It works! She just keeps having more 'babies' The stem cells are not touched by chemo. Blackstrap molasses is used infrequently for direct firing and is relatively high in potassium content. Because antioxidants help protect your cells from damage from free radicals that result when your body breaks down food. Cover Crops & Companion Plants for Growing Weed: Good or Bad Idea? As per research, blackstrap molasses has more antioxidants than honey and other natural sweeteners, including maple syrup and agave nectar. One tablespoon of blackstrap molasses contains 20% of the iron you need each day. Bag Seed vs Hype Seed: Is it worth it to buy cannabis seeds? Study: No Health Concerns in Food Tested for Acrylamide We actually wrote to the manufacturer, and this is what they said: This subject is confusing and controversial right now. These Health Benefits of Blackstrap Molasses May Surprise You 2023 Earth Clinic LLC. Fast forward to the present day, and a health-conscious population may be pushing molasses back into the throes of popularity. Heat the water and baking soda together, turn off heat, and then add the molasses or syrup. ?let me know, thank. My cannabis seedling leaves are stuck together, what do I do? Although, other necessary food sources of these minerals are widely available. i'm one of these. Here is a relevant quote from the study : >>> ' We highlighted the underlying mechanism of anti-osteosarcoma properties evoked by melatonin, including antioxidant activity, anti-proliferation, induction of apoptosis, and the inhibition of invasion and metastasis. Some women find that it helps to regulate menstrual bleeding, yet at least one Earth Clinic reader reports that it increased menstrual bleeding. Stevia or Monkfruit should be used instead. I realize your post was more than 12 yeas ago, I just had to comment. i thought i would post this for other people who for whatever reason found they couldn't take blackstrap molasses straight. What causes red stems in cannabis plants? The piece was also written up by Dr Sircus, a well known natural allopathic doctor. So, I workout a lot (almost every day) since years. He cured his cancers by taking this protocol in order to simply maintain his body pH at 8.0 - 8.5 for 4 days, which was enough to completely wipe out both the prostate as well as bone cancers. Hi Natalie, Here are a few articles or post I would like you to read. It's the dark, syrup from the juice, known as molasses, that contains all the goodness absorbed by the plant. Experimentation is fine - listen to your body; it will tell you when to back off.). They said it was cancer. Please note that we use cookies necessary for the functioning of our website, cookies that optimize the performance. ?molasses is good or not?? This is expected. It worked on her. Blackstrap molasses is a high nutrient food commonly taken to help with anemia, heart health, increase in energy, gray hair reduction, headaches, hot flashes and restless leg syndrome. Any products produced by direct firing with these heavy fuel oils are subject to possible contamination. During a recent inspection it was learned that a food additive manufacturer had discovered 20-25 ppm lead in calcium propionate, a mold inhibitor which they had manufactured. I wrote yesterday about having hives which I attribute to taking molasses. You can apply it as a face pack and keep it for half an hour to see the best results. 5 fuel oils contain appreciable amounts of vanadium. Unknown amount of magnesium. This doctor was on the George Noory radio show one night. The refined pure white and brown sugar is taken out, while the by-product is molasses. All Rights Reserved. This concentrated byproduct is left over after the sugars sucrose crystallizes. Watch a lot of comedy, laugh a lot. It says shrinkage was seen as early as six weeks. (You may get some diarrhea and feel a little weak. so i tried putting 1/2 a teaspoon in my daily smoothie! California needs to stop saying everything causes cancer However, other foods can be used to create a similar product. A similar lawsuit is currently ongoing with the coffee industry as they have acrylamide that California says need the same warning. I buy Safegard for 10 lb dogs, from Chewy, as part of my treatment program for stage 3 melanoma. Content may not be reproduced in any form. Vitamin B6 helps prevent depression and fatigue, and in a 2004 studyfound inPsychotherapy and Psychosomatics, it was determined that of those who participated in the study, those who suffered from depression were also deprived of this important nutrient. Continue this formula through day 7. What makes cannabis buds harsh to smoke? Stir one teaspoon of blackstrap molasses into water. And if you have not tried Tagamet or Cimetidine yet there is a very interesting Cancer treatment study using Cimetidine or Tagamet. add 7/8 teaspoon (approx) baking soda. What is great about Earth Clinic is real people like you and I come and share what worked for us during a health crisis. Stir one teaspoon of blackstrap molasses into water. Antioxidants are believed to help protect your body from heart disease, cancer, and other diseases (via Mayo Clinic). One tablespoon of blackstrap molasses contains 20% of the iron you need each day. Other health benefits of blackstrap molasses include the following: It can help prevent anemia. Good luck, sending healing energy your way. I would advise you to search for a few books on cancer. Answer to Natalie from West Palm Beach for natural cures for cancer. I just finished the baking soda and molasses and the alkaline diet, even going an extra day, but the affected areas seem to be more inflamed. Did you ever get an answer to this question? Bagasse (crushed sugar cane stalks) is used in selected areas for direct firing and may result in contamination of products with potash (KOH). If you could take smaller amounts as you found this works well, it slows down the toxic overload, drink lots of water, 2-3 qts a day helps remove toxins easier. add 7/8 teaspoon (approx) baking soda. He is ok now but has it genetically. The following study suggests that melatonin's methods of action may be useful in