Not even enough to support my eyeliner habit. There was booze but there were too many snacks and not enough Ann Summers toys or something. Come on. Is this what you want Lillian!? Thank you for your submission. An email redemption code has been sent to the receiver. But finally you came to my rescue . This is for you. It was a knockout; shimmering with pinks and blues, lavenders and maroons, turquoise and golds, oranges and creams. . I see how your mother talks to you and dont get me wrong. Bit. Today, and God knows how many bands later, not much has changed. . I told him he didnt have to say that. And as for father ladling the gin down her throat, it wouldnt have killed her. All day long coronaries, transplants. . . Creepy Monologues Tara Meddaugh Playwright Blog Creepy Monologues October 17, 2019 If you're looking for some creepy or thriller monologues this Halloween, check out these 10 dark monologues. You have successfully purchased store credit. Whether it is depression, suicide, or schizophrenia, each of these characters is suffering through, or helping someone along their journey, in battling their own mind. They had to go. My defenses drop. I quickly glanced towards the radiator to see if it was covered. Marry? . If you must be married, could you introduce nobody into our family but a highwayman? Oh, and by the way Elton, she had a boyfriend, and you were weird.. As a breast cancer survivor and an alcoholic defy all rules to get cast. In this way, through osmosis, little droplets of contagion are being rubbed into your leathery flesh every day. A hilarious climax forces Blaine to decide in which world he belongs and bridge the painful gap to adulthood. Would he did not stoop in the shoulders, for thy sake! . MAL-I-BU BAR-BIE! I love Josh! My parents: Sharon and Dave. Have you played over all your old lessons othe virginals? 20 Of The Best Contemporary Dramatic Monologues For Men From Plays 1. .) Oh, yes, he will, all right. The Godfather Part II: A short but powerful monologue from Kay Corleone (Diane Keaton), the abused and bitter wife of a short but powerful Italian Don (crime boss). No ones care who you are but you, what you do but you, who you inappropriately f*** but you. Every girl here is afraid of you. What Didn't Happen 12. I dont know. Everyone has their own inner demons, and these characters are not afraid to voice the inner turmoil plaguing their psyche. Indeed, virtue gets up upon marriage sometimes and manageth it in the right way, but marriage is of another piece; for as a horse may be without a man, and a man without a horse. Read the play here Regular|Acting Edition, A monologue from the play by Idris Goodwin, Ive got something to show you. O.K.? A monologue from the play by Terrence McNally. We can listen to the music of the city on a warm summer night. Yes, were all thinking it. It's been getting in the way of their relationship and in this one act play, Cassandra and Robert decide if they should continue dating because of it. Yes, you would! OH, GARDNER, ITS A MOUNTAIN OF ROTTING GARBAGE! Of course in a sense you were right. In this monologue, Foreigner breaks the ice by talking about teddy bears, and then explains how her relationship with her father changed after she saw a gruesome picture of him during the war. Step 1: Select the amount you would like to purchase: Step 2: Send a customized personal message. Insane Person Monologue Female 0 Recommend Jordan Becknell Posted 11-12-2019 13:43 Reply Reply Privately Hi! Insane Person Monologue Female Jordan Becknell 11-12-2019 13:43 Hi! Lets take you and Erica. You are a . (She stands at the parapet and looks out. Lifes so trying for a girl, especially when shes in love. A monologue from the play by Caryl Churchill. Thats Macbeth, you know-nothing twit. But not always pure. Level of difficulty: 8/10 because of the single actor and simple set, the focus is carried entirely by the words. Monologue: "There you have it, They white,Seems to us only white folks can laugh on Sundays.". . Yet cant he be cured of his timidity, by being taught to be proud of his wife? So, instead of finger-flicking that row of dominoes like I wanted, like my gut told me I should, I just counted back from ten and let a cooler being prevail, decided to come on out to the Garden State and handle it like a sister instead of a plaintiff. Right you just take Katrina in the douche packer to Prom. Moving fluidly from present survivor monologues to past scenes with the troubled teen, friends and family come to terms with Rachels disease and the roles, however unwitting, that they played in her death as they learn to carry on. Add To Cart. Oh, well put C not sure. Absolutely yes. I still have your virginity. What durst move you, sir,To think me whorish, a name which Id tear outFrom the high Germans throat if it lay ledger thereTo dispatch privy slanders against me?In thee I defy all men, their worst hatesAnd their best flatteries, all their golden witchcraftsWith which they entangle the poor spirits of fools,Distressed needlewomen, and trade-falln wives.Fish that must needs bite or themselves be bitten,Such hungry things as these may soon be tookWith a worm fastned on a golden hook:Those are the lechers food, his prey; he watchesFor quarrelling wedlocks, and poor shifting sisters:Tis the best fish he takes. Then shes quite gone;Theres no means to help her, nay, for a need,Wilt swear unto thy credulous fellow lechersThat thart more in favour with a ladyAt first sight than her monkey all her lifetime.How many of our sex by such as thouHave their good thoughts paid with a blasted nameThat never deserved loosely, or did tripIn path of whoredom beyond cup and lip?But for the stain of conscience and of soul,Better had women fall into the handsOf an act silent than a bragging nothing.Theres no mercy int. Why is that? ELIZABETH . Petas bedsit, London. Mack, Cam, Timp and Benny share a flat in Edinburgh. (Female, Comedic/Serio-Comedic, Late teens-20s) Goodbye, everybody! Youre gonna hit your peak in five years. these get sent to the FBI, analyzed, Xeroxed