I feel I am on a very lonely and scary journey . We didn't get married till in our 40's, I cried all the way through my vows..Happy crying, that I was actually going to marry him finally. I do not see him being here by next year. Their life changed in that instant. Credit Solution Experts Incorporated offers quality business credit building services, which includes an easy step-by-step system designed for helping clients build their business credit effortlessly. It Is the unknown that we are dealing with that just makes this all so scary. My partner & I have always had an exceptional relationship & communication has always been the key. This is my suggestion hopefully others will have ideas as well, hope you get sorted soon and have a good future. * To protect your identity do not use your full name. In later months my wife's blood figures weren't high enough for her treatment to go ahead and that was always so frustrating. He buries his head with the cancer in some ways and to the world makes out he's strong where I see his true mix of emotions and his fear at home. We had a team out yesterday who provided us with all the practical things like walking frame, bed rest, bathroom stool etc and today the two nurses from our local hospice came out to visit to explain what they offer for support. If your husband was a decent man before maybe it's the cancer that has caused him to react in this way. They had not completed the whipples procedure but had only done a biliary bypass. Your social media following is growing, and you have plenty of gigs coming up. Yes it's really tough when you're not well enough to take the medication. Hearing those words, I made an instantaneous decision to become the best caregiver possible. We have had a real roller coaster of a week, but we have so much support from various cancer organisations which has been so welcome. This means they put a lot of emphasis on tradition, sentimentality, roots, and security. "I'm flattered that people find it funny, that it has become what it is," she said. I am in a similar position although in my case there is a lot of questions yet to be answered as we are only at the very beginning of our journey but things are pretty scary for us too. one funny mommy Margaret Josephs Maybe assomeone else mentioned on here could you stay at a friends for a few days to give yourself a break,write him a letter with some happy memories and also how your feeling now which he could read and reflect on. How did you find hilarious mommy on Facebook. Just so I am happy. After 7 weeks recovering from the surgery, he had a 14inch cut across his abdomen, chem. I dont mean to trivialize either cancer or the caregiving experience. So, I had an "awake trach" procedure prior to the actual biopsy. I more than understand what you have said. How did you find hilarious mommy on Facebook? But I can already see he is losing weight. He has to go back Monday & Tuesday. When my husband passes, a part of me will pass with him. doctor for support, Also consider wether he needs to speak to his doctor about how he is feeling if he is feeling low/depressed. My husband is 62 andhadn't been well for a while but he is one of these people who just won't go to the doctors On 16th January he collapsed in town and he had to (reluctantly) go to A&E where they did tests and found a large tumour on the CT scan (colon). Despite her husbands progressing cancer, Riley managed to post videos nearly every day. You cant take away the picture of him wrestling with our kids on the living floor or teaching them to swim. We went to other Dr.'s for a 2nd & 3rd opinion. We spent 5 days in the hospital getting used to the new plastic in my throat & learning how to clean a trach. Did you encounter any technical issues? I'm sorry to hear what your going through. what kind of cancer does onefunnymommy husband have No sanitizer, no Lysol, going back and forth to hospitals taking a chance. During the pandemic, one mom from Staten Island amassed hundreds of thousands of devoted followers for her hilarious videos about the basic things in life that can drive us all a little crazy. Although her husband was the catalyst for the Instagram page, he prefers to stay off-camera. Stay but not if it turns physical, that's a boundary too far. For men it can be about the loss of strength,unable to be the provider,subconciously driving the partner away from what they perceive to be a dying cause, and unable to stand the pain accummalating day by day, but equally unable to say that to the person as they do not want to lose the one they love, torn emotionally and no idea how to cope. Psychologically we both feel better, and all of a sudden all the support network has kicked in aswell. Riley and her husband have three children. Old house, smoking, dust, animals. Lisa Marie Riley, whose hilarious social media posts brought joy - CNN There was drinking and dancing and way too much fun for 30-somethings to be having. They will never see the Chris Farley impressions, or the dance moves when the DJ plays Rob Base the guy whose biggest quirk in life was pinching cold fingers. My family is my favorite source of material for my jokes. 4. Thinking of you and hoping you are coping at this difficult time. So sorry your husband has changed so much. I have a lot of people I used to consider as friends (old work colleagues, hobby friends etc. I really hope your meeting with the consultant this afternoon has gone better than you hoped, and your husband can have another course of chemo. 