2 look like the olive wood and 2 are green. I live in the White Mountains of Arizona. As has been said, quite unpleasant. The only problems with it are that it throws a ton of sparks and is not good for a fireplace for that reason and when cured it is harder than a hub to hell and next to imposible to split by hand. My wife and I are renovating an old NE farmhouse in Massachusetts. We normally burn red oak in the fireplace. They died. $20.00 + $21.95 shipping. Then I quarter them for burning. I have 4 of them that I want to cut down. Im in North Texas and I have a half acre I can devote to renewable firewood. So if you remove the bark you have fewer ashes to clean out. One BTU is the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit. For me and my outdoor boiler, I prefer the junk wood like aspen and spruce. The cores, thick bark that protects the Russian olive wood makes it difficult for the wood to dry out as quickly as pine or fir if not split. Someone is selling russian olive for $50/cord. BTUs or British Thermal Units are a measure of the amount of heat energy available in any given substance. They are the top wood, BTU-wise. They put out some tremendous heat . . Does anyone else have experience burning buckthorn in a wood stove? I have tentatively decided on part native Osage Orange [hedge apple] for the BTU but I see from all the knowledgeable comments here I need more than one type of wood. But you are right about oak making a great bed of coals, and in an outdoor fire the extra ash wont be so much a problem like in a wood stove. We do have one wood burning fire place, and when the big ice storm hit February 2021, knocking out our power for a week, we used that fire place for heat. How Often Should I Remove Creosote From My fireplace? So you are probably not going to find much information about it as far as btu or about its wood in general since it is not a common source of firewood outside of Asia. THAT IS THE SWEET-SMELLING AROMIC CEDAR THEY LINE CLOSETS WITH. Another opinion added to the interwebs Cheers, Happy Burning. My wife even melted a stove once while I was at work when we were younger. After the moisture evaporates the logs burn great . I cant seem to find any info on suitability of Tupelo or Black Gum for firewood. Where does the hart-nut tree stand in the BTU scale? In Iowa we mix our loads in the stove out of boredom. Though seasoning the wood for long enough will eventually make the smell dissipate. Your email address will not be published. Is non posionous sumac ok to burn in a fire place. As a firewood enthusiast, I read with great envy about 350 acres of river bottom woods. Apparently Magnolia is very similar to Tulip Poplar. There is tons of it, here and I will be harvesting a lot of it for mallet heads and for knife scales, too! I have burned about every tree that grows in this county (except cottonwood and willow, which is about worthless), and the best, by far, is Osage Orange. A cord is 128 cubic feet of stacked wood. It does give off some pretty decent heat. THE COALS GLOW REDHOT LIKE OAK, BUT WITH HARDLY ANY HEAT. Much like poplar firewood varieties, the wood from the Russian olive in most cases is easy to split. Be wary of using Russian olive wood in an open fireplace. BTU rating of russian olive | Hearth.com Forums Home With an abundance of Apple orchards in the area, Apple wood is also readily available. Much of the inconsistencies are from different variables such as how much actual solid wood is assumed to be in a cord. If you can, sell it and save the $$$ to buy fresh 1 yr old wood later on from someone else. How Much Sap Content Does Russian Olive Have? Lots of heat and hot coals-kept us from freezing one late night at 6,000 feet in late October, while we were wasting time patroling a wildfire in NE California back in 85. Ash is the only wood Ive ever been able to burn streight off the tree (dried for 1 week or less) everything else I try to let dry for at least 5 years. A few of which are Wild Olive or Silver Berry. Sprinkle lightly, dont dump, and over several years, weve seen a material improvement in our plants and soil from recycling everything full circle. Anyone who thinks its crappy has either failed to keep it dry, not split it small enough or burned it green. In the wild, Russian olive trees have been known to smell very sweet and strong. This can freeze in extended cold and cause the tree to come down without warning it combined with wind. The black oaks just had too many leaves in that Nov and the snow was too heavy. There is more smoke from wood than coal so ignore the GreenFascist/ACORN