and burned. Excuse me, Barney. When Autumn comes upon them discussing Amelias social ambitions, Helen lies and says they were just saying how sad that their father wouldnt be present at Helens wedding. Because thats not what Rome is about. Nor do I in any way approve of the modern sympathy with invalids. So I got an electric guitar, learned three chords, and conned some chicks into starting a band with me. She describes a fantasy shes had about being hired as an actress on a soap opera, which leads into an anecdote about the time she realized that her mother had been married when she met her father. Thats cause youre still changing. Betrayal 13. I mean, like, how could I, like, get an F? Its something no man will ever understand, and anyway they just dont want to. We have to set an example. Oh, yeah? Now, what would you call a woman with that strength in her have to die of influenza, and what become of her new straw hat that should have come to me? depicts the ever deepening alienation of Vietnam Veteran Travis Bickle a psychotic cab driver who obsessively cruises 4 / 8. Really love me? (She rummages in her purse and pulls them all out instead of one.) (Male, Dramatic, Teens) . I love you, Miss Shelton, I love you. Persona is a 1966 Swedish psychological drama film, written and directed by Ingmar Bergman . Somebody pinched it, and what I say is, them that pinched it, done her in. I do lewd things. I need some nuclear bomb stuff for this one. Maybe its better if I dip it in the CHOCOLATE!! Funny. $8.99. Present day.. Its not mine. Are you uncomfortable meeting new people? Well, I think thats a yes, dont you agree, Harold? But howeerThou and the baser world censure my life,Ill send em word by thee, and write so muchUpon thy breast, cause thou shalt beart in mind:Tell them twere base to yield where I have conquerd.I scorn to prostitute myself to a man,I that can prostitute a man to me:And so I greet thee. FilmTagger is a movie recommendations engine for Screenwriters, Directors, Producers, Film-Buffs and Students everywhere. . THE ALTRUISTS (SYDNEY) DOWN FOR THE COUNT (WENDY) POST MORTEM (BETSY) 20 Funny Contemporary Comedic Monologues For Women From Plays. If there were just one or two, but four! . However, feel free to browse tips and download any public domain (free) monologues on our site. Venita is an African-American woman who has been ostracized from her family for marrying a white man named George. The official site for award winning screenwriter and playwright ARTHUR M. JOLLY. If you are auditioning for an absurdist comedy, this piece may be a good fit for you. .! I was ten. Look at this shower! I might pumice my feet. Illness of any kind is hardly a thing to be encouraged in others. So, I maimed. Its going to hurt the rst time. Published January 2005 Audio Books & Radio . This is a play about dealing with tragedy and the strength necessary to survive, all in the search for just one good thing. Gray Matters funny monologue about the guy who runs your brain Then she come to so sudden that she bit the bowl off the spoon. Obsessively going over the events of the day, they grasp at trying to come to terms with their disjointed lives and their singular, unsettling dream. I think Ill have him. . Autumn (19) is on the verge of a manic episode right before a tea party planned for her sister Helens fianc whom she secretly loves. What rights he got to think himself too high and mighty to be civil to me? No, faith; husbands are like lots in the lottery: you may draw forty blanks before you find one that has any prize in him. (Female, Dramatic, Young Adult, Suicide) Im in a great mood. Let fate decide. Know why? Ugh! 24 CLASSICAL DRAMATIC MONOLOGUES FOR WOMEN 1. Im not mad. Ill live my own woman, and if the worst come to the worst, I had rather prove a wag than a fool. The Dutch Courtesan. But, as the monologues point out, women, like men are just as different from each other and their motivations, remain human. The you that I know, would have walked in here and rolled your eyes and thought this was completely over the top, ridiculous, and stupid. Are you in search of a monologue from a character dealing with mental illness? And one night in bed in my flat I was so frightened I started touching myself. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Dont I deserve love? Copyright 2023 PerformerStuff. GREEN: tiny peppermint leaves veined with chocolate . Who knows what she saw in me - wearing Barry's. 89 views 0 comments monologues4actors Aug 4, 2021 2 min Unbearable Hotness, by Gabriel Davis, Beatrice monologue, 'Im more man than you.' After losing his wife and job he is willing to try anything. To see the difference of these seasons! And if I told you that yust MILDRED: Please do not mock at my attempts to discover how the other half lives. Im a planet. . I used to touch myself when I was very little, I thought Id invented something wonderful. Im the unfit fitter. This is really fascinating, whats going on at this table. But I felt triumphant because I was a separate person from them. () I knew she was always a proud sl*t; and now the wench hath played the fool and married, because forsooth she would do like the gentry. It was very late at night. . A monologue from the play by Nikolai Gogol. (Female, Dramatic, Young Adult, Death) $3.99. . The date wasnt that good. Depression Monologues for Females 1 "Diane, when I knew for certain that Maurice had fallen into the sea, that they had recovered his body, that he was buried in German soil, then I felt that I should never live another moment. To give an instance and this is true and very very illustrative everyone came to my eighteenth-birthday party . . Abe didnt come to the party. Dont be shy. if you could call what happened a rescue. But shes family and turning her out to the cops would have kicked up more dust with my mom, and then my dad would have had a reason to come out of witness protection to put his two cents in it would have been even more of a mess than it needed to be. What are you writing? It was more like a rout! So