Biana says that Fitz and Sophie looked "cozy" in the. He was so close now, she could feel his breath warming her cheeks"' Shannon Messenger, Keeper of the Lost Cities: ' his most charming smile and adds, "Red is definitely your color."' Sophie Elizabeth Foster is the main protagonist in the Keeper of the Lost Cities series. It is a plain, basic tree with a pale trunk and no flowers or other colors. Sophie is also oblivious to the fact that Keefe had feelings for her too, until Ro told her in Stellarlune and she realized she liked him back. Calla Barth the Reaper Brier Lur Mitya Sior Gora Gerda Yuri Amisi, Dwarves (Category) Sophie finds Ro and they go to Lord Cassius's house to find out some info on where Keefe is. She said she originally wanted the name to sound dorky. Fitz visits Sophie when she is recovering. Too perfect to be real." She is normally wearing her Vacker crest. These feelings cause her to blush and her heart to flutter when she is around him. Sophie also has a snarky side, often brought out during exasperation, anger, protectiveness (ex. Amy Rose Foster Emma Iris Foster William David Foster Connor, Kate, and Natalie Freeman HandmadeJoyDesigns From shop HandmadeJoyDesigns. Personality Sophie Foster is a strong-willed girl who doesn't care about herself, but will do anything to keep her friends safe. Living Fitz tells Sophie how he sat next to her, giving her a dose of, Fitz offers Sophie his hand, and Sophie takes it, Fitz apologizes for his behavior, saying he was being stupid and that he was angry, but not angry at. To do so, the two must put their trust in each other and share any secrets they previously kept to themselves. She was genetically modified by the Black Swan for Project Moonlark, and is the one of the only elves who has lived in the Forbidden Cities. Fitz replies, "I know, I just wasn't sure if you'd ever tease me again. Not a defenseless little bird. She reaches out to Fitz right after the episode with, Sophie blushes as she remembers he brought her. She also feels guilt easily. In Keeper of the Lost Cities, his ability as a Technopath was revealed and Sophie comforted him about it, often reassuring him that it was a cool ability. After coming home, Sophie begins to wonder if she's really related to her human family. Sophie collects Kenric's cache among with a few other items and sets a fire to the storehouse. They also discover that Alvar is a member of the Neverseen and that Fintan is alive. Sophie Foster changed the game. This is why she has so many abilities. Sophie takes a journey to the Forbidden Cities, only to find out her parents have gone missing. Shhhh, Fitz whispered. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Contents 1 Appearance 2 Ability 3 History 3.1 Book 1: Keeper of the Lost Cities It was released on November 1st, 2016. Sophie and her friends first met Tam Song and his twin sister Linh in Neverseen, when they went to Exillium. Sophie feels sweaty and fidgety from Fitz's attention. Stuffed Animals Sometimes I wish you saw yourself a, Fitz brushes tears out of her face, and Sophie "pretty much melted against his hand. And while she may have been an outcast among humans, in the Lost Cities shes surrounded by friends and family, which is good because she also has some incredibly powerful enemies and needs all the help she can get. Sophie is a regent in the nobility while Fitz is not. Calla was a gnome and a member of the Black Swan and was a part of the team that created Sophie. She originally believed that her younger sister, Amy, was annoying, but when the time came for her to move to the Lost Cities and have her family's memories erased, she realized she cared for her. Sophie recalls how much Fitz has done for her and tells it to him, making him smile. Nov 04, 2013 02:55PM. He was so determined to be angry that it was honestly kind of adorable., Sophie turned to him, so relieved to see his beautiful eyes staring at her that she didnt care hed been eavesdropping., It made her wish her Polyglot ability worked for translating Cute Boy so she could figure out if that was supposed to be a compliment., What I was still out of it, I heard your voice in my head- I think its why I woke up., Just more proof that Fitzphies the best, Fitz told him, with a wink that shouldnt