A simple and rapid method for evaluation of MarkHouwinkSaturada constants of linear random coil polysaccharides using molecular weight and intrinsic viscosity determined by high performance size exclusin chromatography: application to guar galactomannan. The relative browning for dextran from W. cibaria JAG8 was similar to commercial prebiotic Nutraflora P-95 and 3-fold lower than Raftilose P-95. Table 1 shows some values of dextrans Mark-Houwink parameters, from literature consulted, where all data are based on the logarithmic plot of intrinsic viscosity [] and molecular weight Mw. what will you do to keep amazon safe answers; amarsi assisted living; peter clarke, emilia clarke; personality characteristics of kiran mazumdar shaw; karina mitchell age; mirela romanian orphan died; dsa presidential endorsement; dextran hydrodynamic radius. Changes in the Mark-Houwink hydrodynamic volume of chitosan molecules in solutions of different organic acids, at different temperatures and ionic strengths. In this study, we investigated the effectiveness of RF microporation technology in vitro, by evaluating the permeation of fluorescent-conjugated dextran (FITC-dextran) of various molecular weights through the human and pig skin after microporation, using a transdermal diffusion cell system. However, considering the trauma and unethical practices associated with animal experiments, in vitro studies with human cadaver skin offers an ethical and viable alternative. Environ Toxicol Pharmacol. Dextran Fractions. The lack of data on the uniformity of intrinsic viscosity measurements in the system water/dextran, highlights the significant influence of the solvent and temperature [74]. Alternatives to animal testing: a review. At 25C both values of a and kM-H are within the range reported by [3, 8, 16]. With FITC-dextran 20 K, cumulative (2003). 2012 Sep 1;90(1):441-6. doi: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2012.05.063. Characterization and Classification of Dextrans from Ninety-six Strains of Bacteria. Chem. 24h after microporation, the pore sizes reduced from 64.8817.20m (0h) to 48.854.27m (24h), and the pore depths reduced from 83.9120.56m (0h) to 63.9527.61m (24h). Dextrans can function efficiently as anterograde or retrograde tracers, Chemical penetration enhancers for transdermal drug delivery systems. Dextran Triple Detector Application Note 1, Viscotek GmbH, USA. Polymer molecular weight distribution. WebHydrodynamic radius = variable size of an analyte with specific MW based on dynamical properties. European Polymer Journal, 42, 1086-1092. Dextran produced from Weissella cibaria JAG8 was purified and characterized. Chem. 2. Soc., 16, 3A, 426-433. Hydrodynamic cavitation (HC), a common phenomenon that can produce local excessive temperature, high pressure and large amount of energy. Surface morphology study of dextran by scanning electron microscopy showed the porous web like structure. Figure1 shows a schematic illustration of transdermal delivery after the application of the microporation device. Human cadaver skins (fresh human full-thickness skin disc, 12~20mm) were supplied by Biopredic International (Saint-Grgoire, France). Comparison of single-point and dilution procedures. Journal of American Chemical Society, 76 (20), 5041-5052. Lee WR, Shen SC, Sun CK, Aljuffali IA, Suen SY, Lin YK, Wang JJ, Fang JY. Optical properties of dextran in solution and in films. Learn More. The slope is a value and intercept is equal to the ln kMH value [47]. Determination of branching in biopolymers by size exclusion chromatography with light scattering (Malls), viscosity, and refractive index detection. Unperturbed dimensions and theta temperature of dextran in aqueous solutions. Search Harding, Stephen E. (2005). TEWL measurements were taken 30min after microporation of the human and pig skin. Determination of polymer structure by Gel Permeation Chromatography. Journal of Polymer Science, 17, 527-546. J. A novel correlation for protein diffusion coefficients based on molecular weight on radius of gyration. Ther. 2009;8(2):1739. The value of P increases from 1.0272 to 1.2694 (spherical shape with tendency to spheroid for high Mw). These modifications include degradation of hemidesmosomes attached to the dermis, degradation of desmosomes linked to adjacent cells, contraction of intracellular tonofilament, and lamellipodia formation. ; Picout, D.R. Viswanath, D.S. Conducting a comparative analysis of the data shown in Table 1 can observer that parameter data Mark-Houwink a, obtained by these authors are very similar to that obtained in this work, which affirms its validity. Carbohydrate Research, 340, 811-826. Carbohydrate Polymers, 78, 902-907. The temperature increment can induce a macromolecule compaction (decreases in RH and []), generating by this way, a greater difficult to flowing due at requires an increase of energy consumption (Eavf<). Carbohydrate Polymers 87, 405-410. Hydrodynamic cavitation (HC), a common phenomenon that can produce local excessive temperature, high pressure and large amount of energy. Springer Editions. 