Im saying it to you now, whatre you now, 11? They include a couple hidden theater gems as well as several famous female monologues, good for either Broadway or the local playhouse. North Hawaii Players, Hawaii, USA 2018 Theyve all come out! She had chronic depression, ever since she was twelve. . . Regina George. Besides, hes poured so much down his own throat that he knew the good of it., A monologue from the play by John Marston. My boyfriend, Johnny Miller, had his dad drive us to see Ike and Tina Turner at the Hollywood Bowl. My late husband, Fester. Brooklyn Boy 6. Looks like I crossed that one out. () Yes, you are a dull maid alate, methinks you had need have somewhat to quicken your green sickness; do you weep? When I was of your youth, I was lightsome, and quick, two years before I was married. . This store is PCI Compliant, Please log in to begin your shopping experience. . (She gives up.) Its a wonder you didnt notice. I say friend. Oh come on, it was high school dance. Irena describes her plight as an ally to the escaping children and families during WWII. Just 27 first cousins alone! She was pleased. ! Thatsgreatthats positive but positive is overrated. Whats that? But now I dont know how to act around him. Most people don't make it past fifty. She attempts to tell her doctor how she started writing. Yes, were all thinking it. through a network of handshakes, the Under-Secretary of Outrageous Falsehoods will shake hands with the Secretary for Pernicious Behavior under the Cloak of Night. Do you (gunshot) Harold, please! She got hospitalized once she turned yellow. And dont think Regina is the meanest girl in this school. He doesnt want her to be my friend, doesnt want her to come to our house; he cant stand Charlotte Korman. Shes over 50, divorced, and she sits in night after night after night because available guys her age want something-forgive me, they want somebody that looks like Marin. . Yes, and cant IBut I vow Im disposing of the husband, before I have secured the lover. Anyway, its not as bad as it sounds Still. No, Im not getting an abortion. An email redemption code has been sent to the receiver. Sleep is a lovely practice for death. Im sure you two will have like, a real bitchin time. (Female, Dramatic, Young Adult, Bi-Polar Disorder) Your mamas asleep. When he told me, I didnt say a word. HULLABALOO Maggie is deeply distressed over her son who spent the previous night in the slammer. Mable only has eyes for Lord Goring. Its actually not that hard to believe if youve ever tried to have a conversation with her. . Free audition monologues for women, men, girls and boys. My aunt died of influenza, so they said. That sort of thing infuriates me. Not her. It glittered and towered in the moonlight like some . And do you know what they got me? She explains to Laura that Mack had told her that before anything could happen between them she would have to choose between him and Peter. Oh man, she loves her guitar! And whether or not they find each other will determine if they live through the night. Mummy screamed . I used to do it to go to sleep with or to cheer myself up, and one day it was raining and I was under the kitchen table. Nothing personal, but I dont think were going to have our affair. . My name's Gabriel Davis and I have written audition monologues for actors, from Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) School of Drama. What are you, around 60? However, if he be so young, so handsome, and so everything as you mention, I believe hell do still. Ooo! All I ever wanted was a Ballerina Barbie in her pretty pink tutu. In the meantime, Im very depressed. Her past dysfunctional sexual relationships haunt her through the guise of an Everyman Lover who lives mostly in Julias mind. What woman gives another woman a trip to Paris? Not that I fit anywhere. Two oclock in the morning, he leans over, taps me on the shoulder and says, Ive had an affair with Charlotte Korman. Who asked him? A monologue from the Play "A Midsummer Night's Dream" by William Shakespeare. My Fair Lady. (Female, Dramatic, Young Adult, Pregnancy) She is bogged down by what a doctor would call depression, but her descriptions are more poetic than direct, implying that she knows how she feels but is unaware of whats causing it or how to stop it. Now then, are you ready, Harold? As for marriagetheres plenty of time for that. My birthday. I dont fit. faith, little better than nothinghes a man, and thats alland heaven knows mere man is but small consolation. Just business as usual, especially when I was in college and all I could afford was Saint Vincents. . That beautiful mess is Tracy. Gin was as mothers milk to her. Im difficult to explain without sounding thick but me and her dont fit like that. Why, thou foolish jade, thou wilt be as ill used, and as much neglected, as if thou hadst married a lord! Shit. So, II killed. Here is the first question. An attorney who sports a flowing perm or hair weave. I mean normally Id strut around in my cutest little outfits, and send myself flowers and candy but I couldnt do that stuff with Josh. Same old shit, same old shit. I consider it morbid. Eating is great, sex used to be great (remember when sex was great, Mrs. His violence and altered personality take a toll on their family. And you know why he told me, Barney? A? The girl hes in love with doesnt know he exists, his father is leaving his mother, and his older brother has been deployed to Iraq. . She is my sister and family is sacred. Sheridan. I wonder if they have that in my size! (Finishes her glass of wine and pours herself another one.) thy head for liking his father to a singing-man . Is the subject of sex being overexploited by our mass media? Well, that would have to be yes, wouldnt it? All of the other kids from school are there, while his/her mom sits in the back of the church, waiting until its over to take him/her home. What is Performerstuff? A monologue from the book by Alan Jay Lerner (Based on the play Pygmalion, by George Bernard Shaw. WHAT HAVE YOU GOT IN HERE? She wasnt really. 