In Cuba, the Ekoi are always evoked as early founders of the Abaku society,18 and their spirits are worshiped. At its peak, it permeated the social, economic and political life of the Efiks but lately its dominance has been eroded as urbanization and modern political administration expanded. The Neegee or Crocodile Society is considered evil by the Poro and Sande groups. Among these missionaries were Rev. Our newsletter gives you access to a curated selection of the most important stories daily. GitHub export from English Wikipedia. [61] Due to the fall in global demand for slaves and several other factors, the kings and chiefs of Old Calabar wrote to the British requesting that they send teachers and missionaries to Old Calabar to establish industries and introduce the religion of the white man to them. Updates? two young foreign men to whom she gives the power to defeat her. [9] The Efik have also been referred to as "Calabar people" in historical literature. Some of the musical instruments that are important in the culture we have discussed are: the bala (balaphon), a kind of xylophone, and the kora, a gourd harp. History of the Ekpe masquerade and secret society of the Efik people Resume: La communaure cubaine Abakua-descendantedes communautes :EB:k Ekpe et Ejagham ~gbedu Sud Est du Nigeria etdu Sud Ouest du Cameroun-a ete fondee ala Havane dans les annees 1830 par des leaders captures des villages de Cross River. Prior to 1905, Old Calabar was a term used to describe the Efik settlements of Duke Town, Creek Town, Old town, Cobham town, Henshaw town, Adiabo and Mbiabo (consisting of Mbiabo edere, Mbiabo Ikot Offiong and Mbiabo Ikoneto). Social importance is attached to the highest ranks of Ekpe-men, called the Amama. The economics of the society is based on paying tribute to the village ancestors. Ekpe Efik was used as a government instrument in Bakassi in exercising authority for more than 200 years ago (E.O.Efiong-Fuller, 1996). Another account from the Qua claimed that Ekpe (Mgbe) migrated from Cameroon. Due to the role they played during the era of the triangular trade, their prominence in literature and art, there has been a lot of academic scholarship on the people. The Ekpo society uses black masks, often of naturalistic appearance and with movable jaws, to maintain social order and propitiate the ancestors; some of these masks represent disease and deformity. The three most popular theories include an Igbo origin, Ibibio origin and Palestinian origin. The Freemasonry's affiliation to the Imhotep is clearly evident and this is probably why they are accused of several conspiracy theories, since their objective is geared towards the restructuring and controlling of global affairs. [8] The bulk of the Efik can be found in Calabar. At least in the past, very large sums were paid to attain these upper levels. [10] The original seven clans are scattered between Cross River state and Akwa Ibom state and consist of Iboku (Duke town, Henshaw town, Creek town and Cobham town), Obutong, Adiabo, Mbiabo (Mbiabo Edere, Mbiabo Ikot Offiong, Mbiabo Ikoneto), Enwang, Usukakpa and Abayen. Photo by Eli Bentor. For the surname, see, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Art and Life in Africa: Eket Information" University of Iowa,, This page was last edited on 2 August 2022, at 15:27. Iwewe is a type of boiled yam mashed with a small amount of palm oil and stirred with a spoon. The Efik people occupy the basins of the Lower Cross River, down to southwestern Cameroon including Bakassi, the Calabar River and down to its streams - the Kwa River, Akpayafe (Akpa Ikang) and the Eniong Creek. [9] The largest group moved to Creek town from Ndodoghi led by the priest-king Eyo Ema Atai.[38]. Ekpe members request nsibidi designs of personal or communal significance. Living in what is now Southeast Nigeria and Southwest Cameroon, the people were physically divided by British and German colonial holdings in Africa. Another account claimed that Efik people introduced the Ekpe between 1720 and 1729 during the initial migration of Calabar. Imhotep was a revered personality as he was believed to be with super powers of healing and influencing people and affairs of the community. There are different narratives on the arrival of the Efik at Creek Town. Nsibidi | Eneke The Bird In the Song of Ocol, Lawino's husband gives his side, arguing that: Ocol throws Lawino out of his house because: Ocol says that "__________________________ are chains around the neck, chains of slavery". kp had four major roles in pre-colonial life. Ukara are made