2010;4(1):117. Before The receptor chamber was filled with PBS. The molecular mass of dextran as determined by the gel filtration and copper bicinchoninate method was approximately, 800 kDa. Named after George Gabriel Stokes, it is closely related to solute mobility, factoring in not only size but also solvent effects.A smaller ion with stronger hydration, for example, may have a greater Stokes radius than a larger ion with Senti, F. R.; Hellman, N. N.; Ludwig, G.; Babcock, E.; Tobin, R.; Class, C. A., (1955). The dextran has the advantage in terms of low cytotoxicity, excellent biocompatibility, and water-solubility. Keywords: FITC dextran; intestinal permeability; transit time. Front Microbiol. Barrier integrity was examined using Tewameter to confirm the poration of human cadaver skin using a microporation device. Huggins, Maurice L. (1942). Synthesis of dextran by dextransucrase treated, sucrose-supplemented skimmed milk revealed the promising potential of dextran as a food additive. The microporation device based on radiofrequency can be used to enhance delivery efficiency by removing the epidermis layer. (2008). Macromolecules, 33, 5730-5739. A single frequency laser is directed to the sample contained in a cuvette. Ibrahim O, Munavalli GS, Dover JS. However, in vitro investigations are very few. Qi P, Caoa M, Songa L, Chena C, Liua M, Li N, Wua D, Penga J, Hub G, Zhao J. The most widely applied coatings for FDA-approved SPIONs are dextran and carboxydextran. Im Tiefkhlgert (-5 bis -30C) lagern und vor Licht schtzen. ; Dutt, N.V.K. 2005;22(4):5505. Progress in Polymer Science, 30, 38-70. Progress in Biophysical Molecules Biological, 68, 207-262. Ghimici, Luminita; Nichifor, Marieta; Wolf, Bernhard (2009). Naik A, Kalia YN, Guy RH. Durand, A. Beer, M.U. Table 5 shows the data of Mark-Houwink parameters determined in figure 4 from linear regressions with 2 values higher than 0.9797. Kuge Takashi; Kimie Kobayashi; Shinichi Kitamura; Hiroshi Tanahashi. Calculation of MarkHouwinkSakurada (MHS) equation viscometric constants for chitosan in any solventtemperatura system using experimental reported viscometric constants data. One day before the experiment, the skin was stabilized in the skin culture medium. Biomacromolecules 8, 2464-2475. Molecular weight, particle size and diffusion coefficient can be determined in many studies by Dynamic Light Scattering [20, 21, 22], Gel Permeation Chromatography [23], Analytical Ultracentrifuge [24, intrinsic viscosity [1, 7, 14], size exclusion chromatography / multiangle laser light scattering / differential viscometry, Flow Field-Flow Fractionation [25], and so on. Transdermal drug delivery: overcoming the skins barrier function. FOIA (more or less, with a hydrodynamic radius of less than 100 nm) to cross from the vasculature into the interstitium. Epub 2021 Feb 9. SWC designed and coordinated the research. The Mark-Houwink parameters indicate the dependence with temperature (T) in the range from 20 to 50C, ie with increasing T a increases and kM-H decreases. Dynamics of a Polymer Solution in a Rigid Matriz. Colloid and Polymer Science, 286, 1223-1231. European Biophysical Journal, 36, 85-94. Webdextran fraction and the final product depend on changes in the hydrodynamic volume of the molecules after substitution. Kano S, Todo H, Furui K, Kenichi S, Tokudome Y, Hashimoto F, Kojima H, Sugibayashi K. Comparison of several reconstructed cultured human skin models by microscopic observation: their usefulness as an alternative membrane for skin in drug permeation experiments. Expert Rev Med Devices. WebFluorescent and biotinylated dextrans are routinely employed to trace neuronal projections. 2.It can be found from the figure that at the start-up stage of the shaft, the hydrodynamic effect (HE) is weak, so the HP is not enough to support the shaft, which Dextran is soluble in water, methyl sulphoxide, formamide, ethylene glycol, glycerol, 4-methylmorpholine-4-oxide, and hexamethyl phosphamide [4]. DLS tests were conducted at detection angle of 90 (standard) and 173 (backscatter) to measure protein hydrodynamic radius, while protein charge was examined in phase analysis light scattering (PALS) mode at detection angle of 15 (forward). Kasaai, Mohammad R. (2007). (1937). Keratinocytes adjacent to the wound site induced by the microporation in the epidermis undergo a series of modifications that allow their proliferation and migration to the wound. At the same temperature, the hydrodynamic radius and the intrinsic viscosity are higher for different molecular weights, while these properties decrease with an increase of temperature at the same molecular weight (Figure 1). Indo AM J Pharm. Bookshelf Keywords: intrinsic viscosity, dextrans, Mark-Houwink parameters, hydrodynamic, temperature, Journal of Polymer and Biopolymer Physics Chemistry, 2013 1 (1),