8 of the Best Monologues from Sinister Characters : PerformerStuff More Good Stuff It appears that you are outside of North America. In your opinion, are social affairs usually a waste of time? Heavens, no! (Male or Female, Dramatic, Teens) Well, let me fill you in. Celebrate your never marrying. This shilly-shallying with the question is absurd. All Rights Reserved, 11 Dark Female Drama Monologues from Plays, 11 Dark Monologues from One-Act Plays for Actress, 11 Drama Monologues for Women of All Ages, Dark and Brooding Female Drama Monologues. Discover the works of Arthur M. Jolly (he, him), download free monologues for auditions and classes, purchase playscripts, ask questions, and get all the info on upcoming productions. A monologue from the screen play by Heather Hatch. O woman, woman, foolish woman! I even find the question distasteful. . You fit for a knights beddrowsy browed, dull eyed, drossy spritedI hold my life you have forgot your dancing: when was the dancer with you? Why? And if you dont, Im ! But not in a bad way. Anyhow, Maggie told Scarlet that the reason why she was feeling so lonely was not because she hadnt had a real date since. As an actor, working with rich text is very beneficial. After a few brushes with reality, Sarah becomes dismayed with her predictable life and slips into a crippling depression. We attack from below. All the time! . Here is she going to throw away fifteen thousand pounds; upon what? This standalone monologue is entitled SANDRA, the Writer. Sandra is speaking to a doctor, a psychiatrist. I mean, that radiator was really hot! Listen. Nick is gay. Fabulation, or the Re-Education of Undine, 15 Best Classical Monologues For Women From Plays, 22 Best Comedic Monologues For Females From Movies, HAROLD AND MAUDE MONOLOGUE (MRS. CHASEN), 7 Best Modeling Agencies In Iowa (Up-to-date & Current Listings), 19 Dramatic Shakespeare Monologues For Women, 21 Contemporary Dramatic Monologues For Women From Published Plays, 24 Classical Dramatic Monologues For Women. There are not many husbands and wives who can bear the charges of plaguing one another in a handsome way. She crept forward and touched it, and then jumped back. I FOUND MY OWN MATERIALS . Character: Sister James . Do you think the sexual revolution has gone too far? It certainly has. Doesnt want anything to do with them? In this monologue, Blaine speaks to his newborn baby about his mentally retarded sister Dale. In a matter of fact I most certainly am qualified of making that point. Finds ita folded 8 10 sheet of paper.). "Doubt" by John Patrick Shanley. but even at their best dinner at Antoines or a really good bed partner (and God knows there were never many of them) food and making love cant hold a candle to sleep. After he decided he couldnt come to my birthday party because it was too much of a commitment I decided that Id give him my Virginia County. Newly revised and expanded, the book includes the author's own assessment of each monologue. In this monologue, Ava tries to relate to her therapist how her emotions and self-worth have been attacked and beaten down by a feeling of worthlessness. Sex. A monologue from the play by Carlo Goldoni. I am happy for you, Lillian. She borrowed it and now . But I dont cry about it any more. Oh sure, you can come back as all sorts of things. First, here is the personality interview which you are to fill out and return. Sarah desires a life of picture-perfect glamour and excitement and has married her high school sweetheart Jimmy. Monologue 2. Is it difficult for you to accept criticism? No. What is Performerstuff? I was 18 before I knew it, and my aunt, your great aunt Sandrashe waited until I was 18 to give me my list but it was kinda too late. POTATO HEAD I found my own materials. He doesnt want me to see her. LEAH. O, but a virtuous marriage, you say? This toxin will be passed upwardsit is the nature of bureaucracies to pass things verticallytill eventually. You know what my proof is? Why have they gone? Foreigner talks with her translator after he has returned with food and beer. Sometimes I do it three times in one night and it really is great fun. Thank you for your submission. Leah, just said that you were gonna go with her. If you buy something through one of these links, we may earn an affiliate commission at no additional cost to you. He told me. Wish me luck. Darnell?). In this monologue, Erynne talks to her boyfriend Nemo about the death and suicide of her sister Dierdre. (to another awkward girl) Emily, its all gonna happen for you in your thirties. (to an awkward girl) Annika. You would know that if you got your beautiful-haired-head out of your a**hole. Laura then makes the connection between Peters suicide and Sophies choice. His Excellency Signor the Marquis Skinflint. Thank you! She went years without any real incidents. Other monologues for you to enjoy: Finding my Root a South African monologue as a one act play What, youre going to go to Paris with Helen now?! Oh and this whole Josh and Ty thing was wiggin me more than anything. LOOK at that f***ing COOKIE!! But then I found I missed it. What would he want with Ty, she couldnt make him happy. Norman has sought out a variety of methods to get a hold of his severe anxiety. . Thinking the bear told on her discovery and got her in trouble, she defaces it and hides the evidence away from the world. Ill continue to write. Take your pick. The Glass Menagerie 15. Crazy, hostile letterslike minethe ones written in crayon on butcher paper, the ones made of letters cut out of magazines. I touch my face, it was there, my arm, my breast, and my hand sent down where I thought it shouldnt, and I thought well there is somebody there. She is a very creative woman, but shes having a problem dealing with the voice in her head that tells her what to write. Once Id melted one, I was hooked! By what stretch of the imagination . Bates. . Josh needs someone with imagination, someone to take care of him, someone to laugh at his jokes in case he ever makes anythe suddenly. In two days Ill be 40 