exclusively for members of the Ekpe society, an interethnic men's association found throughout southeastern Nigeria and western Cameroon. Due to the peregrinations of Efik traders across the lower Cross River region, The Efik language was regarded as the language of commerce in the Cross river region. This material is believed to have been imported by the Portuguese (Oboriki). Ikpa Ene was a virgin island on the banks of the Cross river. It is uncertain when Obutong was founded but most Efik scholars hypothesize that it was founded in the 16th century. "[29] Essien's criticism is supported by the fact that in some Efik trado-religious songs, Atakpor Uruan is greatly extolled. Probably about 8000 BC one group reached Nigeria by an overland route and settled at Ibom (Arochuku) there they erected the famous shrine now known as the Long Juju of Arochuku. A list of some of Africa's most prominent cults and secret societies of all time. Only males can join, boys being initiated about the age of puberty. Enyi laja na lasha b nyeere ha aka idi nsogbu nd baara ha. [65] Cannons were shot at the town and every house was levelled to the ground. The area from which the Sunjata Epic comes was historically: the geographical location of the great medieval African kingdoms - Ghana, Mali, and Songhai. Hall Fund. The Leopard Society was allegedly a cannibalistic society in the early-to-mid 2oth century in Sierra Leone, Libera and Cte dIvoire. Additional Touches ekpe society cameroonworld market toblerone. Efik society consists of various clans which were originally known as "Esien Efik itiaba" (English: Seven clans of Efik) and later known in the 21st century as "Esien Efik Duopeba" (English: Twelve clans of Efik). the Ekpe society. This is UKARA cloth used by the Ekpe society in a handful of places in Nigeria, Cameroon The symbols are nisbidi You even scanned the raffia marks left from resist dyeing I hope you won't sue the owners in future! [26] At Uruan, they were ruled by a number of priest-kings Ndidem. Due to the volume of cultural exchange, many other ethnic groups have often been regarded as being one with the Efik such as Kiong and Efut. [5] The Efik refer to themselves as Efik Eburutu, Ifa Ibom, Eburutu and Iboku. Photo by Eli Bentor. And there are definitely more than 10 Ekpe members still around today. One theory propounded by Okon and Nkpanam Ekereke asserts that the term "Efuk" was a word of defiance and an expression used by the Ibibio man when in a fit of rage. Efik traders played a major role during the era of the Transatlantic slave trade. Charles Ekpo Arthur Jarvis University, Akpabuyo, Nigeria The Cross River region is a vast socio-cultural mosaic which accommodates peoples of distinct ethnic, religious, social, economic and. [53] Aphrom was a corruption of Ephraim which was an anglicised form of the Efik name Efiom. [9][38] The Adiabo group is believed to have left to their present location after the Mbiabo exodus. The ethnic group to which most of the characters belong is the __________________people. Welcome, Love, Peace and Unity in Nsibidi. The indigenous drums of the Cross River region of southeastern Nigeria and southwestern Cameroon are distinctive for their "wedge and ring" method of tightening the skin. The cloth is made of plain cotton but transformed into a ritual object when nsibidi symbols are inscribed onto it through indigo dyeing. Only males can join, boys being initiated about the age of puberty. NSUWorks - Nova Southeastern University Institutional Repository After the Efik had settled at Ikpa Ene, a party of men from Uruan arrived at Ikpa Ene. [12] Due to the support of the missionaries, the Efik language became the language of religion. Collection of Eli Bentor. cherryblossom wrote on watzinaname's profile. The article was a not-so-deep exploration of indigenous African writing systems and languages. One account narrates that the Mbiabo group left first to their present location while the Iboku, Enwang and other clans were still at Ndodoghi. In the culture we have discussed, the term fadenya refers to: the relationship between father and child, and half siblings - requiring self-assertion, independence, innovation, and competition. These missionaries together with King Eyo Honesty II brought several changes to Old Calabar society. Now we can't sell slaves again we must have too much man for country; and want something for make work and trade, and if we could get seed for cotton and coffee we could make trade. Plenty sugar cane live here and if some man must come for teach book proper, and make all men saby God