2023 BDG Media, Inc. All rights reserved. I'm off work at the moment as I needed to spend so much time at the hospital, but I'm fortunate that I live on site of my job. He has really struggled with eating as he can't taste anything which I believe is a side effect of the chemo. If there's one thing we all need right now it's laughter.It is not the critic who counts. Here She Is! When her husband was diagnosed with - Facebook Watch First kid is a big deal. One Funny Lisa Marie's Posts About Being Parent, Caregiver Go - Insider By the grace of God, he survived resection/treatment, but not w/o costs. All ran CT scans & further MRI tests. She always had a smile, and rarely, if ever, mentioned her own sadness. now, here we are again, and I feel he just will not help himself. Please stay in touch, Hi missydawn How are things? I've read everyone's comments and I honestly honestly feel for every single one of you. He was 40 years old. The doctors have told us we probably wont have that. One Funny Mommy, One Strong with Mother Lisa Marie Riley. Peace to you. What is your husbands name, and how is he doing in his battle against cancer? Depression, fatigue, nausea, erectile dysfunction, vaginal dryness, and other physical or emotional challenges may lower sex drive or make intercourse difficult or painful. Her followers have connected not just with her, but with each other as well, she said. Sorry you are here but welcome none the less. I hate you for making me have to explain it to them. When Lisa Marie Riley found out her husband had an aggressive 8lb tumor in his stomach after complaining of a stomach ache, her sister and friends set up an Instagram account for her and told her that, instead of texting them on their group chat (which she hated), she could just post videos to Instagram for them to see. Riley told CNN that David fought like a bull to the very end., It doesnt feel real what has happened, she said. Theres yet another thing you are taking. Normal life seems a very long time ago now ! It was an energetic night. I suffer from Panic Disorder, I am being treated and would be considered 'stable' now. Spousal relationships should come first. They are the ones who help us in the fight to carry on for our children children who still do normal things like ride bikes and play soccer, who laugh at burps and whine about homework and my crockpot dinners. Im mad that the nurses and doctors who care for my husband only see a frail, sick man, who some days is so weak he cant get out of bed. more than 1 year ago. We both love each other tremendously. If there's one thing we all need right now it's laughter. Hey Cancer, I know you know you suck, but I'm going to tell you again. Tony Dow Cancer: Tony Dow's Family Says Actor Is Fighting - Distractify Someone please help I need advice Im in beast mode I have to do everything I possibly can for my husband. It is breaking my heart and I can hardly seethrough my tears to type this. I just take each day at a timeand gratefully accept every offer of help given. It was touch and go as I'd had to have the doctor out in the night toadminister pain relief and he wanted to admit him to hospital but I refused and between his best friend and myself we got him there to the oncology unit yesterday! Do people ever confuse you for Lisa Marie Presley, and if so, do you have any jokes about that? But I feel for all of you going through the same. I've had a sister with dementure .. where yes she was angry at times .. and it wasn't her , it was the dementure but wer a big strong family that held everyone up .. How you can take that day after day , my heart goes out to you this covid makes things even harder as your probly stuck there 24 / 7 .. with no respite .. if it was me, I'd leave the room he's in, every time he " lost it" if not go all together please look after you too these replys understand how hard it must be .. talk to McMillan .. but don't feel guilty if you have to go what a sad sad situation You don't have to put up with this especially in such a young marriage - you are allowed to put yourself first. Everyday I dread getting up and having to facea new day dealing with cancer, I am so very frightened and scared. 5K views, 48 likes, 14 loves, 15 comments, 8 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from The Doctors: Onefunnymommy, Lisa Marie Riley, started making funny videos when her husband was diagnosed with cancer.. Youll never take my recollection of the night he first kissed me. Wishing you both a lot of courage and I hope we can all get a little comfort soon. He seemed to age 10 years in 10 months. I'm no Saint, nor am I a martyr but just wanting to give whatever support I could. So stand up for yourself, giving in isn't working. After a week in hospital in isolation with a C difficile infection he was very weak. I dont consider myself to be a comedian, but I needed an outlet for my mental health and social media became the perfect one for me. This is his second bout and about 18 months after his first bout I heard him tell someone how hard it had been for me! For more about Lisa Marie, visit her on Instagram. As his caregiver, I did things I never imagined doing: cleaning open wounds, changing bloody dressings, and feeding my husband through a tube in his stomach. He used to have a sense of humor a sarcastic, dry one but funny as hell. We were the kind of people who are here now, who talked and laughed all night. I really hope this doesn;t sound selfish, and the main reason I am posting this is to see if anyone else has had the same experience and if so how they coped, and in fact if they coped, becuase I'm struggling and ready to give up. He has also had radiotherapy on his back as he has a tumour and that hasn't worked and gives him immense pain. I fully agree with Billygoatt, in that you need to take care ofyourself. "Monday Morsels are the short-form companion to our Friday Interviews of 10,000 