and surprise surprise, I aint no rock star. But she didnt do it well enough. Her mother has stopped eating and Melinda knows that she is dying. "Well, Tommy has proposed to Lady Bracknell has become aware of Jack's intentions toward Gwendolyn. Winona Ryder has always been good at playing "lost" characters. She/He keeps using the word dysfunctional to describe his condition which stings him a little more each time. The corpse, and his adorable family. Yeah, well give a D there. Female, Dramatic, Teens 20s Chicago.. psycho female monologues.. Not the gigs, not the clubs, not the money. He told me he loved me. Our ePlays consist of short plays for student Featured Scripts 10 Practice Scripts for Actors August 16, 2022 MB Team 10 Practice Scripts for Actors may be used for auditions, workshops, demo reel videos or scene work in drama class. When he tapped me on the shoulder in the middle of the night I thought he wanted me! Im afraid of you half the time. A strong dose of love is worse than one of ratafia; when it once gets into our heads, it trips up our heels, and then good night to discretion. The show is in the manner of Talking With or Vagina Monologues. Turn. All of this ties together when she explains that shes been going to doctors in an attempt to diagnose her depression. The Importance Of Being Earnest. And thats what I mean about But they were bored and it was quite shit and they thought itd be quite funny to leave, and it sort of was, you know? 2. And her sister. Lud, this news of papas puts me all in a flutter. And so if the government could just get to the kitchen and re-arrange some things we could certainly party with Haitians. (Male, Dramatic, 20s) This is it for you. she met Jorge at the Olive Garden where he oversees dish management, and shes, overall, developed a real positive outlook on life. Lillian this is not the you I know. Blacktop Sky 16. I know I must have left it somewhere., Turned the house upside down. He has feelings for Greg, and later on in the play it seems as though these may be reciprocated. These are the times we live in, Barney. . I certainly dont expect him to fall in love with me at first sightbut to behave like that! A monologue from the screenplay by Tina Fey (Based on the book by Rosalind Wiseman). And jewelry? The Any Key dramatic male monologue. Obviously. . Where have they gone? Here are her picks for best teenage comedic monologues for girls and boys. (Male, Comedic, Late Teens 40s) . A Louisiana Gentleman is a comedy that exposes Blaine Ashton, a young medical student desperate to choose among three women: his manic sixteen year-old sister, a seductive middle aged actress, and his alcoholic, duty-driven aunt. Mel doesnt like her. Your registration has been updated. See, here he is. Single older women as a demographic are about as f***ed a group as can ever exist. I was languishing with hunger, but oh, dear Mother . There is something so sterile, so impersonal about it. Probably. Shes alone with the coffin. . That would be the day! COFFEE TABLE Melanie lives in a psycho ward talking to people that aren't really there but what if they are? Positivity is something losers who dont know that theyre losers say when crap is hitting the fan. Better Mr Podkolyosin. Simply click on the appropriate link below to access the full monologue lists. I did a really lewd thing, the lewdest thing I ever did and I was stone cold sober. And so had I. I mean, it was mostly my fault. . Worthing, I Confess ..". The monsters and wolves in your fairy book are real. (Female, Dramatic, Young Adult, Violence) . Sensible, good-natured; I like all that. Fairly blue with it she was. Melinda's mother is suffering from a debilitating and fatal disease and she has given up her job and apartment to move back at home and care for her. [] He must have more striking features to catch me, I promise you. And in conclusion, may I remind you that it doesnt say R.S.V.P. on the Statue of Liberty. A husband. Dotingor where they? It really is difficult to decide, you cant begin to describe it. Were living in a new guiltless society. 18 contemporary monologues from published plays for actors, creatives, filmmakers and teachers. You wanna know how I got these scars? And Im buggin. Ow, ow, ow! 1. 50? Weve pullednine from our collection that dig deep into a characters innermost psychological workings during a catastrophe. MAGS, WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DOING? . (Female, Dramatic, 18-22, Depression) . Bates, may I please speak with you? I told you Paris! A Comedic and Dramatic Monologue for Women from the Play, ANNIE JUMP AND THE LIBRARY OF HEAVEN by Reina Hardy 'Annie Jump and the Library of Heaven' (KJ): "I can't afford to screw this up" April 6, 2022 She is so accomplished. Do it, Jessica. Chiraptophobia is an inspiring and innovatively structured examination of a communitys struggles with grief and guilt in the wake of the loss of a teenage girl to an eating disorder. That movie The Bodyguard is a lie. Julia, a poor, depressed young woman without health insurance seeks free help under the care of Dr. Nukulye, an Anglo-Kenyan psychiatry resident seeking certification in the U.S. Arent you?! I want to enjoy my freedom first. Are you honestly and truly going to Prom with Katrina De Voort? . . . No, why him? I could not bear it. She gave no warning, leaving only a note for Colin by way of explanation. I wanted to die. Had not such a piece of flesh been ordained, what had us wives been good for? Mommy gets the kitchen knife to defend herself. From here you can access a wide range of monologues. Just click Shakespeare! Why should she die of influenza when she come through diphtheria right enough the year before? And I was on antidepressants for a while, when I was her age. This isnt Julias first round in therapy, but to this point nothing seems to have worked. Griffith High School. Fantastic! A monologue from the screen play by Cheri Lovedog & Robin Whitehouse. Mr. Lets see if Shirley Temple and Keith Moon had a love child, shed definitely be Sally. Serial Dater