have made Sophies heart flutter. Fitz teasingly says that he hopes Keefe isn't getting into Sophie's head too much. I'm learning to focus on the things I can control, like who I blame. Alden tells Sophie that she has to leave her human family and move permanently to the Lost Cities. She first became friends with Sophie because her father made her (which Sophie found out via Stina), but as she got to know Sophie, Biana became a genuine friend of hers, even crying when Sophie was kidnapped in Book 1: Keeper of the Lost Cities. As such, she often has trouble discerning how people feel about her with any sort of attraction. "there's nothing embarrassing about the way he was looking at you, Sophie. "Whatever happens next, I'm here with you. They admitted their romantic feelings for each other in Book 7: Flashback, and began to date in Book 8: Legacy. After manifesting as an Enhancer, she starts dressing more like Biana to help camouflage the gloves she has to wear. Sophie almost always goes to him with problems and concerns and clues about the Black Swan, but she has kept some things from him, like the Spyball (she was afraid he would confiscate it, taking away her only access to her human family). The castle in Lumenaria was destroyed, almost burying him and Councillor Oralie alive. A pair of beautiful eyes. Youre safe.. Stina calls Sophie this after finding her drooling in her sleep. She has helped Sophie with numerous projects, from getting her a visit with Gethen to fixing Exillium. ", Sophie is the only person Fitz told about, Fitz smiles at Sophie and thinks while Sophie is reading his mind "Sometimes, I forget how nice it is to talk to you.". Fitz and the others walk in on Sophie and Keefe hugging and Fitz asks if , Fitz hugs her and promises everything will be alright after. She is one of Sophie's Councillor contacts for Team Valliant. Oralie promises to help Sophie recover the secrets in her cache, in hopes that they will help wake up Keefe. Throughout the series, Sophie and Fitz have had a unique bond that has allowed them to become Cognates as their trust in one another increased. Throughout the book, they develop a special connection. As a result, she often wore dull colors in an attempt to blend in with the background. People were dying. The gesture felt protective this time, and his voice was all sharp edges as he told Livvy, "If you let, "They stretched out their minds, and Fitz's consciousness seemed to merge with Sophie's as they moved almost like a dance, sweeping around barriers and sidestepping defenses. It was released on November 1st, 2016. Who are they. Fitz and Sophie are also Cognates, but in the beginning of Stellarlune their power as Cognates was not great. They did not and they departed as best friends. she gets this one when she has to wear multiple pairs of gloves to block her enhancing. He waited for her to meet his eyes, and when she did, he gave her the sweetest smile shed ever seen. Fitz and Sophie confess their feelings to each other. I mean, she doesn't like dex that way, and I think Fitz is out because Sophie doesn't need that in her already stressed life. Fitz checks on Sophie telepathically every night after school. Tiergan is very supportive of Sophie's Telepathy training. Sir Astin Lady Galvin Lady Iskra Lady Belva Sir Conley Lady Alexine Sir Donwell Sir Rosings Sir Harding Lady Veda Lady Anwen Sir Beckett Sir Caton Lady Dara Lady Evera Sir Faxon Lady Nissa Lady Zillah Lady Sanja Coach Rohana Coach Bora Coach Wilda, Other They tried, but I don't think he's well suited for her. Towards the end of Legacy, he comforts Sophie when she's feeling upset about what happened to Keefe. Fitz's real name (Fitzroy) can be split into two parts, Fitz and Roy. A meaning of Fitz is, "Son of the king" and the meaning of Roy is, "king/seeker of wisdom." When Sophie manifests as an Enhancer, Fitz keeps holding her hand and talking about how awesome her new talent is. Fitz comforts Sophie after Keefe yelled at her. Sophie replies, "I'm never going to hate you, Keefe." In Book 6: Nightfall, he continually hints that he likes Sophie. Her friends are divided and scattered, and the Black Swan wants Sophie to focus on their . Exillium Arch of Dividing Healing Tent Bosk Gorge Neutral Territories, Hemispheres