Brownshirts and their deceits. Also, box elm burns decent but it stinks. BTU Firewood Chart +Free Download - Axe Adviser The woods grain may be straight, wavy, curly, wild, or interlocked. Depending on the types of conditions that the Russian olive tree was growing in, it may be carrying a higher moisture content than you expect. WE MADE BARTOPS, SHELVES, AND FENCING OUT OF IT (PRIMO FOR THOSE, AS THE GRAIN IS VERY PRETTY AND CONTRASTING). It does mention its good fuel, but not how good. Its BTU is just as high as birch which varieties produce a BTU of 23.8 million per cord and higher than douglas fir, which has a BTU of 20,7. OLIVE. This tree can tolerate a wide range of harsh environmental conditions such as flood, severe drought, stony, sandy and high salinity or alkalinity of the soils. Also, the top had some water damage that was lifting the very thin layer on the top. How Often Should I Remove Creosote From My fireplace? The ongoing extinction of the Ash,all species,is supplying wrightmade. It was a popular windbreak tree from decades past. The better your firewood has been seasoned, the better it will burn. When its cold out, I seem less lazy to get up in the middle of the night to keep the fire hot overnight. I dont know how that changes as it dries out. It has a very unpleasant odor. The Russian olive removal sites offered up the perfect solution. Its not worth the time to cut, split, stack and burn. You best be looking over your shoulder as you drive home with your coal! Also, it tends to split easily while drying. Cottonwood (we refer it as Waterwood) is worthless. Old growth Western Red Cedar,while it makes for the very best kindling,will burn TOO hot and damage a wood stove or insert!!!! Its close to soft maple on the btu chart plus I dont need to go anywhere or handle it too many times. The denser the wood from a tree variety, the higher the BTUs per volume. A little off topic for this page so you might not get much response here. All the old timers around only burn oak and turn their nose up at fir. I have 4 cords plus over 100 more Russian Olive trees to cut for firewood. Do You have Russian Olive on your land?Contact Amanda Kuenzi The Btu rating for Almond varies from 29 to 32, why the variance? Alex is a writer with a huge passion for the outdoors. The wood is dense, like ironwood, meaning it burns slowly, and you won't have to keep adding more to the fire. The answer for me was a wood splitter, which does a nice job with it and the hardwoods I also use. Oil? They are invasive and grow very quickly. Lodgepole can generate a BTU as high as 17.7, making it one of the higher burning pines. Be sure and let us know how your test goes. Oak gets borers and starts getting dusty with sawdust falling out. Thanks for posting the list of firewood species & specs. I do have a questiondo they test the btu factor at sea level or in an elevation, i have found that many of the old myths to be untrue as far as burn time and heat factor, ash rate in many different varieties of wood in elevation above 2500 to 5000, been doing this for awhile, just wondering if anyone else has found this to be true? Russian olive burns clean, produces minimal creosote, and doesn't spark and pop. Due to being more shrub-like than other trees, Russian olive trees have very little sap. Neither one grows to a large size in my woodlot although Ironwood does reach a reasonable size if it doesnt die from root rot first. Russian olive is the only variety of its kind, but it does go by many names. Russian olive wood is not known to give off a smell when burning when it is fully dry. I have burned Ailanthus for several years. if it does not stay at 30,40 C . thanks, Quick AnswersContinue, A crackling fire is a great way to stay warm in the cold months, but using the right firewood is essential. It is a hardwood that can produce a lot of heat for a long time. I live californnia. I do know the tree I burned had a bad aroma . Just cut down a Shingle Oak Tree here in Ohio. Cut off the limbs with your chainsaw. I live in so. Too far north for pecan here. By time it is dry, there is nothing left. I note that quaking aspen is rated higher than aspen in your West chart. Thorny, tough wood makes splitting difficult. They have collected approximately 10 cords of woods from the various project sites, enough to heat an estimated 20 households for the duration of the winter. Be sure to let it season before burning to know how it should truly burn .Funny Story, I had a friend that cut a storm fallen red oak . In most cases, wood that has little sap build-up is easier to chop and quicker to dry. They make great posts and firewood. The Russian olive tree has deep roots and can resprout from the root crown. The coals cook a mean hot dog after a few brews. This is because softwoods, like pine and fir, contain resins, which have more energy per weight than wood fiber does. The maple burns very well though w good hot hard coals that will last the night if I get too lazy to feed the fire at 3am. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Yet it will not burn, just smoke. It will burn longer than softwoods and will be just as effective as hardwoods. The grain is outstanding. Then fill it with fist size chunks of natural wood , then put the lid on . Russian olive burns clean, produces minimal creosote, and doesnt spark and pop. Do deer eat Russian olive trees? While this cuts down on sparks, it still doesnt keep smaller ones from escaping thru the gaps in the doors. Getting sufficient heat while using minimal wood is valuable, whether relaxing at home or huddling around a campfire. NOW I LIVE IN ARIZONA AND THE CEDAR OUT HERE IS TOTALLY DIFFERENT! A well educated, 76 year old, freedom loving American who worries about my children and grandchildren. As temperatures warm in the Animas River Valley, this tree could become more prolific, and create a monoculture along our rivers and streams. If its an old tree, the chances are high that splitting will be difficult. In these states, selling or planting them is often illegal. We just called them hedge trees. I cant tell the actual temp because it made the temp gauge go past the max 600 degree mark then go back around to the 200 degree mark . The aroma is pleasant too . It also won't burn and will produce excess smoke. To get the most heat production out of . They are also a very resilient tree, capable of living in almost any condition, making them even more of an issue to permanently remove. The better your firewood has been seasoned, the better it will burn. Just curious what kind of energy we are getting from them compared to the cords of hardwood we buy. We use an outdoor wood burner. Lit my first fire of the season. I grew up on a homestead and I am here to share the knowledge I have and things I learn while living in the countryside. Most of the trees in the hedge rows were Osage Orange. The furnace didnt come on all day. However, because of the trees rapid growth and adaptability to poor soil, its now considered an invasive species in many areas of the United States. Is this wood useable for smoking in a pit style smoker? Anyone have any idea of cure times, BTU output etc? Russian olive is medium-quality firewood. For example a Eucalypt that is similar in size and appearance to live oak is E moluccana ( grey box ) it grows in iron stone reliying on 12 inches of rain per year and at 3% moisture content weighs 9,856 pounds per cord how many BTUS would that equate to , or what about Waddy wood ( Acacia peuce ) it grows in the outback and at 3% moisture content weighs 13,112 pounds per cord and relies on one inch of rainfall per year what would its BTU output be ? Olive wood is a great hardwood, it burns much like pecan or oak. While we have quite a few woods available to us, what weve settled on for the fire place is a 50/50 mix of Oregon Ash and Black Locust. A hot and dry climate will help speed up olive firewood seasoning. I have not tried the Madrona yet,but have a quarter of a cord for sale for $75.00! Western Softwoods Figures from California Energy Commission But Rating Based on 90 cubic feet of solid wood per 128 cubic foot cord. Any wisdom out there? I want to leave it as natural as possible. I think its high on the calorie scale, as its known to get good and hot. Thanks, Barry , I think tulip poplar would be similar to cottonwood since they are both in the poplar family . Everyone has these charts but none of the wood listed is available here in Southern Cal. However, as a downside, it tends to spit embers from time to time and produce a fair amount of ash. With the ability to adapt to any soil type, the Russian olives tree can tolerate more than 75 gallons of water daily. Have a lot of ancient dead manzanitas that also burn fantastically in the fp. NO BUGS EITHER. Theyve had time to dry out, so seasoning may only require 12 months. Tree species with dense wood provide the best firewood, releasing more BTUs per volume of wood than species with less dense or lighter . Cut the trunk into pieces about 4 inches smaller than your wood box. Never park under one when thay have hedge apples on them. The fireplace is not our primary heat source but we enjoy a fire each evening in