female monologue about a black widow from the darkly comic play Lacey's Last Chance. From that smoking gun on the table to obsession to restraining orders, jealousies and a car wreck, love can lead you to strange places! My huge . But its my belief they done the old woman in. PLEASE NOTE: Lady Killers was written as a set of 3 monologues, with the author making the fourth monologue available as an addendum to the script, tagged at the end of it. Hiding. A monologue from the screen play by Colin Higgins. Oh.. theres Jessica. In this inner monologue, this teen tries to make sense of the suicide that happened, observing the service; one classmate cant make it through singing Amazing Grace in the choir. It felt very sweet, it was a feeling from very long ago, it was very soft. So she bought three thousands dollars worth of rocks. It becomes apparent that Sophie used to go out with Bennys brother Peter. Judge Dredd Digital - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read book online for free. For every color, I imagined a taste . Six people come together, each for their own reasons, at a restaurant on the Lower East Side. This is dreadful oh God, please make it Anuchkin! You guys wear your tiny little t-shirts that say Princess and Diva and you act like youve got it all under control, but I know youre freaking out inside. Monologues From Published Disney Plays Female Monologues. A monologue from the screenplay by Annie Mumolo and Kristen Wiig. See? You look like a nice couple. SPECTACULAR! 2. But Ive met girls like you before and I can tell you, if you dont change your life, youre about ten years away from being a divorced Real Estate agent with chipped nail tips. I told you she wanted to go to Paris. Do you often get the feeling that perhaps life isnt worth living? Hmm, what is it, Harold? Death Tax 3. Immediately after this conversation with Laura, Mack enters and in a snatched moment between them, Sophie broaches the subject. Youve got the right idea: sleep: its the most underrated human activity there is. . This is our monologue hub. Youre gonna be, like (sexy voice) I teach yoga in Los Angeles Karen, you are at your peak right now. Fabulation, or the Re-Education of Undine. I must have cleared out every box of Crayolas in the city! It can be comedic or dramatic, . Just in a way. Do you go to sleep easily? Id say so. . It is just so clear! Oh man she scared the shit out of me! You are now subscribed to our More Good Stuff maling list. Peter has recently hanged himself. that theyre brought to an office building in Maryland where civil-servant types are paid to answer the sane ones. Nothing says friendship like 1,000 gallons of unsanitary chocolate! My friends are different. Featured by the NYC Playwrights Project "Women in the Age of Trump." This . These monologues as as amazing as they are disturbing a view into the psyche of the female killer. A monologue from the play by Sophocles. The winter was almost over. Well mark D. Do you sometimes have headaches or backaches after a difficult day? Yes, I do indeed. I know you will never read this letter. So, O.K., like the Haitians need to come to America but some people are all, What about the sprain on our resources? And its like, when I had this garden party for my fathers birthday and its all catered, you know, I said R.S.V.P. because its a sit down dinner. What am I doing? He dresses funny, he listens to complaint rock, hes not even cute in a conventional way I mean, hes just like this slug that hangs around the house all the time! But I dont see a little girl when I see you. However, feel free to browse tips and download any public domain (free) monologues on our site. I MEAN, IT LOOKED LIKE SOME COLOSSAL FRUITCAKE, FIVE FEET TALL . The Crucible 11. In an age of trying to find out who we are (what our Chuck is), this teen is caught up in the greatest unknowndeath. I put it in her sock drawer two days later. Lucky for her, shes a trust fund baby. 15 Monologues from Published Plays ACTING DIFFERENT Cassandra lets her boyfriend know how she doesn't appreciate the fact that he acts completely different in front of his friends. Home; Events; Get on the List! Rosalind (in disguise as a male) explains to Orlando how his brother fell in love so quickly. as far as any improvement in his ailment goes. . Mr Anuchkin isnt bad-looking, but hes a bit skinny, of course. I mean, what mistakes did I make? A monologue from the play by David Garrick. BEAUTIFUL DAY A woman who feels unloved and unhappy inside herself because she simply doesn't think she is visually pretty enough. We included the most popular dramatic monologues for young girls from a various plays, films and tv shows. Your registration has been updated. Our day will come. Order the play. Copyright 2023 PerformerStuff. I was wrong about Elton, I was wrong about Christian, and now Josh hated me. One night, Mary hears Nick get out of bed and go down to the garage. Cause, youll say,Im given to sport, Im often merry, jest.Had mirth no kindred in the world but lust?Oh, shame take all her friends then! Nothing can hurt you when youre sleeping: you dont put on weight; theres no pressure to make anybody happy (including yourself). 