When Sophie's heart changes pace after sharing secrets with Fitz, she feels like ". Fitz says that the words he uses to enter Sophie's mind are "It's me. Sophie and Fitz decide to visit Alvar together. Who is Sophie Foster's dad? NOTE: The first few nicknames were given to her by her human peers before she met Fitz in Keeper of the Lost Cities. Agnes McWeenie was the original name Shannon Messenger gave to Sophie Foster. finally reached classroom 25, and Sophie was waiting for him. The next day, a blond man tries to kidnap her, but Sophie's neighbor Mr. Forkle scares him off. Sophie is very oblivious. She is currently a Level Four at Foxfire, and was one of the first students to reach out to Sophie in her first few months in the Lost Cities, along with Jensi and Dex . Sophie Foster as an adult elf, married to the one and only- Keefe Sencen. Before that, Mr. Forkle trained her mind while she was asleep. The first part of the book sees Sophie finding an extremely rare Alicorn. Fitz had been looking for Sophie since he was six years old, for over 9 years. Following finding a note from the Neverseen to meet them in Loamnore, Sophie creates a new plan to take the Neverseen by surprise. In fact, theres something I have to tell you'. As of Stellarlune, she is currently in a romantic relationship with Keefe Sencen. Fitz suggests that they stand super close to recreate the moment of trust. "Since I'm betting Pretty Boy's going to spend most of his time staring at you as he listens to your dreams." ), Some of her genes were modeled after those of, She has such strong emotions that they can be felt by some. I will if you will, he made her promise. Why did Brant kill Jolie? This book has the story of various abilities and superpowers the characters have. Mr. Forkle triggered the ability after rescuing them. Dex cares deeply about Sophie, and he often studies with her for their exams. Literally. Sophie puts her hair into a sleek twisty ponytail (courtesy of. Theyre not as different from us as we want them to be.Sophie Foster, What I'm trying to realize is it's okay to be different. Her friends went with the Black Swan to Mount Everest and she soon joined them. Sophie, as of Book 8: Legacy, is a Telepath, Inflictor, Polyglot, Teleporter, and Enhancer (although the . 5 out of 5 stars (412) $ 2.72. In Stellarlune, her "case of the Snarky Comeback" is brought up throughout the book, and her friends don't really know what to think about it. Biana occasionally lends Sophie clothes, always saying she looks good in them. Fitz hands her a box, and inside is a teal heart necklace. Sophie Elizabeth Foster's RP/Fandom account is @TheRealSophieFoster13 Sophie has blonde hair that falls just past her shoulders. Fitz finally wakes up when Sophie transmits. Because of this, she is often described as 'mysterious' by Keefe Sencen, leading to him nicknaming her The Mysterious Miss F. Sophie is also very determined, refusing to give up despite any situation or setbacks. Jensi went back to the "drooly boys" and stopped hanging out with the main group eventually in the latter part of the series. In Book 3: Everblaze, he began working with the Council and building weapons. It is unlikely that they will date and have a romantic relationship again since Sophie is now dating Keefe. Im sorry if thats a crime.Sophie Foster, Fine. In Exile, Alden asked Sophie to be his guide when he performed a memory break on Fintan. Fitz called Sophie his girlfriend. Keeper of the Lost Cities is a middle grade series. In this book, Sophie unlocks Oralie's cache. In Stellarlune, Sophie wondered if she was sixteen but was unsure because of the elves' way of not considering birthdays (or inception dates) or age of great importance due to their seemingly endless lifespans. Sophie finally discovers where her secret telepathic ability comes from when she learns shes actually not human, but is from another world that exists side-by-side with ours.Shannon Messenger, Sophie is the main character of the Keeper of the Lost Cities seriesa girl caught between two worlds, struggling to fit in and still live up to the complicated role she was created for. + "Fitz will love this dress." Biana added before she walked away and stood next to Keefe. Pronunciation: So-fee Fos-ter Gender: Female Eye Color: Brown Hair Color: Golden/Platinum Blonde Bio: Sophie is the main character of the Keeper of the Lost Cities seriesa girl caught between two worlds, struggling to fit in and still live up to the complicated role she was created for. She seems slightly jealous of the admiration Fitz has for Linh. In Legacy, after her abilities are reset, her inflicting ability becomes more powerful, allowing her to target the emotions towards specific people in a lightning-like pink and red beam. Fitz says that all the trouble he went through to find Sophie was worth it. Sophie Foster as an adult elf, married to the one and only- Keefe Sencen. Fitz wouldn't leave Sophie until Elwin let him see her and assured Fitz that she was okay after she had an allergic reaction to. Shannon Messenger is an American author. "Fitz laughed and took her other hand, holding on in a way that felt different from all the other times they'd held hands before--like he was never going to let her go again. She nodded against him, and he shifted slightly so he could pull her even closer, one hand tangling in her hair, the other reaching up to stoke her cheek. But people were losing their houses. Amy temporarily came to live with Quinlin and Livvy. Silveny is always there for Sophie and even monitors her dreams sometimes when Sophie is having nightmares. I missed you too. Shannon Messenger, Flashback, Biana Linh and Biana Linh Dex Fitz Tam Keefe and Fitz Jensi Keefe Marella Valin, Pairings with Fitzroy Avery Vacker (a.k.a. The ogres, who have allied with the Neverseen, unleash a plague that infects the gnomes. Because his voice filled Sophie's head, his consciousness slipping past all of her barriers so he could tell her. Kenric was another Councillor who has always been supportive of Sophie. Keefe called Sophie Fitz's girlfriend and also called Fitz Sophies boyfriend and neither Fitz nor Sophie corrected him. Her and Keefe had been dating for about 3 years now. Because I can.". Oralie was the deciding vote when Sophie was applying for Foxfire. 282 hardcover), "Well, you should a little," Livvy argued. Sophie's heart is pounding so loudly that she can barely hear Fitz. She has stated this at many of her book signings. Biana gushed as she ran to give Sophie a hug before the wedding started. Linh Song is a major character in the Fantasy series Keeper of The Lost Cities. He's a talented Telepaththough not *quite* as powerful as Sophie is. He was killed at Oblivimyre when Fintan ignited Everblaze to escape and stop Sophie from searching for his memories. Keeper of the Lost Cities Quotes Showing 1-30 of 96. Her DNA is also modeled from Alicorn DNA, which is why she can teleport and communicate telepathically with Silveny, and probably why she has brown eyes. Any ideas?" Between her training with the Black Swan, struggles with the Neverseen, and missions for Team Valiant, she attends Foxfire Academy and lives at Havenfield with her adoptive parents, Grady and Edaline Ruewen. Throughout Lodestar, Keefe and Sophie had telepathic check-ins every day where Keefe filled Sophie in on any important information regarding the Neverseen. He was also suspected to be Sophies biological father, and Mr. Forkle assured her that he was not. Elwin is Foxfire's healer and has saved Sophie's life multiple times. So Sophie had to break up with him. They are very loyal to each other, as shown in Lodestar when Sophie defended the twins while they confronted their parents. (Dex's Ability Restrictor). If everyone were the same, we'd all make the same mistakes. When Fitz says that waking up to the sight of Mr. Snuggles is the best, Sophie almost blurts out that his "glittering teal eyes" are better. ", Current Members [1] [2] She also wrote the young-adult Sky Fall series. Fitz stays with Sophie, protects her from. ". This could possibly be due to a newfound coping mechanism, or as Lord Cassius Sencen said in Unlocked, the result of spending too much time with Keefe Sencen. No one is. At the end of the book, during the attack on Lumenaria, Keefe promised Sophie that he would always be there for her. Her determined nature also stems from her curiosity; though Sophie had a hard time accepting the fact that she was an elf, this did not deter her curiosity. 