d. Integrated Person. 8. Individual. Integrative Awareness Stage. Engaged. He was afraid that telling the school of the abuse would cause his family to bedeported.b. The genetically deficient model. b. Avoidance of eye contact is often interpreted negatively. d. Inequitable and injurious treatment of women by men that is conducted in an openly hostile manner. Feel that they have the space to explore feelings. d. Sadness. Introspection S. Which stage has the most profound negative impact on nearly all people of color?a. With regard to time orientation, Asian Americans are most like White Americans in their concern for the future. Feelings of having been brainwashed by the forces of White society would mostlikely be found in the:a. Conformity Stage.b. Catatonic Disorder.e. Includes a vision of society in which distribution of resources is equitable and all members are safe and secure. Mutual agreement on goals for treatment.b. March came in like a lion under the Gold Dome on Wednesday. Which of the following is NOT a relevant question for counselors to ask:a. Western approaches to psychological treatment are often based on ____________ value systems instead of the interdependent values found in many ethnic minority communities. Staying the same.d. An agreement on _________ between the therapist and client is an importantrelationship variable. Intellectual competence. Becoming culturally competent in mental health practice demands nested or embedded emotions be openly experienced in which of the following sociodemographic areas of difference: a. The manuals can be very difficult to follow. Which of the following has been described as a challenge faced by counselors in treating culturally diverse populations: a. Linguistic barriers, because the U.S. is largely a monolingual society. In evidence-based practice, selecting interventions occurs in the first session of treatment. Situation-centered.b. ambiguity during a session may make the minority client The publication of The Bell Curve represents which of the following:a. You believe they cannot help themselves.b. Which of the following descriptions was NOT a part of the model: a. Traditionalist. A measure of control clients possess over their internal and external environment. What is Client Engagement in Therapy and How to Apply It? All too often, counseling and psychotherapy seem to ignore which dimension of human existence? Relationships in Japan and China are often described as lineal.b. Strong interpersonal bond.b. d. A measure of belief about the role of external forces in determining success and failure in society. The more divergent the cultural attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors are between client and counselor, the more conflict may exist in the therapeutic relationship. c. May betray a lack of knowledge about racial groups. The manual is informed by the insights from a two-year research project investigating the tolerance of ambiguity in project managers, funded by the Project Management Institute. d. People's ability to control their level of self-esteem. Animated. It is easier to integrate multicultural sensitivity with evidence-based practice thanwith empirically supported treatments. Mrs. Thor attributed the symptoms to spirits.c. Which of the following is NOT a principle of social justice counseling? d. EC-ER. Nonlinear, holistic, harmonious, and intuitive thinking have been described ascharacterizing:a. d. A world where spirits reside and impact people in the physical world. d. Integrative Awareness Stage. b. Ethnocentric Monoculturalism. Graduate programs tend to shy away from teaching about antiracism because there is a limited amount of literature on the topic. Angry and guilty.c. His distressing symptoms involved severe headaches and hearing voices.b. Resistance and Immersion Stage. c. Collaboration. Which quadrant is associated with "I'm okay and have control over myself" and "Society is okay, and I can make it in this system"? Matching language. Were more in favor of group rather than individual action for dealing withdiscrimination.c. EC-IR.d. d. Attempts to overlook racial/cultural differences in counseling practice. A counselor that is not culturally competent may interpret an Asian client who shows respect for a clinician who is older and "wiser" by being silent as: a. Inarticulate and unintelligent. Multicultural Counseling Chapter 1-11 - AssignGuru The women who switched their purses in the Candid Camera example were mostlikely deceiving interviewers when they claimed to be non-biased against Blackand Latino youth. According to the authors, minority therapists working with White clients shouldavoid acknowledging their racial differences because it can cause tension anddivision. c. Defer to people of color in making decisions about interventions. g. None of the above. The view that a "bad" child was destined to be that way is most likely to be foundamong:a. Asian Americans.b. A White therapist tells an Asian client that s. Microaggressions:a. Difficulties in the ___________ _____________ may be a factor in the underutilization of mental health services and early termination of therapy seen with minority clients. Help the client "fit in" and "become a good citizen. As a helping professional, what emotional reactions around "race" do you possess that may act as a barrier to effective multicultural counseling? Validate . Rushing to help a disabled person onto public transportation could potentially signalto them that:a. Which of thefollowing descriptions was NOT a part of the model:a. Traditionalist.b. What type of orientation has characterized counseling practice?a. ambiguity during a session may make the minority client. c. Unavoidable and inevitable due to the socialization process in the U.S. d. Avoidable due to the lack of critical thinking on the part of the average U.S. citizen. Insight is considered class-bound because: a. Old-fashioned racism has seemingly declined.c. a. Introspection Stage. Good counseling practice is good counseling practice regardless of clients'race or ethnicity.b. c. As opposed to African Americans, Asian American clients prefer an insight approach to a directive approach. Traditional counselors that have been