the winter. But since softwoods are usually so much less dense than hardwoods, the total energy in softwoods are usually much less than hardwoods. The wood is dense and difficult to cut, and the bark is very coarse and uneven, making stacking a challenge. It is much heavier than air dryed spruce and black burned bark has fallen off after time so it is clean to cut & process any one know BTU ofthis fire killed spruce v. air dried spruce ? Maybe less in some places with more sun and less humidity, but still they take a long time. I burn approximately 20 cords of wood each season. Green and I feed it one or two times per day. Otherwise, you may, Read More The Ultimate Firewood Storage Guide For 2023Continue, The dogwood tree is a flowering deciduous that is native to the eastern parts of the United States, Europe, and eastern Asia. All Rights Reserved. In regards to Splitters, I have a homemade hydraulic 28 Ton that had cycle issues. It has kept us plenty warm every winter, we ensure we have a chimney sweep come out and check the wood stove and chimney once a year. cure time is at least 2 years covered,found a rating of 16 mil btus per cord but it was rated as poor firewood. When Russian olive wood is first cut, it released an unpleasant, overwhelming odor. Much of the energy generated from burning green firewood actually goes toward evaporating the water held in the wood. ), You can help support the site by buying one of these resources, designed and published by The Wood Database. I find black cherry and hickory give the best burning results. More time for your wood to dry will decrease the quantity of smoke created when it is burned, allowing the fire to burn cleaner. Have also taken large quantities of red oak (everyones favorite) and red maple (the poor mans oak), and smaller amounts of cherry (nice smell), beech (hot stuff), yellow birch (great smell), white oak, and sweetgum. I farm a good bit of ground and we have about 350 acres of river bottom woods . Every year we have to cut several down. The only problem I have now is that Im having trouble finding trees to cut. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. my back yard, and all of northern california would like to respectfully disagree. Cheers fellow wood burners! The wood from these oak trees is prized for its strength and density, and that density makes it one of the best at producing heat. In mid-summer, after the sap has risen and saturated the stump, cut it. Autumn olive ( Elaeagnus umbellata) is an ornamental shrub first introduced to North America in the mid-1800s. Can I Only Use Seasoned Firewood For Burning? Another challenge with Russian olive trees is the thorns that can cause nasty injuries. What Are The Varieties Of Russian Olive Wood? red Oak) Sweet Gum is great for a hot fire, but burns too quickly. The limbs in the middle of the tree usually rest on the ground, providing stability. Originally, Russian olives were planted in America to act as a windbreaker and soil stabilizers. But have found fore killed spruce / pine that had topsburned off in forest fire but roots kept sending sap to tree gives best heat ! BillNole. In the fireplace, it is consumed due to the extreme heat of the wood, and the wood burns just as if it has been dead for several years. Wood that gives off a lot of smoke causes sore, red eyes and isnt enjoyable to sit next to. Spruce and Birch both probably have about the same BTU rating, however I have found that Birch burns cleaner. Though that is not to say that their moisture levels are exceedingly high. JavaScript is disabled. Due to being more shrub-like than other trees, Russian olive trees have very little sap. If you look at a BTU chart, it has either the highest or 2nd highest rating of all wood that grows in the US. I have not found it listed anywhere as rated for firewood and was wondering if it would produce enough heat to make it worthwhile for use in the fireplace. Fresh cut it has a sap like a pine in the outer bark but overall it contains a lot of water depending on the time of year it is cut. We run fans in the winter as much as we run them in the summer. Its a very interesting subject you bring up Audrie that I would also like to hear comments about. But, as long as it burns and it sounds like it beats cottonwood and pine. Love reading the comments from Andy. Do they make good firewood? attributed to mark twain!!! But for softwood, it does burn well. Both put out considerably more heat than anything we have in Alaska and when its -30 outside you can use all the BTUs you can get.
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