like white man, and then we go on for same fashion. [34] When the Uruan woman realised that Abasi had broken her axe, she insisted that the axe should be repaired. The group is a mutual aid society known for elaborate street dances and very high. In the culture we have discussed, the term dalilu refers to: an individual's personal power, knowledge, or ability, inborn but enhanced and developed through training and experience. [33] Abasi was angered by the Uruan woman and cursed the Uruan people who started to punish her for her insubordination. [51] The Enwang people who were fishing at Duke town saw the twins approaching and fled in terror saying "Mbiomo oduk ine"(English: A curse has befalling our fishing sites). ukara: Ritual Cloth of the Ekpe Society features the ukara cloth, a composite signifier of authority, prestige, sacrality, difference, and social mobility in the Ekpe secret society in the Cross river basin encompassing southeastern Nigeria and parts of Cameroon. PDF Cuban Abakua Chants: Examining New Linguistic and Historical Evidence PDF The decline of Ekpe masquerade amongst the Efik speakers Corrections? (PDF) Evaluating the Place of the Ekpe Traditional Institution as a The missionaries who arrived in 1846 contributed to the changes in women's attire in Efik society. The story of The River Between by Ngugi wa Thiong'o, takes place in _________________ (name of present-day country) in the mid 1800's. For instance any member wronged in an Ekpe district, that is one dominated by the society, has only to address an Ekpe-man or beat the Ekpe drum in the Ekpe-house, or blow Ekpe as it is called, i.e., sound the Ekpe horn, before the hut of the wrong-doer, and the whole machinery of the society is put in force to see justice done. By the 18th and 19th centuries, the Efik strategy for filling the international demand for slaves was via obtaining slaves from inland slave traders such as Eniong, Ndokki and Arochukwu. kp philosophy is grounded in "Cross River region concepts of community that include the living, the ancestors, and the land itself" [ Ekpe being] "a school for esoteric teachings [ revealing] ideal stages in a person's life [ in their growth to] maturity within their communities [ framing terrestrial experience within the context of the Here are 8 prominent cults and secret societies in Africa Body art plays a major role in Ibibio art. These artists sew the white cloths with raffia thread so that parts of the ukara (in a pattern of nsibidi symbols) will not be exposed during the dyeing process. [38] It is believed that it was at Ndodoghi that many of the Abayen clan had died from crocodile attacks. In the traditional Soninke tale of "Gasire's Lute", the son of the king contributes tragically to the fall of his kingdom when he: becomes too impatient to become king himself, gets his own sons killed in battle, becomes a poet-bard rather than wait to become king, causes his own people to rebel against his desire to keep fighting. Membership in the Ekpe (Egbo), or Leopard, society, for example, available to wealthy men who can meet the expense involved, confers high social status and political authority; these men participate in ceremonies concerned with ancestral spirits and are believed to protect the community through magic and religious ritual. expectations of the members to prioritize the group over their own families. It was found in operation among a tribe down the coast towards Camaroons, but was improved and extended in its new field of operations.[60]. I bought a $140,000 mobile home in a million-dollar LA neighborhood and love it. Over the years, the Victorian dress has been modified and given what is regarded as a dignified African look. In his well researched thesis titled "Ekpe Imperium in South Eastern Nigeria", Anwana (2002) identified a plenitude of evidences to validate the Ejagham/Ekoi origins of the Ekpe society. These Ngolo created the Ekpe society and invented the Nsibidi writing system in Usakadet (Isangele). Animals such as goats, chicken and dogs are consumed in Efik cuisine. [74][75] I hope Queen Victoria and young prince will live long time and we get good friend. The Amama often appropriate hundreds of acres of palm trees for their own use and, with the profits they earn, ensure that their sons achieve comparable rank, which has the effect of limiting access to economic gain for other members of the community. Covering, concealing, and protecting their bodies, it functions as a physical metaphor for the ideological secrecy that the Ekpe society carefully constructs and guards. [64] It took several years before the town was rebuilt.