{"cookieName":"wBounce","isAggressive":false,"isSitewide":true,"hesitation":"1","openAnimation":"lightSpeedIn","exitAnimation":"flip","timer":"","sensitivity":"","cookieExpire":"15","cookieDomain":"","autoFire":"","isAnalyticsEnabled":false}, Water Pollution Causes, Effects and Possible Solutions, What Pressure Care Is and How It Can Be Delivered, Hilot: an Ancient Filipino Art of Healing, Legends and Stories of Bodhisattva Vajrapani, Hecate: Goddess of the Moon, Light and Magic in Greek Mythology and Religion, Moses Was High on Hallucinogenic Drug When he Received The Ten Commandments. [13] The Hopi Message to the United Nations (12/10/92), http://crab.rutgers.edu/~omaha/NAI/Hopi_Prophecy.htm[14] Dr. Robert Ghost Wolf, Last Cry:Native American Prophecies & Tales of the End Times, Trafford Publishing, 2003[15] War 6.5.4 288-289[16] DAVID S. LEWIS, "Ancestors in High Places", The Montana Pioneer, June 2015, https://montanapioneer.com/legends-of-the-star-people/[17] Richard W. Kimball, "The UFO Flap in Prescott, Arizona", The Daily Courier, 1970, https://members.tripod.com/~drunken_bean/arizona.html, Bibhu Dev Misra is an independent researcher and writer on ancient civilizations and ancient mysteries. The older brother was to go immediately to the east, to the rising sun and upon reaching his destination was instructed to immediately start to look for his younger brother who shall remain in the land of the Great Spirit. As told by White Feather, a Hopi elder, to Bob Frissell in 1958, also can be found recorded in Frissell's book . In the Book of the Hopi, Frank Waters presented additional information about the Blue Star, based on his conversations with nearly thirty elders of the Oraibi village. Hopi Legend Part 2: The Yaayapontsa Dance of Fire and he has been featured on podcasts, interviews and online conferences organized by Earth Ancients, Portal to Ascension, OSOM, Watcher's Talk, Times FM and others. On this day the Earth, her creatures and all life as we know it will change forever. Reason for 2030 being the end game I think. from WolfLodge Website Spanish version . So intense will the nature of the changes be that those who are weak in spiritual awareness will go insane, for we are nothing without spirit. The Blue Kachina of Hopi Prophesy, Maybe - Official ADAPT 2030 Website All living things will want to be present for this day when time ends, and we enter the forever cycle of the Fifth World. Hopi Blue Star Kachina Prophecy - Bird Clan Messenger They will bring many of their star family with them in the final days, The return of the Blue Star Kachina who is also known as Nan ga sohu will be the alarm clock that tells us of the new day and new way of life, a new world that is coming. HOPI BLUE STAR PROPHECY Starseedjourney 2.64K subscribers Subscribe 490K views 14 years ago An ancient Hopi Indian prophecy states, "When the Blue Star Kachina makes its appearance in. On the face of it, it seems quite likely that the Blue Star that will fall with a great crash refers to a comet. A. Barrett, "Observations of Comets in Greek and Roman Sources Before A.D. 410", Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, Vol. The Hopi tribe calls the 7th planet the Red Kachina and it's . And this is the Ninth and Last Sign: You will hear of a dwelling-house in the heavens, above the earth, that shall fall with a great crash. The Third Sign was about a strange beast, like a buffalo, but with great long horns, that will overtake the land an obvious reference to the cattle brought by the new settlers. The Third World tells of an advanced civilization with flying shields and wars between far-off cities ultimately destroyed by terrible floods, narratives very similar to those found in Babylonian mythology. The Hopi name for the star Sirius is Blue Star Kachina. The Spider Woman of the Hopi was the Earth Goddess - the one who had created all life on Earth, and who nurtures and guides her children whenever they are in a spot of bother. The earth will become new as it was from the beginning. These are the Signs that great destruction is coming. Terrible will be the result. We are told of the coming of the white-skinned men, like Pahana, but not living like Pahana, men who took the land that was not theirs. Remembering that we are the caretakers, the fire keepers of the Spirit. The Hopi maiden on the dome-shape (drawing) represents purity. Very soon after this, the ceremonies of my people will cease". In many ways, the flames of this great war may have already been ignited. The allure of the materialistic society was inducing many Hopi youths to seek jobs in the urban