70 "How's little Kenric Jr.?" Biana squealed. Edaline is very protective of Sophie and is overbearing at times to ensure her safety in Keeper of the Lost Cities. Sophie visits Fitz to help him with the council's verdict on Alvar. Natural History Museum, San Diego California. He is one of Sophie's Councillor contacts for Team Valliant. Foxfire Foxfire Entrance Exam, Campus Not Mare. Sophie and Fitz clearly find one another attractive as shown by frequent compliments. In Legacy, she resets her enhancing and inflicting abilities with another dose of limbium. Sophie thinks Fitz is adorable sleeping with. Sophie may have never manifested this ability if Mr. Forkle hadn't triggered it in Lodestar. When Sophie apologizes for slipping into Fitz's mind all the time so easily, he insists she stop apologizing and that she has an amazing talent. (pg. In Nightfall, Sophie learns that her sister successfully hid from the Neverseen. In this book, Sophie is severely physically and mentally injured by the Neverseen who used Shadowflux, gaining more bodyguards and having training sessions. Sophie, Keefe, and Fitz ambush Lady Gisela in Loamnore, but Tam escapes with Gisela. They both blush when. Contents 1 Physical Description 2 Personality and Traits 3 Strengths & Weaknesses 3.1 Strengths 3.2 Weaknesses Mr. Forkle, the leader of Project Moonlark, triggered the ability when she was unconscious after hitting her head. As part of Project Moonlark, the Black Swan genetically altered Sophie's DNA before birth, giving her a combination of different but powerful abilities. She ends up with a Ability Restrictor which Dex had built not knowing it would be used on Sophie. Sophie Foster as an adult elf, married to the one and only- Keefe Sencen. ", Fitz tells Sophie she looks really beautiful, and 'scores the most boyfriend points. She also wears a charm bracelet with an elephant charm on it which was given to her by her adoptive parents, Grady and Edaline. In this book, Sophie and her friends return to the Lost Cities. Sophie huddles close to Fitz to tell him about Keefe. In the later books, particularly in Legacy, she also searches for the truth about her past (namely her biological parents) and purpose, which are shrouded in mystery. Sophie and Keefe, Sokeefe, or Team Foster-Keefe (the latter being dubbed by Keefe Sencen) is the romantic and/or platonic pairing of Sophie Foster and Keefe Sencen. Tam is a Shade, meaning he can manipulate shadows and darkness, read people's potential for darkness using a substance called shadowvapor, and may control shadowflux, even though he prefers not to practice it. Fitz comes over to check on her every night especially when she was in her zombie mode'. When Sophie discovered "Mr. Forkle's" identical twin, she assumed that Mr. Forkle had not perished and had toyed with her emotions. Contents 1 Physical Description 2 Personality and Traits 3 Strengths, Talent and Weaknesses 3.1 Talent 3.2 Weaknesses 3.3 Strengths Like he was afraid to let her go-and maybe he was. In the hideout, Sophie is finally fully healed from her mental "malfunction" she got when she faded away in Keeper of the Lost Cities. Sophie's friends are upset that she has burned down the Neverseen Storehouse and they go confront Glimmer. She can perform brain pushes, transforming mental energy into physical energy. But that didn't mean she was over it. Fitz insists that Sophie should not thank him, as he knew what was going to happen. Fitz has heat in his eyes that makes Sophie's cheeks feel warm. Fitz puts a protective arm around Sophie and says sharply, "If you let. This is mentioned several times by bodyguards in Legacy and Unlocked, saying Sophie is becoming "more strong-willed" and "confident." Mr. Forkle Blur Coiffe Della Adara Vacker Granite Juline Kalea Dizznee Livvy Lur Magnate Leto Kerlof Mitya Prentice Endal Sior Sir Tiergan Andrin Alenefar Sir Astin Squall Timkin Heks Tinker Wraith Jolie Lucine Ruewen, Known Neverseen Members That might be proof that it still needs to happen." After a complicated adoption process, they adopted her at the end of the first book. He's a loyal brother, a . Sophie cannot sleep without the bright blue elephant. Fitz says he'll keep trying anyway. Keefe later tells Sophie that she and Fitz are perfect for each other. Silveny is one