[64]. Infact; there can be no-gainsay of the USAK-EDET People (ISANGELE) being the originators of this highly acclaimed Ekpe Society that the EFIKS, led by EFFA EFFIWAT later on used in subduing their subjects of EFUTS, (i.e. Lawino says that her husband's house is a "dark forest of _______________________". [38] The Efik bard Adiaha Etim Anua recites in her 1910 ballad that "Mkpana Ndodoghi Edik. Due to the number of unfortunate incidents at Ikpa Ene and Ndodoghi, the Efik sought to leave these islands. Transformation of the kp Masquerade in the African Diaspora Some of the oldest of these societies were Nyana Nyaku and Nsibidi. While their political authority is largely diminished today, Ekpe membership is still prestigious and the society continues to be a unifying force among the Ejagham, Igbo, Efik, Ibibio, and other cultural groups in the Cross River region. [45] Eyo Ema's people occupied Otung in the south of Creek Town, Adim Atai and Ukpong Atai occupied the east and Efiom Ekpo's family occupied the Adakuko in the west. The Social Significance and Implications of the Ekpe - PhilArchive The designs are part of a dynamic language known as nsibidi, which uses image and gestural performance to communicate knowledge guarded by society members. In its vastness, the Ekpe is a well structured society with semi-caste characteristics, in that, there are categories and titles which one may qualify to be initiated into, while others are strictly reserved for persons of certain status and backgrounds. The Oroko (also Bareka/Batekka) are an ethnic group in Cameroon.They belong to the coastal Bantu group, widely known as Sawa, and primarily occupy the Ndian and Meme divisions of the Southwest Region of Cameroon.The people predominantly speak Oroko, English, and Cameroon Pidgin English.The Oroko are related to several ethnic groups (or tribes) in Cameroon's coastal areas, with whom they share . Why do you think it is important for us to understand our past? This exhibition examines the ukara cloth of the Ekpe secret society, a multi-ethnic all-male association in southeastern Nigeria and western Cameroon, exploring both the longstanding cultural practice the cloth represents and the artistic process involved in its creation. The primary society is located in the Cross River, Akwa Ibom and Arochukwu areas of Nigeria, and the secondary society consists of members from the Southern and Eastern Igbo groups of the same country. They came from Mbiak Creek in Ibibio country. The Efik Language and Its Future. Some meals have been mentioned often in the 19th century historical literature of Old Calabar. [69] The Ekpe spirit cannot be seen by the uninitiated and is represented by Idem Iquo, a masquerade dressed in Esk, a multicoloured costume decorated with other traditional accoutrements. What is a Free Agent "A free agent is one who isn't privileged with even one pure Leopard spiritline from the survivors of the Great Attempt. [68] The society is believed to have been introduced in Calabar from Usahadet. Nsibidi is a body of ideographic, abstract, and gestural signs deployed by the Ekpe society as a form of coded communication. Among these included Yams, Fufu and an unidentified type of black soup frequently mentioned in 19th century Old Calabar literature. Sunjata's victory against Sumaworo comes in part because: Sumaworo loses the support of his nephew, Fakoli. Photo by Eli Bentor. [82] The name Itu ita translates to three manatees and is named because the masts of the ship resembled the manatee (Itu). of Bamum, of Cameroon in his kingly attire seated on the throne with his chiefs flanked round him (Plate 2). Wake Keeping, Viewing and service in Dallas, Texas. The Ekpe Masquerade - SlideShare Simple theme. Miller's current book, Voice of the Leopard (UP of Mississippi, 2008), documents the little known history of the Cuban Abaku, a mutual-aid institution derived from the Ekpe (leopard) society of the Cross River region of Nigeria and Cameroon. The papers include photographs, audio and video recordings, publications, correspondence and printed material primarily relating to Miller's study of the linguistic, musical and ritual influence of West African kp society (predominantly in Nigeria and Cameroon) on . No disrespect allowed. Hood Quarterly, spring 2015 This exhibition examines the ukara cloth of the Ekpe secret society, a multi-ethnic all-male association in southeastern Nigeria and western Cameroon, exploring both the longstanding cultural practice the cloth represents and the artistic process