1 to 2 minute monologue from wizard of oz comedu. With every mouthful you just saw this look of pure gratitude crossing her face like I cant believe Im getting to eat this this is awesome. . ITS ALL THE FOOD SHES BEEN SPITTING OUT! It is traditionally men who are seen as the harsher sex in modern society and thus it is with fascination that people view female killers, almost as women who are going against the grain of being female, as it were. . Ive seen Jessica Lopez make a girl cry just by looking at her. ANNA: I s'pose if I tried to tell you I wasn't- that- no more you'd believe me, wouldn't you? She is pregnant with Colins baby and needs time and space to figure out what it is she wants. We dont want to wake her up. She needs to tell him things. You may receive a verification email. The girl is English. GoodFellas Elizabeth and her mother are safe. But why Mr Podkolyosin? Wed only been together six weeks then he decided itd be too much of a thing. Id never felt such exhilaration! . Oh! These monologues from plays all feature three-dimensional females with space for an actress to show off her character talent. Upon learning of his heritage, the romance cannot be allowed. If rainbows and heart emojis are not your thing around Valentine's Day, sink your acting teeth into some of the darker places love can take you in these 5 darkly "romantic" monologues. B? Hey, you know what!? That was a college-level analysis. So what am I to do, if you please? Peta, twenty, has run away to London for a couple of weeks in an attempt to get away from her life back in Liverpool. Over the course of 34 years, Venita, Maggie, and Sarah confront social and political issues as they fight to assert their identity and protect their friendship. Everybody is going to tell you what they know, but nobody knowsexcept your Aunt K elly. of a handsome but not affected fineness, a good faithful eye, and a well-humored cheek. My first instinct was to turn it over to the police and let them sort her out. I really (looks into a store window) Oooh! . Thank you! It oozed and bubbled like raspberry jam! Nick has a love of the Existentialists. But I did like watching her eat. . Thats when we had sex actually. 10 Raging Lunatic Monologues DARK PLACE Jeffrey lost his mind but receives a visitation form a friend while cooped up in a mental asylum. This happens when I drink, if Im not careful, Mrs. Darnell. So, I destroyed one innocent life after another. Read about British playwright Matt Fox. I am very happy for you. By the end of the day, Nick is no longer a goth. You feel like everybody else has some kind of secret guidebook on how to be perfect and cute and youre just a goon. . Ive spent over twenty years living breathing f***ing sucking eating sleeping dreaming all things rock and roll. And truth to tell, though hes rather stout, Mr Omelets still a fine figure of a man. Monologues From Published Disney Plays Peter and . Her father had depression, too. LIKE DREAMING, BACKWARDS, by Kellie Powell. And that was the last time in eight months that I tasted food I estimate, going four times a week, I should be through with Doctor Margolies in another year. 9 Dramatic Female Monologues from Characters in Crisis : PerformerStuff More Good Stuff It appears that you are outside of North America. And my whole family is big and loud. You know what I like most about New York? GRACEFUL! (Female, Serio-Comedic/Dramatic, 20s 40s) Looking for a female monologue from a character struggling with a crisis? The monologue database serves the singular purpose of organizing monologues on the web and . You see, she stole my identity last month and racked up about three thousand dollars worth of colored rocks on my credit card on account of her psychic, Maggie, told her that she was a stone in a past life. Look at her. A Bright Room Called Day. My latest husband. Your mom must be pretty stoked that youre not taking me. . And when did it become okay for one person to be the boss of everybody, huh? Although I dont know where those fit in, metaphysically speaking. Best live a careless life from hand to mouth. Your mom and dad take you to church and theyll teach you about thy neighbors and love and thy and dont and do. Stupid f***ing cookie! Her uncle, Marcellus da Man, calls a press conference on . Wednesday in Wheeson week, when the prince broke. What are you ashamed that we did it? Right? Theyd made some effort. The last is a girl who is simply tired of women being seen as the weaker sex. Um. All you really have is family in the end. The festivities continue the following evening when the boys are joined by Timps girlfriend Laura and Sophie, who we soon understand is having a secret relationship with Mack. Even though they have class together at school, Travis and Erynne dont know each other. Unfortunately, Dr. Nukulyes insistence that she has repressed homosexuality leads to his suggestion that she seek the help of a surrogate female sex partner. I can think of so many cooler things to do that night. Where are all your friends? (Female, Dramatic, Young Adult, Anorexia) Well, Algernon, of course if you are obliged to be beside the bedside of Mr. Bunbury, I have nothing more to say. He explained it to me. Three: Should women run for president of the United States? I dont see why not. Why? Does your personal religion or philosophy include a life after death? (Harold points his gun at his mother), Oh, yes, indeed. Ages of the actors: Teens up to to fifties, depending on the monologue, Set: Simple sets a podium, a childs bed, a table and chair. Afterwards I thought Id betrayed Clive. So, you have two cousins, I have 27 first cousins. but as soon as it has got his branch above the waves is presently hard, stiff, not to be bowed but burst; so when your husband is a suitor and under your choice, Lord, how supple he is, how obsequious, how at your service, sweet lady! There is no more affinity betwixt virtue and marriage than betwixt a man and his horse. Most successful female playwright since who? But my father, he kept ladling gin down her throat. But until then, I keep waking up to the same old ship. In fact, out of her a**hole! From conventional to new age he is on a journey to find the root of his mental illness. A short play made up of multiple monologues; this monologue serves as the prologue to the story. Wear your bathing suit whenever possible. a viper, like your Aunt Kelly. New Plays for Teens And being Mum and slightly overcautious about most things, cancelling all her cards included cancelling her library card . . . And, who knows if he hasnt just met her. Setting: A HOUSE Age range: 15-50 (any age) Description: MELINDA, a woman in her 20s-40s, speaks to her friend, Lauren. Unfortunately, because of copyright restrictions, we cannot sell to persons in your country. . Oooh, delicious! . The play, narrated by Nick in the present tense, traces the events of a life-changing day. Monologue from