of the last known living Alicorns. She has used her Vanishing ability to go on secret missions with Sophie. When Sophie left for the Lost Cities, Washers relocated her human family and wiped all their memories of Sophie so they didn't need to think their daughter died to accommodate Sophie's request. All of the books (except for a few parts of Unlocked) are from her perspective. Dex is Sophie's first and best friend, as stated in the books, although Biana also considers herself to be Sophie's best friend. She and Sophie became friends in Keeper of the Lost Cities, but later, when Sophie started hanging out with the Vackers, Keefe, and Dex more, Marella felt left out and started hanging out with Stina. Sophie's determination can also manifest itself in impulsivity, as she can often be reckless, especially when it comes to protecting her friends and family. Sophie also has a Wanderling, a remnant from her falsely assumed death in Keeper of the Lost Cities. Sophie was the result of an experiment called Project Moonlark conducted by the Black Swan. Fitz shows immediate concern and takes her hands. Sophie and Keefe have supported each other throughout the series and have comforted each other after traumatic experiences. Alden Vacker is the father of the most-known Vacker family. Sophie is devastated and begs Alden to not stage her death in the human cities, which was their original plan, but rather to erase her human parents' and sister's memories of her. Really why do you all hate Dex he's the most Normal of the three. Fitz insists on going into Fintan's mind with Sophie so that he can protect her and be sure she's safe. The majority of Sophie's nicknames were given to her by her friend Keefe Sencen. Mr. Forkle was Sophie's next-door neighbor in the Forbidden Cities. Sophitz/Fitzphie is the romantic/platonic pairing between Sophie Elizabeth Foster and Fitzroy Avery Vacker. "I do." Sandor is Sophie's bodyguard and is a strong, stubborn goblin who was charged with taking care of Sophie after she was kidnapped in the first book. He is very protective of Sophie, a prominent example being in Everblaze, where he went to the length of mesmerizing the Council into smacking their own faces, in an attempt to save Sophie from her punishment for reading the ogre king's mind. Sophie believed that it was because of her malfunctioning DNA. Alden takes her to Atlantis to see his friend Quinlin, who is a probe for the Council. Grady is fun, warm, and cheery, but when Sophie is in trouble, he becomes cold and stern. When Sophie discovers her sister hiding in a closet, she is forced to break the law and take Amy to the Lost Cities to protect her. Fitz realizes Keefe wasn't leaving. He is a telepath and an Emissary to the council, and used to be a cognate to an elf named Quinlin Soden. Over time, the two of them grow to become close friends, relying on one another in near-death encounters. Who is your boyfriend/girlfriend in Keeper of the Lost Cities? Although Sophie ignored his warning and later learned that Biana only became friends with her because Alden ordered her to, Dex supported her despite their previous argument. Fitz transmits "It's me" (revealed in Flashback, Fitz short story), although Mr. Forkle's transmission is unknown. Who does Keefe like in Keeper of the Lost Cities? As of Legacy, she is 15 in elvin years. Sophie didn't want to be the answer to everything. Keeper of the Lost Cities svg, Sophie, Keefe, So-Keefe, Silveny, cut file, KOTLC ad vertisement by HandmadeJoyDesigns. Keefe clearly likes Sophie, concrete proof of which was given in Keefe's Short Story in Nightfall. Keefe's feelings towards Sophie was hinted many times. 