a TextTables list containing all tables of a text that are traversed in a loop. LibreOffice does not limit the number of pages in a drawing document. This allows Java to control and manipulate LibreOffice's text, drawing, presentation, spreadsheet, and database applications, and a lot more (e.g. In the latter examples, the code will be executed at least once. The Sheet object that is obtained by the getByName method supports the service. VBA: When requested in LibreOffice Basic, the Dir function, using the parameter 16, only returns the sub-directories of a folder. The status information remains valid until the program encounters a Resume or On Error command, whereupon the information is reset. The first three chapters introduce you to LibreOffice Basic: These chapters provide an overview of LibreOffice Basic and should be read by anyone who intends to write LibreOffice Basic programs. If you assign a floating point number to an integer variable, the number is rounded up or down to the next whole number. If a decimal number is assigned to an integer variable, LibreOffice Basic rounds the figure up or down. If there is no highlighted area, the text is inserted at the present TextCursor position. You can also benefit from the advantages of object-oriented programming since an interface in LibreOffice Basic enables you to use external object libraries. WaitUntil takes a parameter of type Date, with a combined date and time value. VBA: A ResultSet containing the READ_ONLY and SCROLL_INSENSITIVE properties corresponds to a record set of the Snapshot type in ADO and DAO. The declaration can only be made using the supplement As Date. ), comma (,) and dollar sign ($) characters. LibreOffice Basic then interprets the following line as a regular instruction again. The names of the Basic modules (by default Module1, Module2, etc) are known by Basic on a public scope. The IsMissing function checks whether a parameter has been passed or is left out. If you are familiar with an interface, then you can transfer your knowledge from one service to another. Currency variables are mostly intended for business calculations that yield unforeseeable rounding errors due to the use of floating point numbers. In this instance, the storeAsURL method is used. In the hexadecimal system, the numbers 0 to 9 and the letters A to F are used as numbers. It adds the NewPart section at the point of the search term Search. Note: The Select command is not restricted to simple 1:1 assignments you can also specify comparison operators or lists of expressions in a Case branch. This data field is then initialized with the values to be set and assigned the Printer property. Constants have the same scope as variables (see #Scope_of_Variables Scope and Life Span of Variables), but the syntax is slightly different. The steep learning curve is not imposed by your chosen language. At the end, the drawing object is assigned to a page using a Page.add call. Fill and line properties ( and services) as well as the character properties ( service) are provided for further formatting of the elements. The Weekday function returns the number of the weekday for the transferred date: Note: The type declaration symbol for a single variable is !. In the hexadecimal system (base 16 system), a 2-digit number corresponds to precisely one byte. In the following example, the loop is terminated during the fifth pass: The For EachNext loop variation in VBA is supported in LibreOffice Basic. However, as a result, the same character value can represent different characters in different languages. LibreOffice recognizes five different axes that can be used in a chart. Its argument specifies the value that will be returned by execute method. This chapter provides an overview of the key elements and constructs of the LibreOffice Basic language, as well as the framework in which applications and libraries are oriented to LibreOffice Basic. In terms of functionality, OptimalWidth is more of a method than a property. The ISO standard introduces new character sets (code pages) so that more languages can be correctly displayed. If you click on Yes, the new or changed styles will be copied into the document. If this is not the case, it must be determined using the preceding code. Clicking on this symbol opens a text field, in which a comment on the current point in the text can be recorded. The When initiating event is also noteworthy for the following reasons: The properties for the Item Status Changed event are: LibreOffice Basic recognizes a range of control elements which can be divided into the following groups: A button performs an action when you click it. It returns the string produced in this way as the result of the replacement process. This gradually returns the individual paragraphs of the text in a loop. This is useful, for example, if the contents of different databases are displayed within one document, or if a 1:n database relationship is displayed within a form. As a result, LibreOffice Basic enables the creation of a variable through simple usage and without an explicit declaration. The minimum value of the Y-axis is fixed to 0 and the maximum value is fixed to 100 so that the resolution of the chart is retained even if the values are changed. The entire LibreOffice API is based on these interfaces, which are described in more detail in the following chapters of this document. The method getByName() is mandatory, and should always be available. The Format