NOs brief riffs on the show's central topics & themes as food for thought to chew on throughout your week.It is not the critic who counts. I can hardly cope with this unknown and it breaks my heart to see him so weak. The Doctors - Onefunnymommy Lisa Marie started making | Facebook a shock of course. He's in a lot of pain so they are going to give him radiotherapy starting next week. I have scheduled an appointment with the Trust Attorney to see what my options are. How is his sickness ? I walked in this same bar the other day to pick up sushi takeout, but I left instead with a memory of fun times so thick and heavy I could literally taste the sugar off the rim of those blue martinis I drank that night. Now we are sad people, angry people, depressed most days. I'm saying it.". Managing the news of a cancer diagnosis can be made easier with the help of a strong support network, therapy . Have you got some support? Iliza Shlesinger Hates Mom-Shamers As Much As You Do - Scary Mommy I hate cancer. I am feeling so scared today as my husband is due to see the consultant this afternoon to review how things are. I'm so glad that you now have support in place, it must be a huge relief. Her second book, All Things Aside, will be released in the fall. Radio Host Dan Bongino's Cancer Story Gives Stage Four - SurvivorNet fuzhou international mail processing center to uk green lady lounge dress code. It was never a great marriage, and yes, he was always a difficult person, but I never thought it would end this way. 5. Those are the people who keep us alive, not the drugs or the painkillers. 2023 Cable News Network. I hope all is well with you and your husband, susan hesselgesser A Facebook post falsely announcing Tony Dow 's death has now been removed. For almost 9 years now, it is a one sided propositionExtraordinarily draining physically, mentally and emotionally with no outlet or relief. In this excerpt, from one of our weekly Live Zoom calls with the 10,000 NOs Insiders Community, we discuss the fine line between being respectful of others while also asserting one's own will and personality. We have a Trust with assets and I am very worried. On return from holiday he went into hospital for the whipples procedure, which takes 5-7 hours. Life can change in an instant. I hope that you are coping ok? I knew he wouldn't leave voluntarily, so I got cold, hard and mean and started seeing an ex and left no doubt that I was doing it. Everybody came back with the same conclusions. It will push you into boundaries you didn't know existed. The year before 2017, We had purchased a home in another state( before his diagnosis) so we could down size.After the cancer diagnosis things got really unstable, so I left my husband and went there and moved in. He is severely cognitively/physically impaired and I'm told by Drs, that he will continue to deteriorate. You'll find a lot of caring people on line here that you can chat to in the dark times - you'd be surprised how many posts are in the middle of the night - well maybe you'd not be that surprised eh? Are you receiving any counselling ? It brought it all back. Staten Island-based, Brooklyn-bred Lisa Marie is one funny wife and mom. Their life changed in that instant. Lost, angry, afraid, confused, sad, even bewildered at how fast this has changed our lives. Riley soon began started delivering monologues about her daily life. I don't sleep too well currently. It leaves you mentally and physically knackered and I mean it when I say Inever want to go into another relationship for as long as I live. "I've always been so embarrassing to them. Since his discharge from hospital on Friday ,I have really noticed him going downhill. I will never forget his response to my question the day before his 60th birthday. There, I said it. It's a good one. And he KNOWS this. I appreciate it so much. We were already having difficulties in our marriage, when he told me. My husband has been on chemo tablets which haven't worked , and he was due to start a last week but he is in hospital as he has been really ill and therefore they are unable to start the new meds. Please keep in touch. How Cancer Affects Family Life | Cancer.Net Ive got a long term health condition, have had multipe surgeries for hips and feet and ankle and now mastectomy and reconstruction which is very wonky because, guess what, theres a huge malformation to my chest wall under where they operated. I drove David to appointments, sat with him every Wednesday during his chemotherapy treatments, and watched my sturdy, strong husband get thinner and weaker every day. If he does need intense medical care perhaps have a chat to his. No one counsels the spouse that the patient will eventually be legally incompetent and should not be trusted with major life decisions or finances. How and why did your husbands cancer diagnosis lead to your comedy career, and what has been his response to that? I can't bear thinking of what's going to happen, I know he is scared but he won't admit to it, he doesn't even want to talk about it so I just watch him all white faced and weak and can't say nothing, I am very scared. In time you may even find that you can offer such advice and support to others - you'd be amazed how theraputic that can be. Like you I am very scared at how quickly he is deteriorating. Do you think at some point youll do a podcast or even a television special or show? When Lisa Marie Riley found out her husband had an aggressive 8lb tumor in his stomach after complaining of a stomach ache, her sister and friends set up an Instagram account for her and told her that, instead of texting them on their group chat (which she hated), she could just post videos to Instagram for .