All families of nonhuman primates. Those taking with hunting license may sell to wildlife breeders license during open season. Anyone who wishes to possess wildlife as a pet and would like to take their pet in public (any place outside of the home or vet's office where members of the public could approach the animal) should apply for a license for exhibition in lieu of a personal pet permit/license. Before sharing sensitive information online, make sure youre on a .gov or .mil site by inspecting your browsers address (or location) bar. A separate exotic wildlife possession permit is required for each animal. 2023 Michigan State University College of Law. It is unlawful to, except for normal or accepted farming, habitat management practices, oil and gas drilling, mining, forest management activities or other legitimate commercial or industrial practices, intentionally lay or place food, fruit, hay, grain, chemical, salt or other minerals anywhere in this Commonwealth for the purpose of feeding bear or elk, or to intentionally lay or place food, fruit, hay, grain, chemical, salt or other minerals that may cause bear or elk to congregate or habituate an area. Chronic Wasting Disease restrictions. Keystone State. 4-143; OAC 800:25-7-7) is the online system for users to apply for and receive import, interstate movement, transit, release permits, apply for permit renewals and amendments, submit annual reports, and receive regulatory guidance. 147.2. (a) General. Livestock Dealer's License - Any person buying or selling livestock or poultry must have a Dealer's License. ePermit data to the APHIS eFile system. There is no cost for a Special Event/Exotic Animal Permit. (e) Discretion of director.--In addition to the penalties provided, the director may, for any violation of this section, revoke or suspend any permit and order the disposal of any exotic wildlife held. Restricted Species Permit Application/Amendment New: $141.37 Renewal and Amendment: $73.13 Required for every new . (e) Discretion of director.--In addition to the penalties provided, the director may, for any violation of this section or the rules and regulations thereunder, revoke or suspend any permit and order the disposal of any exotic wildlife held. Please review the guidance below, then click the Start . for a License or Registrationpage. Last Updated 5/21/2015 . Wild animals in wild or captivity that bite, scratch or expose humans to saliva must be euthanized for rabies testing. 93, 1, effective July 1, 1987. The Animal Welfare Act does not allow Animal Care to prevent the use of animals in research or experimentation, however. Thank you for your interest in Pennsylvania wildlife. Recreation. Permits are issued at the discretion of the executive director, who is supposed to consider whether the animal would pose a threat to other wildlife, the public, or to New Hampshire's ecosystem if released. All species of the skunks. EXEMPT: movement in state for slaughter, hunting preserve for shooting or exhibition with no other hoofstock. G.1). ePermits is APHIS legacy permitting system, and as of September 30, 2022, APHIS will no longer accept new permit applications or issue renewals through ePermits. (f) Live wildlife imported for any reason shall be accompanied by a certificate of veterinary inspection signed by an accredited veterinarian. Our agency is passionate about our state's wild birds and wild mammals. This page requires Javascript. var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; During any big game season, coyotes may be taken while lawfully hunting big game or with a furtaker license. For renewals, please note that it is essential that you supply complete information including your Permit Number/Numbers and Permit Category/Categories. Adopted Sept. 24, 1990; Amended Nov. 3, 2001. Keystone State. (4) Menagerie permittees who also possess a USDA Class C Exhibitor permit and who operate a menagerie facility as their primary means of making a livelihood, are exempt from the possession prohibition of this section, and may import lawfully acquired wildlife pursuant to an importation permit. (3 PA Statutes 2323; 7 Pa. Code Ch. 2014 Pennsylvania Residents' Opinions on and Attitudes Toward Nongame Wildlife - revised (PDF) State Wildlife Grants Program. A wild animal possession permit is required for Class I animals (eastern cottontail rabbit, gray squirrel, fox squirrel, southern flying squirrel) Class II animals (beaver, coyote, gray fox, red fox, mink, muskrat, opossum, raccoon, skunk, weasel) and Class III animals: wolves (purebred), bears, wild cats (excluding feral cats), venomous reptiles (3) In the family Ursidae. Amended Nov. 24, 1973; Amended Nov. 29, 1980; Amended July 11, 1981; Reserved July 1, 1987. Please review Pennsylvania's interstate import requirements for large and small domestic animals. 2463 Woodward Ave , Pittsburgh, PA 15226-1551 is a single-family home listed for rent at /mo. document.getElementById('cloaka0245810949983475a3380988b7d4c6b').innerHTML = ''; (1) It is unlawful to remove or export any high-risk parts or materials from cervids harvested, taken or killed, including by vehicular accident, within any Disease Management Area established within this Commonwealth. (b) It is unlawful to release any animal that is a member of the suidae family into the wild. Fish and Wildlife's Lacey Act (18 U.S.C. They are responsible for filling it out accurately. However, this permit is easily obtainable, and exotic pet ownership is more popular in the state as a result. A fee of $152.50, plus fees for vet care, is required. Amended April 3, 2010. Exemptions includes zoos and circuses. Exotic Animal Permits - Anyone living in Delaware who wishes to own or care for an animal not native to Delaware must have an Exotic Animal Permit for each animal from the department. Adopted May 3, 1980; Amended Jan. 10, 1981; Reserved July 1, 1987. Proudly founded in 1681 as a place of tolerance and freedom. Here's how you know. Los solicitantes son responsables de seguir y hacer cumplir las guas estatales y de los CDC. BANS sale and purchase of wild-caught reptiles and amphibians taken within state.BANS transport and import of native species. requires a Certificate Number, USDA Stamp and USDA Veterinarian Signature, An official website of the United States government