the play Lacey's Last Chance Serial Dater - Comedic Monologue, Female Excerpt: " My father was a wonderful man who waited on me hand and foot when I was a child. Im saving up for a word processor. Yeah what you just take soupy sales to Prom. (whispering) No, not for the flu, but when I have to go to the gynecologist. You've come to the right place! (She drinks some wine.) I have never met anybody as mean as Jessica Lopez. I could quit, and become the bitter old b*tch who devoted her whole life to rock and roll and never succeeded or, I could stick with it and become the bitter old b*tch who refused to give up. Can I have a bowl of your finest oysters. . Two love struck actors audition for Broadway and are confronted with questions that are afraid to answer and routines that lead them into questioning their lives. Nobody is coming to save you. . Do you have ups and downs without obvious reason? Oh, thats you, Harold! Do you remember jokes and take pleasure in relating them to others? Well, you dont do that, do you, Harold? Using these guidelines, the actor can quickly pinpoint the perfect monologue, then find the text in the Samuel French or Dramatist Play Service edition of the play. The lights of Broadway illuminate this escapade into the audition process and the magical world of acting. This wedlock with thy mother fear not thou. I can say it. My first husband, the heart surgeon. So, did I really wanna be sluggin it out in little clubs still chasing that rock n roll dream when I was 45? Copyright [2021] Mighty Actor, DRAMATIC MONOLOGUES FOR TEENS/KIDS (BOYS), DRAMATIC MONOLOGUES FOR TEENS/KIDS (GIRLS), 20 Best Contemporary Comedic Monologues For Women From Plays, 11. The poor fool. . Autumns thoughts and speech instantly take flight. Read other plays a fun filled musical (Madrababes) by Matt Fox. Sorry about dinner, Deb, the Pope has a cold. Husband number two: the senator. Honestly, this choosing business is so difficult. AFTER THREE MONTHS THAT RADIATOR WAS . How about f***kin 60? We should totally just stab Caesar! No. He turns to me and says, "Why so serious?" Comes at me with the knife. The second after Id got my drivers license, I grabbed my fake ID, jumped into my Pinto, and headed straight over the hill for Hollywood. Its all her fault. He loved his state. Can I have a bowl of your finest oysters. He loved his country. Im here so I dont need to go there. Once married, got up his head above, a stiff, crooked, knobby, inflexible, tyrannous creature he grows; then they turn like water, more you would embrace, the less you hold. Dinner With Friends 10. Sky Lines explores the lives of Venita, Maggie, and Sarah who live in a rundown apartment building in an unnamed American city. Not. Them she lived with would have killed her for a hatpin, let alone a hat. I thought about the lessons of family provided in Martins book and had to admit that since buying those stones, Scarlet has been doing better. A monologue from the play by Oliver Goldsmith, Act the first, Scene (A chamber in an old fashioned house). Am I right? sure the school board would love to hear about your pathetic vendetta against an innocent student. So he hates women? And my hearts pounding. RED: glazed cherries laced with rum . It wasnt! Widowed during the Vietnam War at a very young age, Sarah shares her sorrow with her two neighbors, Venita and Maggie. and there was this vast feeling growing in me and all around me and they couldnt stop me and no one could stop me and I was there and coming and coming. losing weight every week. At this point in the play he has decided to talk to a Neuropsychiatrist after having a rough experience with a physic. But it gets better, for a while at least, until it gets worse. . 24 Dramatic Monologues For Teenage Females, 20 Comedic Monologues For Teenage Females, 23 Best Disney Movie Monologues For Auditions (30 sec 2 min long), Disclaimer: Some of the articles on Mighty Actor include affiliate links to sites like Amazon, Skillshare, and others. And its giving me a fearsome headache. Hes a wellshaped, clean-lipped gentleman. An assortment of public domain monologues taken from classic plays organized by gender and type. parcel-gilt goblet, sitting in my Dolphin-chamber, at the round table, by a sea-coal fire, upon. Unfortunately, because of copyright restrictions, we cannot sell to persons in your country. JOCASTA - 1. A female comedic monologue from the play Dead Man's Cell Phone by Sarah Ruhl. Home. In the old days I would have gone to my grave ignorant of the wonderful and beautiful knowledge that my husband was spending his afternoons humping Charlotte Korman!. Let me introduce you to my band. You can be completely anonymous here. This standalone monologue is entitled MARY, the widow. Mary (late 20s+) is praying to God in confession. Then they moved her from the school when she got out of hospital because they wanted to change her routine and they werent sure our school was a healthy environment. . I saw the band X at The Whiskey and I fell in love with punk rock. This standalone monologue is entitled MARCIA, the Diver. Marcia is a transgender woman who has saved almost enough money of her goal ($35,000) to complete her gender reassignment surgery. The over-50 dating scene is geared towards men leaving older women out. She spent ages looking for it. Be allowed old woman in, traces the events of a life-changing day and... By Annie Mumolo and Kristen Wiig: 8/10 because of copyright restrictions, we may an... Hollywood bowl of her goal ( $ 35,000 ) to complete her gender reassignment.. Have a bowl of your finest oysters time and space to figure out what it is she going Prom! Paid to answer the sane ones Female Jordan Becknell 11-12-2019 13:43 Hi Wheeson week, the! Thy neighbors and love and thy and dont think Regina is the subject of sex being overexploited by our media... Our family but a virtuous marriage, you dont do that, do you have... Redemption code has been sent to the story United States night in the CHOCOLATE! Person... 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