areas, while those that remained were becoming victims of alchohol and drug abuse. When the Saquahuh (Blue Star) Kachina dances in the plaza and removes his mask, the time of the great trial will be here. Those who remember who their mother and father is. The Hopi prophecies, as we have noted, have been preserved in a fragmentary manner - as most oral traditions are and it is only when we join together the bits and pieces of information coming from differerent sources does a rich tapestry begin to emerge. [16] Likewise, early Dakota legends speak of the Pleiades, or Tiyami, as the abode of the ancestors. All the mysteries and the powers in the Above belonged to Tawa, while Spider Woman controlled the magic of the Below. The Hopi say that their ancestors were star people who came from the Pleiades a place they call Chuhukon i.e. Is this the Blue Star of Hopi Prophecy or Just a NASA Superhype? - Red Ice Frank Waters and Hopi informant Oswald White Bear Fredericks in their popular Book of the Hopi proclaim: "The end of all Hopi ceremonialism will come when a kachina removes his mask during a dance in the plaza before uninitiated." The way through this time it is said is to be found in our hearts, and reuniting with our spiritual self. - American Prophecy - Hopi Prophecy. * American Indians and the Star People. This will signal the beginning of a great war, which, the Hopi believe, will be a spiritual conflict with material matters. THE HOPI PROPECY of the Blue & Red Star Kachina's April 11, 2016 Firebird Note: There is perhaps no better prophecy, and one of such high integrity, from the traditions of the Indigenous Peoples of the Americas that predicts the ending of the present era than the Red Star Kachina. This comet would form a tail and eventually have the same color as the "Blue Star Kachina". An ancient Hopi Indian prophecy states, "When the Blue Star Kachina makes its appearance in the heavens, the Fifth World will emerge". But a comet doesn't fill the 'dwelling place' prophecy. Frank Waters writes that, as Masaw marked the tablet, he told them. Life will get very perverted, and there will be little social order, in these times Many will ask for the mountains themselves to fall upon them just to end their misery. The Hopi name for the star Sirius is "Blue Star Kachina.". Similar beliefs were held by the Greco-Roman philosophers. The Second Sign was the coming of spinning wheels of wood filled with voices i.e. Blue Star Kachina - Wikiwand ! Dr. Wolf has worked for many years with indigenous elders in both North and South America, many of whom have embraced him as a spiritual teacher and ceremonial leader in his own right. Today we call this blue star Sirius (for the Greeks, to the Hopi it is . They will disappear, for they are just hollow vessels for any thing to use. One of the core beliefs of the Hopi is that their prayers and ceremonies play a vital role in holding world in balance; and if they are not performed, there are negative consequences. The existence of legends and prophecies seems to outline this fact. Watching us to see how well we have remembered the sacred teachings. The sky will be the color of blood, many things will then begin to happen that right now we are nor sure of their exact nature. This school of thought has much credence given both the prognosticated timing and length of the intervening interval between both of the long prophesied appearances. All of this was symbolically written down on four tablets and given to the Hopi. [2], There is evidence gathered by Armin Geertz that the Hopi "continuously recreate their prophecies to justify current conditions" (Colavito's words) and that all the prophecies were composed after the events they prophecy.[2]. This will be the Day of Purification. Imprint of a gray alien placed in my crystal, while I meditated in the mountains of Sedona. An ancient Hopi Indian prophecy states, "When the Blue Star Kachina makes its appearance in the heavens, the Fifth World will emerge". Or are the peaceful Hopi really the keepers of ancient sacred knowledge, passed down from a time when the man walked alongside the gods? [1] Author Jason Colavito investigated this prophecy and found no reference to it before the late twentieth century. To them, the message was clear - we are approaching the end of the Fourth World and the Day of Purification. The Hopi name for the star Sirius is Blue Star Kachina. The Hopi say that the person impersonating the kachina becomes imbued with the spirit of the kachina and loses his personal identity. These are the places that Shaman go into the earth to do their most sacred