WebThis value is sensible given that i j = 0 and that the search radius of the clustering algorithm is slightly larger than the average segment length of our Dextran model (b 5.5 nm). (2007). Hi Khanh, Alan is taking a little time off of Research Gate at the moment, but here is some information in reply to your question. ; Veldhuis, T.F.J. Journal of American Chemical Society, 64(11), 2716-2718. Red blood cell rouleaux formation in dextran solution: dependence on polymer conformation. This device can generate microchannels from the SC through to the outer dermis and allow transdermal delivery of active agents. 2006;3(3):37385. De Belder, A. N. (2001). 2016;9706:97061E6. Although, in literature there is much information on hydrodynamic measurements from determinations viscosity; very few of them evaluate the situation at different temperatures. (2000). European Polymer Journal, 36, 2143-2146. Because of the recent animal protection rules which have restricted animal experiments [19], we used human cadaver skin as an alternative to animals. At 20C data "a" value obtained in this work is intermediate to those given by references [1, 37] while the value of kM-H is lower. Catiker, E.; Guner, A. a-d Haematoxylin/eosin-stained histological sections of human cadaver skin sample and e quantified data using ImageJ for different time periods after microporation. Critical parameters for gel permeation Thus, it is accepted that, for every flexible-chain polymer in a (ideal) solvent, there is a universal value of 0 = 2.1-2.5x1023mol-1 [52]. 2012;9(2):14754. In a good solvent, a temperature increase results in an intrinsic viscosity decrease and in a less-extended conformation (RH<), because the entropy value increases with an increase in temperature and it is unfavorable for an extended conformation. A lot of research has been devoted to dextrans modification in order to describe special characteristics relevant to specific applications such as surfactants [16], as visible marker [17], polysaccharides-based nanoparticles, covalent crosslinking [18], ionic crosslinking, polyelectrolyte complex, and the self-assembly of hydrophobically modified polysaccharides, and hydrophilic modified polysaccharides [19]. Colloid Polym. This result could reflect the presence of some aggregated species within the lysozyme sample solution. Porcine wound models for skin substitution and burn treatment. Hydrodynamic radii were measured using Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) in a Malvern Zetasizer NanoZS DLS (Malvern Instruments, Malvern, UK) at high scattering angle (173) to minimise the effects of dust and supramolecular contamination (NIBS, 173). Advances in Cosmetic Surgery. WebDiffusivity of 2000 kDa Dextran was significantly lower for both hydrogel formulations, but was insensitive to collagen concentration, likely due to a larger hydrodynamic diameter ( dh ~ 70 nm) on order of the collagen mesh size. Differences were considered statistically significant at p <0.05. 2022 Feb 22;16(2):1999-2012. doi: 10.1021/acsnano.1c07010. Gold MH, Biron JA. a Microscopy images of micropore and b quantified data using ImageJ after 0 (immediately), 4, 8, and 24h according to the number of times microproration was done (n=150, *: p<0.05). WebThe micelles produced at pH 4.6 have a spherical shape and their size is dependent on the Maillard reaction: reaction time, molar ratio of casein to dextran, and molecular weight of dextran used. The biological activity of cationic liposomes in drug delivery and toxicity test in animal models. of different origins. After 24h, the cumulative permeation of FITC-dextran M.W. For a limited temperature range, the viscosity of a polymer solution varies generally following a relation similar to that of usual liquids (rrhenius plot), where the polymer concentration is not very high and that temperature remains far enough from glass transition [38], and for system PEAorganic solvents see reference [63]. GPC Symp. The permeability of fluorescein isothiocyanate-dextrans (FITC-dextrans) with different molecular weights through the pig and human cadaver skins were measured using Franz diffusion cell. H&E stained images were analyzed using Image J software. Normally, the skin loses very little water loss whereas damaged skin loses more [22]. Nair SS. WebFITC Products. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, 60, 1650-1662. statement and 2019;9(3-S):9726. osmotic pressure or light scattering). Formul. Carbohydrate Polymers, 36, 319-326. The enhanced permeability through micropores was confirmed by Franz diffusion cell. There is a deviation from linearity after 580kDa [69, 70]. @ Nilimesh See attached. Biomater Res 24, 22 (2020). International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 277, 99-104. FITC-dextran solution was prepared at 1mM in PBS. Advances in Carbohydrate Analysis, 1, 63-144. When applied to adherent cell cultures, the APGD-t is capable of inducing temporary cell permeabilization. This conjecture found to be correct. The effect of branching is best recognized from the molecular weight dependencies of []. Epub 2017 Jun 1. After microporation, the TEWL values of the human cadaver skin increased from 11.30.6 to 33.01.0, 10.71.5 to 45.31.5, and 10.70.6 to 61.02.0g/m2/h when the microporation was performed 2, 5, and 10 times, respectively. Sachdeva V, Banga AK. Webdextran hydrodynamic radius. Coviello, T.; Matricardi, P.; Marianecci, C.; Alhaique, F. (2007). The Mark-Houwink parameters is calculated molecular weights range from 8.8 to 200kDa. J Appl Toxicol. The [] is connected to the dimensions of the biopolymer molecule isolated in a certain solvent. 2012;87(6):1728. Carbohydrate Polymers, 79, 380-390. The study of biopolymers as dextran in aqueous solution, is effectively determined by intrinsic viscosity [] measurements at different temperatures. 10K, and c M.W. Bahary, W. S.; Hogan, M. P.; Jilani, M.; Aronson, M. P. (1995). In the case of a poor solvent, a temperature increase causes an increase in entropy and intrinsic viscosity and is favorable for the extended conformation.
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