involved in its creation. "[21] Jeffreys assertion regarding Eburutu being a single Ibibio clan is proven false by earlier definitions of Eburutu by Rev. [47], By the seventeenth century, more Efik settlements had been founded. Ekpe Society 1st Conclave from Sept 16 to 17 2009, Ekpe DC Sessekou relaxing during the conclave, Ekpe Society members with Justice Hilman Egbe at a MECA DC meeting. One of such accounts was given at a court case by Prince Bassey Duke in 1917 where he stated, "The Efiks were originally Ibo descendants. Each grade has a chieftain or an Obong. Meat and fish are the major sources of protein in Efik cuisines. Several periods have been estimated by foreign scholars and indigenous historians. It is also found among a number of other ethnic groups, including the Bahumono of the Cross River State, the Ibibio, the Uruan and the Oron of Akwa Ibom State, Arochukwu and some other parts of Abia State, as well as in the diaspora, such as in Cuba and Brazil. [43] Stephen D. Behrendt and Eric J. Graham revealed in a 2003 publication that by the time the first documented European sailing vessel arrived in 1625, the Efik had already settled at Creek Town and Old Town. It was worth every penny and made me feel like a kid again. In Amos Tutuola's The Palm-Wine Drinkard, the narrator leaves his home and begins his adventure in the bush when: In the excerpt that we read from The Palm-Wine Drinkard, the narrator and his wife encounter: In the Song of Lawino, by Okot p'Bitek, a woman speaks to: Lawino's husband's new wife is called _______________________(Either of two possible answers) in the text. According to E.U. [79] Ikpaya a royal type of gown also made from raffia. When you see Ibibio do not give him fire(to warm himself), when he is dry he will kill you, Multiple Deaths at Ndodoghi creek, Ema Atai Ema Atai, Priest-king, lost his sight in death, Joshua Project Efik of Nigeria Ethnic People Profile, Souvenir Programme of the Coronation Service of His Royal Highness Edidem Boco Ene Mkpang Cobham V, Obong of Calabar and Paramount Ruler of the Efiks, Abridgement of the minutes of the evidence, "Souvenir programme of the Coronation of Edidem Boco Ene Mkpang Cobham V", "Cross river as a model for the evolution of Benue-Congo nominal class/concord systems",,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles using infobox ethnic group with image parameters, Articles containing explicitly cited English-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 3 January 2023, at 17:46. Cameroon: Manyu Cultural Counsellor Honoured - (Ed.). Names such as Okon became Hogan, Orok became Duke, Akabom became Cobham, Ene became Henry, Asibong became Archibong. The origins of these symbols date way before colonization, but, from my understanding, the use of these symbols died out as the influence of Ekpe secret society lessened. Here are 8 prominent cults and secret societies in Africa. PDF Traditional Societies and Pre-colonial Security System: Interrogating [17] Some oral accounts by early Efik men also support the Igbo origin of the Efik. Ekpe Society - Odinani: The Sacred Arts & Sciences of the Igbo People These are: the oral historians, kings' advisors, poets, and musicians whose power is the ability to manipulate words. He views the Cuban initiation system known as Abaku, which was based on kp society, as a collective way for African descendants to maintain their historical memory. nineteenth centuries, no large kingdoms controlled Nigeria and Cameroon's multilingual Cross River basin. One of Thompson's pupils, Ivor Miller, has now produced a noteworthy study, concentrating specifically on one particular secret society, Ekpe, of the Cross River region of southeastern Nigeria and southwestern Cameroon; its transfiguration on Cuban soil into the Abakua society; and the ensuing effect of Abakua in shaping all aspects of the . [64] They insisted that Obutong be completely destroyed. There are several theories regarding the origin of the Efik people. The remains will then be taken to Kepelle Village in Cameroon for burial after that. I'm a queer mom and my daughter has decided to attend an anti-gay Bible college. The design is left to the discretion of the Ezillo creators, who are not Ekpe members and do not know the meanings of nsibidi. [26][28] This theory was narrated at the Hart's enquiry by Etubom Ededem Ekpenyong Oku but has been criticised by Uruan writers such as Dominic Essien. I'm still struggling to understand her choice. All willing to engage respectfully are welcome. Sample Translation: The Sacred Language of the Abaku - JSTOR