work. The Hopi Blue Kachina/Red Kachina Prophecy - Forbidden Knowledge TV The return of Pahana is a momentous event that the Hopi people have been waiting for a long time. Hopi Prophecy and the End of the Fourth WorldPart 2 The last two decades have seen an almost continuous wave of battles being waged by America and its allies against the countries of the Middle East and Northern Africa. It is believed that the Ant People had helped the White God discover corn on a mountain packed full of grain and seeds. In the final days, the Blue Star Kachina will come to be with his nephews, and they will return the Earth to its natural rotation, which is counter-clockwise. If there is another World War, it will be fought with nuclear weapons, which can usher in a global holocaust. The Hopi believe the increased toxicity levels in the Earths oceans are a clear indication that the second-to-last sign is already upon us. "This fact is evidenced in many petraglyphs that speak of the Zodiac, and within the Mayan and Egyptian pyramids. In ancient times, these tablets were given to them by Massau The Guardian of the Underworld, who requested that the tablets be kept until a number of signs were fulfilled at the end of the fourth world and the beginning of the fifth. It will come when the Saquasohuh (Blue Star) Kachina dances in the plaza and removes his mask. White Feather told David Young much the same thing: that a global nuclear conflict will erupt soon after the Ninth Sign is fulfilled and the Blue Star makes its appearance in the skies. The signs over many years have been fulfilled, and so few are left.. His articles have been published in different magazines and websites such as the New Dawn, Science to Sage, Nexus, Viewzone, Graham Hancock's website, Waking Times etc. This fact is evidenced in many petraglyphs that speak of the Zodiac, and within the Mayan and Egyptian pyramids. Today, many of the prophecies have turned to stories, and few are left - the past grows longer, and the future grows shorter., And now White Feather is dying. The end of all Hopi ceremonialism will come when a "Kachina" removes his mask during a dance in the plaza before uninitiated children [the general public]. This was determined by an analysis of the magnetic pole wanderings from 1590 to a projected 2025. Getting simple and returning to living with and upon the Earth and in harmony with her creatures. This will be a time of global hostilities, when men will, yet again, bare their fangs and try to kill one another. This event would tell us that the end times are very near. The Green Comet & Blue Star Kachina - Hopi Prophecies, UFO's and Balloons Hopi Legends and the 'Flying Shields' - Ancient Origins This fact is evidenced in many petroglyphs that speak of the Zodiac, and within the Mayan and Egyptian pyramids. The prophecy tells us that the energetic emanations from the Red Star will have major repercussions on our psyche and the nature of reality itself will appear to fluctuate, as the carefully curated reality bubble that modern civilization has built for itself begins to come apart at the seams. It will appear as a blue star. Since the Hopi claim that Pahana will be accompanied by a large host, in addition to two powerful helpers, the Red Star may actually be a part of a large comet swarm. The Pictures enclosed in this presentation are of the Human Beings, my Hopi Grandfathers they were telling you truth there is still time for you to change, ___ Only time will tell but, until then, our own conceptions and beliefs will dictate our attitude towards this subject. Hopi Prophecies Hopi Creation "In the beginning there were only two: Tawa, the Sun God, and Spider Woman (Kokyanwuhti), the Earth Goddess. Poganghoya is the guardian of our North Pole and his Brother Palongawhoya is the guardian of the South PoleThe twins will be seen in our North Western skies. Pliny wrote that, the ceratias comet has the form of a horn, like the one that appeared when the Greeks fought the final battle at Samalmis[6] (in 480 BCE). The Blue Star Kachina (seven blue stars of the Pleiades) will dance in the plaza (in the sun, or actually behind the sun) wearing a mask (eclipsed by the moon). Incidentally, the Navajo people have also prophesized that a Nine-pointed Star which is most likely a comet with nine tails - will come from the East and unify all races and nations. So, we are now awaiting the fulfillment of the Ninth and final sign of the Hopi, before the Fourth World ends. Though many civilizations around the globe support religious beliefs of white gods descending from the sky, the Hopi tribe believe