bone metastasis :, >>> ' These findings show promise for melatonin in the treatment of bone metastases. ' !.right after that week I felt very tired all the time and at the gym was very hard to be right on!!?? Blackstrap molasses are also a significant source of: Enjoyed in moderation, blackstrap molasses can add a hint of sweetness to many foods, along with several important vitamins and minerals. Baking Soda Molasses Protocol May Cure Many Cancers One man claims he has found a cure for cancer and actually successfully treated his own by using baking soda. I suspect this is the exact same molasses as the "Slow As" brand below. Buy tub of miso or Korean equivalent is fine (not from supermarket normal, go to oriental one or online and get large tub keep in fridge use clean spoons to take each amount out only) get dulse or kelp dry and trim it tiny bits then put in clean sterile jar, daily have at least one large cup of hot water with a tablespoon of miso mixed in and a dessert or half desert spoon of those dry seaweed in it, you can have two cups a day if want with seaweed just one time). In order to meet our daily caloric needs, we would have to consume an entire meal of molasses. Why Is There a Warning on Blackstrap Molasses? | Glucorp All No. ), [HLG Blackbird] 600W Premium LED Cannabis Grow Setup & Shopping List (up to 1.5 lb yield). Most of the hoopla about acrylamide comes from a single rodent study that found it caused a few more cases of cancer than baseline when given in. It is a useful remedy to treat acne and eczema. (Arm & Hammer is supposedly aluminum free also. Content may not be reproduced in any form. 1) Buy Arm & Hammer Baking Soda OR Bob's Red Mill Aluminum Free Baking Soda. Molasses offer a plant-based source of iron, unlike the meat-based iron resource most of the world's population uses to eat. When my friend's breast cancer was diagnosed by showing her the sugar-syrup clinging to it and thriving, that I was horrified. Earth Clinic readers report a variety of side effects from using blackstrap molasses including cramping and diarrhea, hives, increase in mucous, sugar cravings and increase in blood sugar. Unsulphured. They're lower on the glycemic index than conventional sweeteners, which means they won't spike your blood sugar as much. Blackstrap molasses is high in iron, vitamin, manganese and calcium content and these ingredients make it best diet supplement. Some coals used for direct-firing may lead to contamination of products with H 2S and SO 2. Moreover, when molasses is added to your daily diet, be it in a warm beverage (or if you're brave, straight from the jar), it can help keep your bones healthy. Did not do any 'conventional' treatments, other than to have it removed (outpatient / dermatologist's office) Other than the fenbendazole, I do not take chemical drugs. What are the risks if any trying this, is that known? As with apple cider vinegar and coconut oil, certain devotees believe it can make every ailment better. The study found that 90% to 100% of those who participated experienced a reduction in facial acne. I am wondering if adding a tiny bit of diatomaceous earth would also be significantly helpful, this also enters bones building collagen and bone strength, as it destroys parasites and cancer is a set of fungus parasite ultimately, I think it could be well combined with this or other protocols. Moreover, we discussed the drug synergy effects of the role of melatonin involved and the method to fortify the anti-cancer effects on osteosarcoma., We can take this as a precautional activity done by the companies. Alternatives to Molasses 6) Drink this solution once a day for 5 days. As these molasses have a low glycemic index, they help slow the metabolism of glucose, lowering the level of insulin in the blood. 1 pm, pee on urine pH strip. (The pH must be brought to the normal/alkaline level which is 7.2 - 7.5. Staying away from toxins of all sorts is very important. It is generally helpful for the health of the colon and for treating both menstruation and menopause, partly because it is such a good source of both calcium and iron. Is Soursop ok for someone who has had auto immune disease in the past? Does Blackstrap Molasses Contain Harmful Chemicals? If. Hi everyoneI've been trying to buy organic Maple Syrup to use with Baking Soda occasionally as an alkalizer and preventative, but this is impossible to buy in the Philippines where I live. Infact I had to take medication to stop this heavy flow . She is now clear and doing well. I was so desperate that I remembered garlic was so good for so many things, what did I have to lose. Several studies have shown that molasses speed up the healing of injuries and promote an increase in red blood cells in the blood. Dr. Sircus has written and researched using bicarbonate of soda for cancer and many other illnesses. Yong, Yong W: So hurt you are dealing with this. it is a warning because the product was tested and found to contain heavy metals possibly including lead. What grade Hydrogen peroxide? It's part ofPadma Lakshi's secret ingredient to kick up flavor in her food and some people even think it may help relieve digestive issues. I believe his post was from back in 2011-2012 maybe. Iron Rich Foods During Cancer Treatment | OncoLink If blackstrap molasses is found being sold in California without this warning, anyone can bring a lawsuit against the manufacture which has happened to almost every brand and maker of blackstrap molasses. I started the protocol and on the 12th day, I had a biopsy done on my liver. Milly, Is the book you are referring to CURE: A Journey into the Science of Mind over Body? Apricot Seeds are worth looking into, too. (For the Biggest/Fastest Yields), Nebulas Guide to Cannabis Auto-Flowering Strains (2023). Note: We are pleased to present the foregoing as the first ITG written by district personnel. Productos Aditivos | KEMTIA | QFine-Synthesis. This is expected. The first book I am going to read is Anti-Cancer A new way of life by Dr. David Servan-Schreiber. Plantation Blackstrap Molasses (Conventional) Blackstrap molasses. 5. See my posts on ph and cancer a little after.