Permit Category abbreviations are as follows: Note: A Scientific Collecting Permit is required to handle or attempt to handle native wildlife for the purpose of surveys, sampling, tagging, or species identification. Let an animal control officer inspect your home to make sure the animals are being kept in safe and livable conditions. APHISwill not transferePermit data to the APHIS eFile system. The cost of testing, sampling and analysis will be borne by the Commission. The permit shall authorize the holder to import into this Commonwealth, possess, buy, sell, locate or find for a fee, barter, donate, give away or otherwise dispose of exotic wildlife. Agricultural Commodity Import Requirements (ACIR), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Import, Organisms and Vectors Guidelines and Regulations, How to Bring Dogs into the United States for Commercial Sale or Adoption, Learn about BRS Permitting and Notification Process, Plant Protection Act Section 7721 Funding. (3) Each day of violation shall constitute a separate offense, but, under no circumstances, shall the accumulated penalty for purposes of a field receipt exceed $500. However, state and local entities may have pertinent regulations and/or permitting requirements. Back To Dashboard Contact The City Report An Issue Helpful Links Property & Codes Permits/Licenses Health Inspection Revenue & Taxes FAQ's About Reading RDG Management Citizen's Service Center Housing Packet Mass Transit. KEEPING OF EXOTIC ANIMAL, DOMESTIC AGRICULTURAL ANIMAL OR . (a) Authorization.--The commission may issue a permit to a person to act as an exotic wildlife dealer. Most states have a full or partial ban on private ownership of exotic animals or require permits or . 23, SubCh. (3) Each day of violation shall constitute a separate offense, but under no circumstances shall the accumulated penalty for purposes of a field receipt exceed $300. It's a . ILLEGAL METHODS: firearm, chemicals, smoke, explosive, winch, jack, other devices that destroy habitatSEASONS AND LIMITS: REGISTRATION with Department of Agriculture required to artificially propagate or deal in reptiles and amphibians. parrots, parakeets, finches, canaries, mynahs or wild fowl) for domestication, confinement or sale as pets or for zoological or menagerie collections - out-of-state consignor to mail copy of shipping invoice or single report to department within 14 days after export, Birds must be free of laryngotracheitis, duck virus enteritis, Newcastle disease, plague-like avian influenza, fowl cholera, fowl or bird pox, chlamydiosis, tuberculosis, mycoplasmosis, pullorum disease and fowl typhoid for import AND be free of laryngotracheitis, duck virus enteritis, velogenic Newcastle disease, plague-like avian influenza, avian tuberculosis, chlamydiosis, pullorum disease and fowl typhoid. Exotic and Nongame Wildlife Species Regulations, N.J.A.C. Here's how you know. A dealer or third person who arranges any trades, sales or purchases set forth in section 2965 (relating to exclusions) for any type of a fee, reimbursement or commission shall be required to have an exotic wildlife dealer's permit. (7) The order Primates. Unfortunately, there are no approved rabies vaccines for exotic pets. Locations or facilities designated and approved to receive high-risk cervid parts for waste disposal, taxidermy or butchering purposes will be made known through public announcement, web site and other means reasonably intended to reach the widest audience. (b) Shelter, care and protection.--No permit shall be granted by the commission until it is satisfied that the provisions for housing and caring for the exotic wildlife and protection for the public are proper and adequate and in accordance with the standards which may be established by regulations adopted by the commission. Alabama. Commercial, Other: Online: Vendor List: Ginseng Grower License: $25.50. The State of NJ site may contain optional links, information, services and/or content from other websites operated by third parties that are provided as a convenience, such as Google Translate. var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; (4) Recklessly engage in conduct which places or may place another person in danger of attack by exotic wildlife. Javascript is disabled in this browser. (pdf, 85kb)Exotic and Nongame Species Requiring a Permit for Possession(pdf, 26kb)Exotic and Nongame Species Exempted from Required Possession Permit(pdf, 27kb)Exotic and Nongame Species Permit FAQs. Step 5: Select " Special Use Permit - Exotic Animal Application " and click " Continue Application " to begin the . Please be The Assistant will ask you a series of questions. Adopted Dec. 3, 2005. A Salvage Permit is required to possess native, wild animals found dead. thetime of the veterinary inspection. The Executive Director has the authority to designate and publish a list of current CWD-endemic states and Canadian provinces and Disease Management Areas established within this Commonwealth. The nutria. (3 PA Statutes 2305, 2311; 7 Pa. Code 16.24). There are exemptions to the dealer licensing requirements. Exotic wildlife dealer. Any person who imports into this Commonwealth, possesses, buys, sells, locates or finds for a fee, barters, donates, gives away or otherwise disposes of more than one bird or one animal classified as exotic wildlife by this subchapter. Click here to view contacts for specific Scientific Collecting and Salvage Permits. 25, 1981; Amended May 1, 1982; Reserved July 1, 1987. Turtles with a shell between 4 and 10 inches. 2015 Pennsylvania Wildlife Action Plan
1986, July 8, P.L. You will need to complete an application with the surety company, possibly post collateral and pay a fee for the bond. For new applications, the signature of a veterinarian is not required on the application. Contact the department directly for more information and an application. Permit Applications License Applications Community Site Permit Application Adopted June 24, 1972; Reserved July 1, 1987. NO PERMIT FEES WILL BE WAIVED FOR ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. Licensed exhibitors include circuses, zoos, educational displays, petting farms/zoos, animal acts, wildlife parks, marine mammal parks, and some sanctuaries. Special Permits. Select a header below and click to see the entire list of permits, applications, licenses or informational documents.