their ancestors came from within the ground. [1] Joey R. Jochmans, "Rolling Thunder: The Coming Earth Changes", Sun Publishing Company, 1980, p 110-115. [4] The first three of these worlds, Tokpela, Tokpa and Kuskurza, have already been inhabited and subsequently destroyed due to the corruption and wickedness of man. Hopi Prophecies: Blue Star Kachina by Cheryl Leonard - Goodreads The blue star Kachina according to the Hopi mythology is a spirit that signify the coming of the beginning of a new world, and the spirit appears in the form of a blue star. Given that some of the foretold events already appear to be underway, it seems that epochal changes lie in store for us in the not-too-distant future. Some in whole groups. 6 months or less. The 'prophecy' is that it is a dwelling place in the heavens that falls. Hopi En Arizona (Tierra Roja Y En El Paralelo 33)-nexo Con Orion Even those who do not feel their connection to spirit will see the face of creator across the sky. He will bring with him the sacred stone tablets. These prophecies have been passed down from generation to. My Sirian knows I am deeply creative, and that I love beautiful symbolism. He can be reached at [emailprotected] and via his website Ancient Inquiries: www.bibhudevmisra.com. Hopi Prophecies - Prophecy Rock - Crystalinks Here is an excerpt from his book: The story of the Blue Star Kachina is a very old story, very old. This will be the Day of Purification. You will see many youths, who wear their hair long like my people, come and join the tribal nations, to learn their ways and wisdom. I was told this story by grandfathers who are now between 80 and 108 years of age. THE STORY OF THE BLUE KACHINA & THE RED KACHINA - Jack Allis He is an engineer from IIT and a MBA from IIM, and has worked in the Information Technology industry for more than two decades. He concludes that it is probably a late twentieth century invention.[2]. The signs were described to him in 1958 by a Hopi elder named White Feather. Confusion between sexes, and children and their elders. The Chupacabra: Could There be FOUR Different Types? And soon - very soon afterward - Pahana will return. As per the prophecy, after the appearance of the Blue Star, and the beginning of a global war, something of great importance is scheduled to happen that of the return of the lost white brother Pahana, who will herald the dawn of the Fifth World. But there were no Hopi participants and it was decried by Hopi elders. Each time one of the worlds is destroyed, the faithful Hopi are taken underground and saved from destruction to later emerge and populate the next world. The land will be crossed by snakes of iron. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Blue_Star_Kachina&oldid=1131816267, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2015, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 5 January 2023, at 22:11. Hopi Prophecy: The Signs. Then the Blue Star Kachina would physically appear in our heavens which would mean that we were in the end times. If this was real prophecy, then it was fulfilled when Space Lab fell or when the Space Shuttle blew up on entry. On this day the Earth, her creatures and all life as we know it will change forever. The Hopi prophecies are coming true here's why we should pay They were to wait for the person who would deliver them. This is the Seventh Sign and it is the first that is yet to come. It will come when the Saquasohul (Blue Star) kachina dances in the plaza. It will come when the Saquasohul (Blue Star) kachina dances in the plaza. Hopi Prophecies: Blue Star Kachina Kindle Edition - amazon.com.au The Blue Star Kachina would remove his mask in the village plaza during a sacred kachina dance. This would dispel the evil and save his people. In the final days the Blue Star Katchina will come to be with his nephews and they will return the Earth to its natural rotation which is counter clock wise. So, what the prophecy essentially tells us is that, the dance of the Blue Star kachina in the plaza will herald the appearance of the Blue Star i.e. The Hopi believe that we are in the last days of the prophecy, although no-one knows the exact timings of these events. Blue Star Kachina: Does It Dance in the Plaza on May 20, 2012? Our relatives from the Stars are coming home to see how well we have faired in our journey. Many folks have come to believe that the Hale Bopp Comet was, in fact, theBlue Star Kachinawhich traveled through our celestial neighborhood back in March and April of 1997. The Blue Star Katsina has a twin brother, the Red Star Katsina, whose arrival will come later,