10 Questions - Developed by: KOLTC #1 fan. Fitz grabs Sophie's hand when they find out that somebody died in the tower. Who does Sophie marry in Keeper of the Lost Cities? " Keeper of the Lost Cities: Legacy" by Shannon Messenger, Simon & Schuster, 816 pages. There were a few mistakes that the Black Swan made. Mr. Forkle restores her other missing memory and Sophie resets her abilities, and her Inflicting and Enhancing become much stronger. Her family name is Redek, and she dislikes nicknames, telling Sophie in the first book, "My name's Marella. Sophie says it's like ". Biana has proven herself to be a fierce and loyal friend to Sophie. Sophie says that Fitz being injured by the arthropleura was one of the most horrible things she ever saw. Sophie tells Fitz that she trusts him too. Then there's a group of rebellion, who want to capture Sophie because of her . Although he regretted listening to the Council, it still took time for Sophie to forgive him. Sophie notices that after all the months of hard work, Fitz's support feels good and is comfortable. Fitz and Sophie note how they both saved each other in the tower. Fitz rants to Sophie about Alvar and his family's reputation problems. Project Moonlark was named by Calla the gnome. Sophie says "Biana looks like the dolls she had when she was little. She is also the only elf who can safely enter and heal a broken, or shattered, mind. But she wouldn't mind being the answer to something, after all the sacrifices she'd had to make.Narration. Ever since they first met in the San Diego Natural History Museum in the first book, Sophie has been attracted to Fitz. Sophie and Keefe take over Fitz's project to search Cassius's memories and are able to recover two shattered memories. . Her determination also causes her to be quite stubborn and sometimes hypocritical, especially when it comes to protecting her friends and loved ones. City Of Lost Keeper Book Charm Earrings, Tiny Book Charm Earrings, City Of Lost Keeper Merch, Bookworm Gift, Gift for Reader In the 8th book, Sophie discovers that Councillor Oralie is her genetic mother, and decides to stop looking for her father. She had a hard time adjusting to having Sophie in Keeper of the Lost Cities, but she eventually sees Sophie as her daughter. I trust you. Sophie showed signs of being a Polyglot while she was escaping her kidnappers in the first book. She always wants to learn more about the Elvin world and gets frustrated when others can't or will not give her the information that she seeks. Sophie has also shown some signs of liking Keefe, especially in Neverseen, Lodestar, Nightfall, and Unlocked - though it has not been confirmed. Sophie is first depicted as a lonely and shy girl at the beginning of the series. Quick Relation to Sophie: Best Friend Gender: Male Eye Color: Periwinkle Hair Color: Strawberry Blonde. He is easily aggravated and lashes out at both his parents and Sophie, as well as countless others, when Alden's mind is broken and when dealing with his traitor of a brother. two times when he tells Sophie that he wants her name on his list. ", "I'll always remember that you found me and brought me to the Lost Cities and showed me where I really belong. Lord Cassius), or when she's annoyed or wants to be annoying on purpose (ex. Seeing Sophie and hearing her speak returned Amy's memories of Sophie. She is a very fun, energetic, free-spirited, and kind soul, and sometimes she behaves as a motherly figure for Sophie. And that you left everything behind to go with me when I joined the Black Swan. Shannon Messenger, "Her heart did that stupid fluttery thing again and her skin tingled everywhere he touched. "They are pretty cute," Fitz noted. Silveny quickly learns to trust Sophie and they become very close friends. Sophie was heading to the Healing Center and Keefe was ditching class. When Sophie had been issued a punishment for entering the ogre king's mind, he was ordered to make her an ability restrictor circlet. Since then, the two have been in detention together numerous times. A Keeper of the Lost Cities live-action film adaptation was confirmed on January 11, 2021, with both an article from Deadline, as well as through . Her cheeks turned warm. (pg. It confirmed that starting in the first book, Dex has liked Sophie as more than a friend. Anyone who can cause as much drama and chaos as Sophie can is definitely Marella's style. She is also called a know-it-all by her peers and even teachers. He agrees, and she goes back to the Forbidden Cities one last time to pack her things and say goodbye to her family. Need me to keep going? Councillor Alina Councillor Bronte Councillor Clarette Councillor Darek Councillor Emery Councillor Liora Councillor Noland Councillor Oralie Councillor Ramira Councillor Terik Councillor Velia Councillor Zarina Councillor Kenric Elgar Fathdon Fintan Pyren Fallon Vacker, Teenagers