Cells dialog in LibreOffice Calc provides an overview of the different formatting options for cells. A database is incorporated into LibreOffice by creating what is commonly referred to as a data source. If the True parameter is passed here, then insertControlCharacter replaces the current text. The expression, is interpreted as 1.43 minus 2, which corresponds to the value -0.57. To simplify access to the tables, LibreOffice, however, provides some methods which operate using columns. If you are interested in only the mouse click, your macro should ignore all calls where PopupTrigger is TRUE. Data can either be displayed as 2D or 3D graphics, and the appearance of the chart elements can be individually adapted in a way similar to the process used for drawing elements. If you want to delete directory (including its files) use the RmDir function. This Statement object then uses the executeQuery call to return the actual ResultSet. The ResultSet object provides Update methods for modifying values, which are structured in the same way as the get methods for retrieving values. The structure of the associated event objects is defined in the structure which provides the following information: The constants defined in for the mouse buttons are: The following example outputs the mouse position as well as the mouse button that was pressed: Note: If it does, the method determines a corresponding object reference by using the getByName method and then saves the reference in a variable in Sheet. From a Set of ASCII Characters to Unicode, Dynamic Changes in the Dimensions of Data Fields, Determining the Dimensions of Data Fields, Array Creation, value assignment and access example, Programming Example: Sorting With Embedded Loops, Terminating Procedures and Functions Prematurely, Specification of Date and Time Details within the Program Code, Copying, Renaming, Deleting and Checking the Existence of Files, Interface, Interface, Interface, Index-Based Access to Subordinate Objects, Interface, Interface, and XenumerationAccess Interfaces, Basic Information about Documents in LibreOffice, Creating, Opening and Importing Documents, Replacing the Content of the Document Window, Default values for character and paragraph properties, Example: searching and replacing text with regular expressions, Inserting, Deleting, Copying and Moving Cells, Definition of Elements to be Printed (Spreadsheets Only), Type-Specific Methods for Retrieving Values, Closing With the Close Button in the Title Bar, Working With the Model of Dialogs and Control Elements, The Three Aspects of a Control Element Form, Accessing the Model of Control Element Forms, Accessing the View of Control Element Forms, Accessing the Shape Object of Control Element Forms, Determining the Size and Position of Control Elements, #Scope_of_Variables Scope and Life Span of Variables, '''#Default values for character and paragraph properties''',, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, Addition of numbers and date values, concatenation of strings, Division of numbers with a whole number result (rounded), modulo operation (calculation of the remainder of a division), Implication (if the first expression is true, then the second must also be true), Equality of numbers, date values and strings, Inequality of numbers, date values and strings, Greater than check for numbers, date values and strings, Greater than or equal to check for numbers, date values and strings, Less than check for numbers, date values and strings, Less than or equal to check for numbers, date values and strings. A LibreOffice form may adopt one of two modes: the draft mode and the display mode. However, this is not sufficient for many problems. In VBA, the function also returns the names of the standard files so that further checking is needed to retrieve the directories only. They provide a mechanism through which all subordinate elements of an objects can be passed, step by step, without having to use direct addressing. Apache OpenOffice - Official Site - The Free and Open Productivity Suite The bookmark is then assigned a name and is inserted in the document through insertTextContent at the cursor position. A database form corresponds to a standard LibreOffice form. If the bitmap is already available in LibreOffice, you just need to specify its name in the FillBitMapName property and its display style (simple, tiled, or elongated) in the FillBitmapMode property (default values in accordance with To convert local file names into a URL, LibreOffice provides the ConvertToUrl function. As with the loadComponentFromURL method, some options can also be specified in the form of a PropertyValue data field using the storeAsURL method. The named _blank value for the Frame parameter ensures that LibreOffice creates a new window for every call from loadComponentFromURL. chapter #LibreOffice_Basic_IDE describes more fully the IDE This is because a paragraph in turn consists of individual sub-objects. The Basic interpreter's line-oriented execution produces one of the key differences between Basic and other programming languages. The hasByName and getByName methods are obtained from the interface. A problem may arise if you click on No: the styles will not be updated, and the automatic-update feature will be turned off. You can access slides in the same way as a standard drawing is accessed through the DrawPages list of the document object. 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