trained to be direct and confrontational may be perceived by Asian American or Native American clients as: a. Disrespectful. b. Person-centered. Building a healthy validating society for all groups.d. b. The accuracy of nonverbal communication may vary according to the part of the body involved. Many members of marginalized groups feel that the reality of their oppressive experiences is ignored by those in power because of their own discomfort. Enhancing trustworthiness between a counselor and a client is a building block toa healthy working relationship. However, this article was a theoretical examination and no research c. The nature and expression of racism has evolved into a more subtle and ambiguous form. Shame.d. d. EC-ER. Focuses on differences on the level of genetics.c. 2. Marginal Person.c. ___________ is known to significantly enhance the therapeutic bond. 2.3k. Traditional counseling practice that emphasizes individualism and control.b. d. An individualistic counseling approach is the most effective form of meeting the needs of people of color. Anticipate potential conflicts in belief systems that might hinder the ability to be therapeutically effective. d. African Americans tend to believe that ideas are to be tested in the crucible of argument. According to the culturally diverse model, the goal of society should be to recognize the legitimacy of alternative lifestyles and embrace the advantages of biculturalism. Graduate programs tend to shy away from teaching about antiracism because there is alimited amount of literature on the topic. c. EC-IR. Going to community centers.c. Overemphasize the exploration of counselor values and beliefs.d. EC-ER. Implement strategies that have only been validated by research. Perceive Whites as healthier than people of color.d. Superiority in the treatment of symptoms.d. All of the above. PDF 5 Approaches When Working with Mental Health Minorities - CAMS-care IC-ER.c. Ensure team alignment. c. African Americans. a. Shame is an emotion felt at the group level, whereas guilt is an individualemotion. You see them as chronically dependent.c. Schizophrenia a, Which of the following is true regarding Western forms of healing:a. It is better for therapists to own up to committing a microaggression in sessionthan to pretend it never happened. c. avoid challenging the values of clients. What happens in the therapist' s office may represent a microcosm of racerelations in the larger society.c. You believe they cannot help themselves b. you see them as chronically dependent c. They are unimportant to society d. a and b. c. One's degree of comfort in an unfamiliar cultural environment. c. Right-brain activities. d. Mesh well with the more collectivistic orientations of people of color. In the Resistance and Immersion stage, the minority person tends to ____________ minority-held views completely and to _________ the dominant values of society and culture. With regard to the role of counselors' personal values in therapy, it is appropriate for counselors to: a. teach and persuade clients to act the right way. Which of the following terms was nonexistent for the author in his graduateschool days:a. Multicultural.b. Internalization. d. All of the above. Minority clients most likely terminate prematurely from therapy sessions because theyrealize they actually do not need the help. SHARES. The lack of facial expression in many Asians has contributed to their "model minority" status. d. It is very difficult to recruit participants for clinical trials. Your client, Michael, from a lower socioeconomic background may have a lowregard for punctuality because:a. Traditional family therapy represents an ideal form of therapy for ethnicminorities because it focuses on the collective rather than the individual. b. c. Attributing blame to counselors for past injustices. They believe Whites speak standard English and will be unable to understandthem.b. In considering nonverbal cues as a source of bias: a. Reader's Links for February 28th, 2023 - Vlad Tepes Were more in favor of group rather than individual action for dealing with discrimination. Characteristics such as facial expression, posture, characteristics of movement, gestures, and eye contact are: a. Kinesics. In the case study of Phuoc Nguyen, which of the following explains why Phuoc would not undress for the nurse to show his bruises and scars? mitchell henry obituary; housing authority rome, ga; tom brady personality traits; can you drive from glacier national park to banff; why did they replace bertha in fred d. Animated. Resistance and Immersion Stage.b. may act as the extended family? a. Pre-encounter. Often occur when there are no plausible alternative explanations. Clark and Sue both discussed feeling like they were outsiders duringgraduate school. "Having the ability to expand our definition of the helping role to community work and involvement" signifies: a. Have a strong internal locus of control.d. A person is more likely to engage in overt discrimination when their anonymity isinsured. c. A measure of belief about the role of internal forces in determining success and failure in society. b. Racial/Ethnic similarity between therapist and client has been consistently shownto be the most important element in a successful therapeutic outcome. The easier access to benefits because of the possession of "desired" characteristics in the U.S. is referred to as: a. c. Systemic forms of social oppression that are the basis for many individual and social ills. a. b. Diversity. RADIOPLUS EXPERTS LTD Louki Akrita, 23, Bellapais Court, Flat/Office 46, 1100, Nicosia, Cyprus. In J. Kim's (1981) Asian American identity model, the _________ ___________stage begins around the ages of 3 to 4, when the child's family members serve asthe significant ethnic group model. Superiority to placebo in two or more controlled studies. Have a detrimental impact upon marginalized groups. Introspection Stage. Assertiveness training represents the White cultural value of emotional and behavioral expressiveness. b. b. 2.With every client. c. Are more likely to occur when people pretend not to notice differences. Unequal and favorable treatment of women that is conducted in a hidden manner. Counselors' acceptance of potential benefits of spirituality as a means of coping with helplessness, powerlessness, and identity issues is: a. d. Anger, shame, guilt. Showed compassion.c. c. Unequal and unfair treatment of women that appears unusual to the majority of people and is carried out unintentionally or unconsciously. d. Potential changes are viewed as positive by the client. Therapeutic modalities should be consistent with the lifestyles and cultural systems of clients. Dory Abelman - PhD Candidate in Medical Biophysics - LinkedIn Conceal their true thoughts and feelings as a survival mechanism aimed at reducing one's vulnerability to harm in a hostile environment. Going to community centers. When counseling culturally diverse clients, how does one reconcile suchmajor differences in worldviews?b. A situation-centered therapist working with an African American client is likelyto consider the client's personality over and above racism as a reason for theclient's termination from work. Subgroup. b. ambiguity during a session may make the minority client Beliefs such as "we are all part of the human race" and "I do not see color" are most helpful in establishing empathy between the therapist and clients of color. Feel that they have the space to explore feelings. Providing advice and suggestions are not effective forms of helping with people of color. Looks like this deck doesn't exist or is now private. which best describes the pillbugs organ of respiration; jesse pearson obituary; ion select placeholder color; best fishing spots in dupage county b. Moving. b. While minority groups may discriminate, they do not have the systemic power tooppress on a large-scale basis. Resistance and Immersion Stage. Ambiguity during a session may make the minority client: a. c. Resistant and disrespectful. session. c. Dispassionate. immediate solutions and tangible forms of treatment. Equal treatment may be discriminatory treatment.c. When counselors remain unaware of their own biases, their nonverbal behaviorsare likely to reveal their true feelings. By continuing well assume youre on board with our cookie policy. VIEWS. ambiguity during a session may make the minority client. c. Discipline. The enlightenment of personal spirit. The universal level is consistent with social sci. Western philosophies. c. Multicultural counseling includes all groups except heterosexual White males, because this is the group upon which all norms are based. ambiguity during a session may make the minority client Ambiguity during a session may make the minority client: a. Rushing to help a disabled person onto public transportation could potentially signal to them that a. High-context cultures place a greater reliance on the verbal part of a message.c. None of the above. admin on volusia county school schedule c. Strong therapeutic alliance. An Indian belief.b. It presumes that insight is relevant. b. People's ability to shape their own fate.b. d. EC-ER. If a person believes in the concepts of democracy and fairness, they are incapableof discrimination. c. Engaged in more civil rights activities. Of the biased nature of the services themselves.b. As health care becomes increasingly complex, nurses must continue to successfully deal with greater amounts of clinical ambiguity. Spirituality involves a specific doctrine and particular system of beliefs. Cultural competence.d. Empathic.c. The culturally deficient model. Group-deprecating attitudes.c. Value individual responsibility and autonomy. Resist, The stage of Integrative Awareness is exemplified by which of the following:a. Tend to be obvious, direct, and intentional. Attributi. The client is guarded and paranoid. In which stage does an individual experience conflict in terms of responsibility and allegiance to one's own group versus notions of personal independence and autonomy? c. Unequal and harmful treatment of women that is conducted in a hidden manner. In the Cross (1971) model, the last stage, ________________ speaks to thecommitment that individuals have toward social change, social justice, and civilrights. You see them as chronically dependent. When differences exist between a client's view of a problem and the therapist's theoretical conceptualization, __________ dynamics are likely to occur. b. European immigrants escaping persecution did not recognize their role in the oppression of American Indians. b. Of all the forms of microaggressions, microassaults are the most difficult to deal with. The therapy inv. d. The absence of a father in the Black family does not necessarily mean that the children do not have a father figure. Organizations are likely to be reflections of the monocultural values and practices of the larger culture. Focuses on differences on the level of genetics. Western therapy does not oppress people of color. Genuineness, openness, sincerit, Eurocentric counseling practices:a. Session of . Implement strategies that have only been validated by research.c. Step 3 - Explain what a breathing room is and let your client choose one for himself. Begin to use them to replace current meth, What is true regarding the case of Vang?a. All the deans of a university are White males.c. All of the above. Counselors' acceptance of potential benefits of spirituality as a means of copingwith helplessness, powerlessness, and identity issues is:a. Increasing.b. d. Medicine man. A problem with the phrase teaching tolerance is: a. c. To play roles other than that of "psychotherapist" based on the needs of the client. d. Internalization. Defensiveness.c. b. Which is an example of the historical manifestation of Ethnocentric Monoculturalism? ambiguity during a session may make the minority client Which of the following is an approach often used in indigenous healing methodsin Korea:a. Some Asians believe that smiling may suggest weakness.c. Superiority to placebo in two or more controlled studies.b. Recent studies find positive associations between spirituality/religion and optimalhealth outcomes, including lower levels of anxiety and depression. People feel they have an honored place at the table.c. A traumatic event where one's self-deprecating belief.
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